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Everything posted by SamC

  1. I want one with 8 boobs. I am quite picky. Maybe that´s why XDXDXD
  2. @Preety_India Can´t you create one with your witchcraft and send it to Sweden? Í´ll PM my address
  3. I´ll be honest, this makes me feel alone and misunderstood because it feels like that it in itself is proof of what I am afraid of, that I am unlovable. It´s not about her, it´s about the symbolism behind it - which is why I can´t let her go. I can say, " okay I am going to accept this" but that in itself is mental torture because I just fucking can´t. Maybe I need to accept that I can´t accept this situation and accept that it´s fucking awful and that I feel really fucking sad, angry, and frustrated + fucking learn to feel it. I think I need to complain, suffer and do everything I feel like consciously, and the same thing goes for when I get triggered. Many times I feel angry/ misunderstood when people tell me that I should just let go and not think about it / not feel something but that´s because I say the same thing to myself. JUST LET IT GO BRO... but I just can´t - probably because t´s not about letting this go, it´s about letting go of the need for my experience to be any other way. Maybe that´s what you ultimately meant. Thoughts? @Etherial Cat
  4. I'm doing that and it helps but it also makes me more stressful cause my ego freaked out sometimes.. Xdxd Getting flaked + ego backlash is tough. Me not reccomend Yeah obviously but I don't care about that anymore. My problem is first and foremost that I belive I am lacking.. so the solution is the problem. Okey cool but how do you actually do that?
  5. I'm wise but my dick is not. I just want to fuck her. Imma hungry dog Leo XDXD... we need the how to get laid video Yeah.. so as soon as I start fantasizing I should just notice the thought and let it go?That's actually a really helpful habit to get into. Thanks Leo. @Leo Gura
  6. Why is it important to be yourself and feel like yourself in these situations? What happens if you would do it? Falling different huh?
  7. Ahh so when you're with people who don't share your values and stuff you feel alone? Maybe you for some reason feel afraid to stand for what you belive in in situations where people " disagree with you/ don't share the same idea". That's how it many times is for me which makes me feel alone and also like I'm not my true self.. so alone - separated both from myself and other people.
  8. Yeah.. like I get that XDXD but it's so fucking annoying when people look for everything that is wrong and make conclusions based on what they belive. EDIT: I know know... it's because I do the exact same thing. I interpret stuff, danger and missunderstandment that doesn't exist ^^^^
  9. Everything XDXD except for when I myself become a victim of the people victimizing themselves and blaming it on me. I get angry at the reaction for some reason. ( I've got a looot better at this but I still have a lot i haven't integrated there)
  10. Last friday I continued my pick up journey and went out and approached 5 girls. 2 said they had a bf and 3 gave me their snap/ number. ALL OF THEM FLAKED. It's really fucking discouraging, especially because it felt like I did a much better job this time and all of them seemed to " like me" and appreciate me talking to them. I also stated that I was there to take them out and not be their "friend" while stated that I found them attractive. I went home as a king and thought I had figured out and become a natural but Noooo, I had not. 2 unfriended/blocked me, one right after I had left and one after I sent a snapchat to her and the other one just didn't reply. I think one problem surely lies in my messages coming off as to needy but I think my main issue was that I was friendly - AND NOT Seductive. I didn't make the conversation flirty/created the masculine polarity which honestly fucking scares me because I don't feel like I I can create that. I am a pretty feminie dude, kinda scared, insecure but at the same time a master at making people like me and playing a role. That has been my strategy - which I for a second thought would ignite the path for pussy to me but no, I need to learn how to become more masculine while at the same time being me. But how do you do that? I think I have that power hidden somewhere underneath but how do I relese it - the right way? How do I find my masculine power that is authentic to me? Leo said one way is to go fuck some girls but I am not there yet. Like that's where I want to go but how do I even get there XDXD, Leo? @Leo Gura
  11. All I can say is that I'm looking forward to buy your services. Sounds so cool! I would personally love to see a chief providing healthy yet ridiculously taste meals and changing the way of gastronomi and stuff like that. Go after your dream. Whatever it is. We need you. What is the potential in psychoactive food that you see? I am curious!
  12. @Etherial CatThanks Cat! This was really nice that you wanted to encourge me. It's healing becuase many times it feels like Woman despise men for doing pick up which makes many men feel really missunderstood. ( Just like you girls do when we guys project our own judgement about or femine side onto you.) It means more then you can think! I texted them two of them the day after and the third 2 days after!
  13. @StarStruckYeah bro. It's super counterintuitive. I always thought that when people said I should be more feminine that they talked bullshit becuase I already felt to feminine and that girl's didn't want me becuase of that... but trust me bro There is something very very important to the idea of integrating and loving your feminie side that could potentially change your entire life and get you what you want, Sex and girls. Big fucking cheers to you for being open minded enough to atleast investigate it for yourself. That's a very mature approach. If you want a leeway to do this: Search for and investigate " anima possession/ repression" and reap the benefits from it. It will change your life if you grasp that dynamic.
  14. @Kshantivadin Yeah.. Any tips on how I can develop this? What should I say instead? Any good video/ recorder you know. I cringe at my self but I'm gonna share it anyway eventhough I am scared. I said to one. " Nice to meet you last night, awsome that you like psychology aswell - I like that. Are you adventurous ?" "And to the other one: hey, Sam here ( the super charming boy that you meet in town the other day)? wazzup, what's happening?" "And something along the line " Hi Marxsist? nice talking to you yesterday. Me and my friend are going to take a drink at XXXX. wanna join us?" The third girl ( third message) blocked me right after I added her on snap after we had had a long convo. She was there with her friend. She joked that she was a marxsist and we connected really well. I think I was to explicit and needy. The same with the other 2. I sent message 1 and 2 one day after and message 3 two days after. Side note: in 2 of the approches the girls friends complimented me on being charming and that they felt safe around me and that I had a nice "open energy but again.. that's not seductive energy. What's your experience with this? ( what's " seductive energy"?) Is that IT or is that just me being friendly and charismatic in a normal platonic way?
  15. Do you mind sharing why that is. Super intriguing to hear. My first thought was no that's BS but I think you're right and wanna learn more. @Emerald
  16. You dudes should really look inte anima repression/ obsession. For the longest time I thought that the toxic femine side only existed outside of me but that's just the self deception, the defense mechanism. My life have always been highlighted by feeling victimized, hurt and rejected by woman so I really get you guys. I understand how you feel... that the experience is that woman reject you, becuase they do.. but realize that you do the same thing to yourself. If you can't stand your feminine energy, how the fuck will the femine energy stand you? That's the problem and please please please don't take my word for it. Just investigate it and use it as a theory. Your feminine side gets disowend by your masculine side which makes your feminine side reject your masculine side which creates war. The same toxic dynamic of toxic feminity is not only found outside you - it's already fucking inside you. There is a full out war between two shadows in your psyche. @Gabith Besides that. Here are some other characteristics of toxic shadow feminie. Feeling victimized Passive aggressiveness Manipulation ( covert ways of getting needs meet)
  17. I never said that you was interested in Incel ideology. You asked for an example of toxic feminity and I gave you one
  18. Here is a counterintuitive example. Incel ideology: Reason: Because it's a basically a shadow feminie mechanism - the exact very same mechanism that woman who hate men have. That's the reason why both hate eachother. They are both examples of toxic, shadow, unintegretad divine feminine.
  19. I don't buy that. If you create attraction some girls will be up for it. Especially if you frame it in a light hearted way so that both can discover if they like eachoter and then take it from there. @Leo Gura
  20. Yeah I am slowly but surely converting into trying primal therapy. 3 more threads and I'll be there XDXD I'll try it lol
  21. @LastThursday Thanks for the encouragement man. The beginning face is really challenging and rough - with a lot of self-doubts. I appreciate your support and advice. Maybe I make to quick conclusions.