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Everything posted by SamC

  1. Have you been succesfully daiting woman?
  2. It started out being kind of funny but now it's starting to get super annoying aswell lmao. About 60% of the time the bouncers think I am too drunk and dont let me in.Thats not reliable! How do you act sober? How should I go about convincing them that I am not drunk? Any insights about the psychology behind bouncers?
  3. I have watched your video where you said learning is = to making distinctions. Can the same be said about becoming more conscious? Like for example, you experience the opposite of what you experienced before and than make a distinction between the two states and then realize something about it ( thourgh observation). Is that = to becoming more concious? What does becoming more concious really mean? ( whats the metaphysics to raiseing your conciousness) @Leo Gura
  4. Yeah its my favorite aswell! Cool to see that someone else appreciate her work too
  5. Nahm was a great guy with a big heart, he might have needed to go but he definitely don't deserve the shade. He had good intentions and tried to help people. I respect that.
  6. Interesting perspective! Thanks! Whats your opinion of Batman's POW. @Raptorsin7 This is exactly what I was looking for. So insightful, thanks Batman.
  7. Cool! Thats interesting! To me it seems like this paradoxicaly happens when we make distinctions ( sometimes). Like that it is a a consequence of it. Correct me where I am wrong. Yeah, but isn't it a part of it? Like a neccesary criteria. But isn't meditation in a sense where you distinct yourself from your reality and therefor are able to see reality more for what it is and how it is, relative to something else?@Leo Gura
  8. The truth is obviously not found in one or the other perspective, but in both perspectives. I think @Preety_India was spot on when she said that you have to seperate the wheet from the shaft. Like at least listen and try to understand the ladies guys. It's ultimately your seperation to them that is the problem. Try to understand woman from multiple angels, pick up is one of them, but don't forget what the woman is hinting at.
  9. Sounds like you became conciousness of how you approach meditation which triggerd an ego backlash. Your meditation literally made you more concious about this.. thats a win. Its fine man, whatever you do. There is Nothing wrong to not meditate or meditate. Take some time off and try to be aware of how you feel when you don't meditate
  10. I honestly belive that they think I am drunk and or on drugs. It had happend so many times that bouncers have asked me, even while Im in the bar/club If I'm okey. Apperntly I also wobbel when walk sometime. Fair point I need a disguise
  11. I might have not been clear enough.. I don't drink.. like at all but Apperently I act drunk, What the fuck am I doing wrong??
  12. Look up the book Anatomy of loneliness. Its about how to resolve what you are talking about.
  13. Sounds like his way of trying to ensure that you wouldn't do it again... ( go another way) eventhough it just created more problems and fear. Are you also afraid of people that are close to you dying?@Raphael
  14. Nothing is to much. The forum is what it is, and will eventually develop to what it can be. The goal should not be to control it being less orange or less green or less anything for that matter. The goal should be to create an atmosphere where we try to understand all perspectives, no matter what they are.
  15. @Danioover9000Yeah, I asked because this sounds connected to tantra and visualization which I suspect some people may be more adapt at then others. Its interesting how some people live a totally " rational" life with no beleif in God or anything like that, while life for others is pure magic! I myself find vizualisation really hard. I wonder why that is and if I would be able to create entities if I get better at it ( and or if it would change my life in other ways) Also, it would be really interesting to investigate if you are highly hypnosible virtuous. ( very prone to get hypnotized). Apperently many people who can imagine vivid images tend to be that. If that's the case, I wonder how that is connected.. many interesting questions! ((:
  16. Totally agree on this. It is not only vital for understanding but also proper communication which is essential for LP.
  17. I meet a girl at a coffee shop today when she was waiting to go to the bathroom. When she was done doing her business I insta dated her lol. I seeded a sushi date on Sunday and she said she was down. Can I set up the date without sending something in the beginning? Just like " Hey, Sushi date this Sunday at 13 this and this place. Wear something cuite X" or do I need to send some opener before? What should I do, I don't want to screw this up so your tips would be helpful.. especially from those with serious experiences with pick up. @Leo Gurawhat do you say?
  18. As I've shared in a former post I seeded a sushi date with a girl in a coffeshop ( poor choice I know but I'm rolling with it) . Now the question is, do I ask her " sushi this Sunday ? Or just say. Sushi this Sunday, come this and this time. For context - we scheduled for Sunday but not anything specific other than the that I knew a place. I have already got a response from her so that's something. Now I'm just wondering what approach I should take. What do you say? @Leo Gura
  19. You might have ADD/ ADHD bro. One of the symptoms is that you forget stuff because your attention shifts so rapidly. Check out Drk videos ( healthygamer) on ADHD.