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About SamC

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  • Birthday 02/27/2001

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  1. If I were you I would set up a screening process for this so that you can weed out clientes that need help with issues that are outside your domain of expertise. This both to protect you and your clients well-being. I belive these two questions are worth pondering. Where is the line? How can I effectivly communicate what I can and what I cannot help my clients with? As far as this client goes, you can't and should not try to treat the clients addiction and if your client wants your help, it need to be in the context of what you can offer - which is coaching, not therapy.
  2. Hi there! I am currently focused on cleaning up my diet, implementing more physical exercise and improving my health overall. I am considering switching to a flouride free toothpaste but I am concerened it will affect my " mouth health".. although intuitivly, I am pretty sure flouride isn"t something good that I should put in my system. If I should switch, is there something that you guys think I should think about and do so that I protect my gums and teeth? Do recommend any specific brand? What do you say @Leo Gura based on your research and understanding? Do you use flouride free toothpaste? What's some good options?
  3. ^^ this is the limiting belief@rd5555 Why do you need to bust your limiting belief?
  4. In my experience weed shuts down the intellect and thorugh that give access to an altered state of conciousness. You can experience crazy levels of awakening on dimensions that you never even thought was possible. The only problem is that you will not be able to make sense of it because your discriminatory mind ( intellect) is suppressed. Any conciousness gains you get in one dimension of your experience, will be lost, or for lack of a better word - evened out by your inabillity to make proper interpretations of the insights you have got. For me weed has not been useful in the practical sense, but interesting for exploring concioussness. It makes me incapable, but I gain insights that are super cool ( Eventhough I can´t understand and make sense of them). It definetly has helped me in some ways but I would not recommend it as a spritual tool due to it´s win - lose consequence. You might gain something but chances are you will realize that something else that is more important is lost. You can be without weed but not without your intellect.
  5. @cistanche_enjoyerI would go for Sadhguru. When I got intitated online It felt like a psychedleic experience. Many people have experienced the power of his presense. He is legit. If he doens't appeal to you I would go to Neem Kaoli Babas ashram. He is still there - although he is not in physical form. You can also access him from reading books about him. I have gotten his darshan in my dreams on two occasions and it was among the best experiences of my life.
  6. If you want Neutrality, then that's your idea of bliss. Bliss is simply feeling the best you can feel and exaxtly how you want to feel. Who wouldn't want that? That's litterly why we do everything we do.
  7. @Leo Gura Is it related to higher dimensions of concioussness?
  8. I think Sadhguru is on the highest level
  9. From my experience he is legit. Shambavi Mahamudra is the most powerful tool for transformation I have come across and the initation into the process felt like a psychedelic experience. I don't know what to tell you but everything he has accomplished, his unvavering integrity and devotion and the fact that his methods actually work is enough for me to follow him. That everything is imaginary is the same as saying everything is real because imagination is reality. Just because Sadhguru is talking in terms of the dream does not mean he doesn't know its a dream. He is playing within the dream to help people wake up from it
  10. This is amazing! Some questions (: 1: Do you do all of these practices every single day or do you alternate? ( Surya shakti, Shakti chalana kriya and surya kriya) ? 2: In what order do you do them in? 3: What has been the most transforming practice for you? p.s I strongly recommend Buddha shuddhi if you haven´t tried it already. @Anon212
  11. I used to think like you untill I got more experience with girls. You have no idea how horny girls are... it's actually insane. The only thing is that they have to be stimulated into it because their sexuality don't work the same way it does for men. They are not explicit about It.. but if you know how to make a girl open up, you'll be shocked what you can evoke in them...
  12. LOA = law of mirroring which means that you can't fake it. You attract what you are, not what you want. You thought that if you stopped focusing on the fact that you have debt, you will have less debt but what you didn't realize was that then you were focusing on having less Debt you were focusing on "DEPT" which gave you even more dept. The propor way of the law of attraction is focusing on feeling WEALTH. I say it again, WEALTHY people are not in the feeling of DEPT they are in the feeling of WEALTH and ABUNDANCE. You see the problem? Instead of focusing on your Finances and feeling wealthy, you focused on your dept and feeling poor by telling yourself " not to focus on your dept.. but what happens when you say you shouldn't focus on something? You focus on it more. That's why it didn't " work" - you didn't nurish and feel the emotion you wanted to manifest physically.
  13. How do you know you even die? Has it happened to you?
  14. @Leo Gura That is a possibility which is why Sadhguru for example makes you go thourgh a very long and blithering process before you get intitated into Shambavi Mahamudra. It's to weed out the people that aren't serious and ready to learn the Kriya. This is also the same reason why he and a lot of other spiritual gurus are against psychadelics. He knows that they can be vary dangerous and destabilizing and that especially if it's combined with an energy transmission process and or an intense yogic practice. Sadhguru is so anal about this that you're not even allowed to eat for 5 hours before the intiation and need an even larger gap of 8 hours if you have consumed alcohol or any other drugs. The same goes for when you do the Kriya on your own. Bottom line, yes it is dangerous but that's because intiations are powerful.. Just like psychedelics. What has a possibility to transform your life can also destroy it - it all boils down to how you use it and if you're ready and capable of making use of the tool as it shall be used.