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Everything posted by kai0

  1. tell her that tell her that you cant stand the fact that shes texting other guys and if things dont work out the way you want dump her
  2. this question is usually dismissed by appealing to the first person experience (subjectivity) without acknowledging that the assumption is that the subjective experience (dream) is the ultimate truth but its not viewed as assumption its viewed as truth so its a dead end
  3. You are not a materialist you are stage 7 spiral dynamics
  4. trust me she masturbates to pictures of some nerdy guy with two furs for a beard and non mascular probably with braces too
  5. Very simple I exist as perception others exist as thoughts The other way around from others perspective
  6. keep in mind that attachment is a survival mechanism for the ego this one thought can flip your entire perspective on its head . it works both ways on the one hand your attaching your self to her because you see some things in her that help you preserve your identity and reinforce ego patterns . on the other hand she does not care about you and is chasing other guys because shes trying to survive her identity and doesnt see you fit for that task . its really simple when you look at it this way all of us are guilty of surviving the ego one way or another and no matter how innocent and pure our actions might seem we are actually selfish devils on the most fundamental level just my 2 cents
  7. I think he means its not allowed to have a debunking attitude towards those topics as his philosophy is based on nearly a decade of contemplation so to leo those are like unshakeable truths that we should respect at least his efforts that he put to derive them
  8. i have been meditating on this topic for a while now and all i can say is that you cant hide the sun with your hands . you can stop thinking but that doesnt answer anything the questions are still there unanswered . to say that there are no answers is answer so which one is it ??
  9. How = assumption Do = assumption You = assumption Contemplate = assumption With or without = assumption Assumptions = assumption
  10. the problem is that any usage of the word god is correct because the part is the whole so theres really no problem
  11. @LastThursday you dont have to mention them their assumptions made by the conceptual framework your using but perhaps you dont see them as assumptions but as truth
  12. all that your doing is that your taking direct experience to the extreme and dismiss thought entairly and assume that time doesnt exsit where in fact all evidence suggests otherwise but you will say evidence is imaginary too right ?? seems to me like a tight cage you made for the mind
  13. Idk it seems like you leo dismiss the value of thoughts by saying everything is imaginary but everything is imaginary is also a thought right ?? seems like you really subscribe to idealism as opposed to materialism but cant they both be true or at least just two different views that none of them actually explain reality ??
  14. it could simply appear out of no where than disappear its called a miracle and its not big deal for god
  15. your level of thought is higher than your level of awarenes . the human mind works on duality of thought and perseption the more you give to one side the more imbalance you experience and imbalance manifests in many different ways but when it shifts to the side of thoughts mainly as emotions or mind-body complexes to keep the patterns that proved to work well for survival . To let go of the patterns you have to throw your self in the abyss of not knowing and complete unshakeable faith that you will survive regardless of the patterns as long as you believe that the patterns are necessary for survival you will not be able to let them go and you are locked in the materialist paradigm . without that faith you will live in limitation and fear until the day you die (me too) .
  16. If science is just a bunch of assumptions why is reality 100% materially consistent ?? In other words why is idealism more true than materialism ??
  17. take your time to work on your problems and then come back . follow the path of greater jihad . you seem too vulnerable at the moment to face the real world and you cant expect people to give you flowers . its not the world that need healing its you
  18. lets take this childish comment for example . what kind of restriction would you like to apply for such violation ??
  19. @Martin123 not comparing anything just following through your inconsistencys . when something is about you everyone needs to listen and be soft and feminine but you are allowed to be harsh . Im sorry but seems to me like your too unaware of your biases and in denial that you could ever be wrong . you only question others but not your self . idk just blatant refusal of turning inwards . thats lesser jihad trying to correct every one except your self
  20. and then now you say this to me it looks like a double standard but you allow your self to be biased no problem
  21. people did that over and over again but you refuse to see . you disagree as if nothing has value except your perspective . that known as closed mind please dont get triggered now Im saying this to help without patriarchal pressure like you demonstrated on others like @DrewNows
  22. alright so lets say I told you your using anti abuse narrative to justify fear of turning inwards . you will agree???
  23. just tell me how this is not abuse accusing another person of being inauthantic without evidence but just groundless assumption which equal projection i am almost sure if that phrase was directed at you you will say its abuse