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About kai0

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  1. if you wanna know why just look at the heads, the good parts dont overshadow the bad anyway wisest thing is take the good and leave the rest
  2. its a comfort zone and first barrier problem. do it once break that barrier and you will become more comfortable doing it again dont need no theories no preparations or anything. just do it it will not be perfect at first but do it anyway do it poorly do it and suck it will hurt you but that doesnt matter
  3. thats when you know porn has damaged your mind and send you to another realm
  4. death is a natural phenomena ofc sooner or later it will collapse and spiral dynamic is not the only way to predict the future book on topic Destined for War : Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap?
  5. if you can unpack all that from two simple posts that ive made then go ahead and do whatever you want dude not gonna change the reality your free to walk down that dangerous neighborhood late at night alone but the police probably wont be able to protect you in this case its your fault not the police bcause the police can only protect you as much as your willing to protect yoursefl
  6. you deny male pov and reality nothing new under the sun
  7. well i dont remember anyone asking for my consent before women started raping my visual field and arousing me with all them sexy clothes and makeup its ridiculus how ok its to do passive seduction all the time and then cry about male arousal getting out of control and when someone comes forward to speak about this all them start to crying my freedom my freedom not saying rape is ok so dont all come burst at me im saying responsibility is shared so be responsible
  8. dont know about that, perhaps it depends on how well they were raised
  9. hahaha so mere semantics ought to solve this puzzle so very cute
  10. also children generally look after their aging parents when there old
  11. Well it might seem that way if you misinterpret yourself and all the obvious signs that your body gives. or do you think your sexual urges are pointless! get outta here you secretly want children but you dont know it bcause your disconnected from the earth. you might as well ask what makes one want to live beyond following norms, its too much, why go to work why even breathe its too hard and not worth it lets just die cuz life is suffering
  12. i would say part of it is supply and demand and part of it is natural balance spiritual wisdom and practices appeal more to the yin side by its very nature, and the reason is because of the overmasculine (yang) life style in the west, so its likely an overcorrection to secularism which tends to be very masculine so it requires overly feminine life style to balance it out
  13. The concept of hell or suffering has always been a central part of almost all the major religions but it doesnt seem nearlyv as important in nowadays new age culture for no apparent reason, so you will likely find better answers if asked in a christian church or maybe from jordan peterson who doesnt (at least) seem to have a very good reputation around here, and what they'll basically tell you is that God created hell to punish the devil for his sins so if yuo want to understand that in simpler terms and in reference to your question God is the source of suffering and the mechanism in which suffering manifests is through the devil or otherwise known as selfishness and so basically the buddha and jesus seem to agree that desire of the individual is the source of suffering
  14. psychedelics are good so we snort them, and their bad so we burn them