Leo Nordin

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Everything posted by Leo Nordin

  1. Thank you, I will take a look on them. The am looking for more opportunities to let go of suffering, there is nothing to escape. Because how I live right now is always my choice. When you have awakened you are in control of suffering, not the other way around, because you crated it. And it takes will to create suffering.
  2. I will come back to you personally to share how it went. No promises. A week ago I signed up to this forum and I won't be here anymore for a while or forever. We'll see cya✌️
  3. @Emerald Thanks but homelessness is different in Sweden. Instead of homelessness I mean quitting school to get some part time work to live van life. We don't have homeless Swedish people here because we get rent for free if we are workless. I don't know why I didn't write this before.
  4. I am contracting myself yet I still am not. I am interested in sharing and in feedback there is no fine line, I am seeking knowledge. My awakening I don't care about validating it, I've neven been in a more true way of living. Sorry. Sorry for my ego during this thread, I wouldn't be able to make it without it. I don't know the meaning of this thread, first I seeked knowledge. Then it became more egosentrical. Still I needed it thanks everyone❤️❤️❤️
  5. @wavydude Testing it out then I need to do the full investment for the right experience. I don't want to wait for that long, I feel like now or soon is the time. The thing is I have 2 years more to apply for school for free and continue second year. So if I hop off now I have a year to do whatever I want (many students do this in Sweden). I was going to do the same thing actually a year ago taking a year off from school but never did it due to the fact that I was close to awakening but not quite there yet and I saved half a year of school because of that☺️ I have the money to do the van and supply myself for half a year. My family may help out once they won't get me back. I've talked to them about it since 1,5 year ago.
  6. @Persipnei I only want one thing, the freedom to be myself, to at least be blissful.
  7. I want your perspectives, this is a huge thing to do. Now I feel quite sure of the decision. I really do appreciate all the feedback, it's just there's so much misunderstanding in this forum. I am just using my talk backs to see if there may be some valuable input that I hadn't thought about?
  8. @Nahm lol, you need to be perceptive to not be confused. Everyone misses the whole point, this post was not created for people to assume how awoke or not that I am. I meant to give the impression of that I already have awakened. And wanted input based on that. I don't know if any lf you have awakened that's why my wordings was changed to suit whom I was writing to.
  9. Hahhahaha @joegarland I am talking about securing some kind of income before I quit school. Then basic needs won't take that long. I studied van life a lot when I were younger, so some extra unexpected time using on stuff isn't a problem. As long as I don't fight for survival all the time.
  10. @Persipnei No monesteries for me, never. I am not after persuit of spiritual development. More allowing myself enlightenment, that only I will do when survival is taken care of. @Yarco Omg no no no your assumptions about me are wrong. You need to be able to read between the lines. I told you that I have fucking awakened. This is not a small thing. Please at least assume that I might have awakened. Here is how I will have basic needs taken care off: I will live in a van and work very minimal 20-50h/month. That's it, the system will give me free/cheap education or put me in a get work program if I remain homeless and want help. Thats the back up plan, more or less.
  11. I dont mean that love, haha. But yes, persue everything sounds interesting. @Leo Gura I have truly awakened, I mean seriously. Is there anything you want to share with me before I leave?
  12. It's a choice whether it's hard or easy doesn't matter. Of course, I will work minimally for survival 20-50h/month or less! I live in Sweden and we don't have many entrepreneurs, there are many ways to make some money. My can will also be comfy. What is ever realistic if I were to become enlightened? I thought of saving money but that was before awakening. Leo you are knowledgable, if you can share tips/tricks for my journey of survival I would be thankful? It's extreme yes, a summer break won't do. "persuing enlightenment" is widely perceived in different ways. Because I have awakened it's a choice. Will I be enlightened right now or not. Ego is only good for survival. @No Self My van would be insulated and my body also creates heat, people have stayed warm in way colder climates in vans. I have knowledge, you don't need that much heat. Be careful if you're not awakened?
  13. Haha its not a dream, it is a conscious choice to be able to transcend my consciousness further. I definitely need it to be happy, I am as happy as my situations let me be but I'm holding myself back from further happiness. Which I wouldn't need to if I was free from the school system. Kind of like Sadhguru, he didn't bother to limit himself so much so he left the school system early in his life. @No Self Yeah but I am planning to build a van with solar panels for heat/energy so that I have a place to cook, sleep and shelter myself with.
  14. @DLH I am talking about the situation right now, it was bad in the beginning because we got loads of corona to elerly people. 400per day has corona, and we have way less than all the European countries around us. Even in total deaths Wikipedia sais we are around the 40th onnthe list. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:COVID-19_pandemic_data https://www.google.com/search?q=coronasmittade+sverige&source=lmns&bih=600&biw=360&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=nimv&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5nLm_55zsAhWKsyoKHejlD8AQ_AUoAHoECAAQAw
  15. @Thestarguitarist14 yes but I have already awakened, if im not fucking myself up with delusion haha. No but really. I am talking about living in a van, showering at gyms and using part time work money/money from my country for food. All my basic needs will be taken care of. Call it homeless, or a nomad or a spiritual retreat. I have 1,5 more years untill last year I can reapply for school for free if homelessness didn't go well. I will last a year with my current savings at most. At the age of 18 I get money from the government. Draw back is that all my savings may be lost and I may have to take a loan before I finish school if I come back and take that rout. Yeah I am going to drop out. Will just secure some kinds of income before hand.
  16. @Dario1995 I get what you're saying? @allislove I will have work, dozens of hobbies, a family etc. And that will come with the time, when you are blissfull and ecstatic you want to share that joy with the world. I can do whatever I want to there is no system stopping me, except for laws... So how I live will be on my terms, sounds exciting to me haha.
  17. If someone is happy that I know of then I am happy, I don't bother to compare myself to people, why would I? If others face success and are happy than I'm really glad that they are feeling pleasant within themselves. If someone is better than you at something that you admire then I would be interested in them. I am the experience of life I have right here and now, if I have the freedom/time to be ecstatic and blissful right now then I will be climbing higher and higher into the highest ways of experiencing life. If I for a split second am not satisfied then my consciousness makes my life experience even more profound because then something would be lacking. I become almost completely fully satisfied, or close to what is referred to enlightenment where people might leave there body (die). And where 1 day perhaps feels like 10 minutes. There is also karma or fate, everything happens all the time and there is always a result of an action. Some people are attractive other isn't but what you do with your body or your mind is not of much importance. It's how pleasant your experience of life is right now, how fullfilled are you, how joyfull are you. Look at a child when in ecstasy and think what you are lacking from being like that all the time... There won't be any reason to compare to others, she is cute that is nice, but in the end it doesn't matter, is she happy? I would like for people to be happy around me so why would I be jealous. I don't need materialistic things to be happy but if you do then at your moments of joy I am happy for what you have...
  18. Not more than anyone else, I've always been a good student and had liked it to some extent more than most. Living half a life is just not worth it, not when you know what a full fledged life looks like, that's why I don't want to limit myself for much longer. I only do what's needed. Yes that's it? out of some reason people always question my texts, even though I wrote I HAVE AWAKENED. Hahaha Then it's obvious that I'm not being delusional?‍♂️ but yeah I'm young you all can question me. I also am using ego now, otherwise I wouldn't be asking for advice about going homeless lol, ego is good for survival, remember that.
  19. It never felt difficult to me... Even in the absolute earliest stages of self improvement. I quess basef on time and all the internal changes to your beliefs about the world changing so much makes it an unbelievably difficult task for most people. They have too much ego and ignorance etc. It is nothing compared to the difficulty of school. Because school is the largest suffering creating machine in the world. School equals = lifetime suffering for the majority of people, because it creates ego constantly and if you unwire the ego they will force you back. For me there is no difficulty because I'm doing it on my own terms. I will probably quit school to become somewhat homeless soon. Keeping up ego abd suffering to stay in the system is somewhat difficult now when I've awakened.
  20. Im more asking for advice, to see if anyone has good input. Thanks for your reply though? No, I can't spend time blissed out in school. I wouldn't get grades nor attendance that way. You need to listen/be active during lessons etc. Practicing suffering sounds like the stupidest thing to do when you have done that your entire life like wtf. I'll do what is needed of me for my survival there will be some amount of suffering however I go about it. Even eating can be suffering. I'm just trying to minimise it.
  21. Agreed, probably. It's after the stomach you can go even deeper into consciousness. You may be close to realising lifes largest realization about how to live the most profound life. Also it may vary from if your standing up, sitting down or laying down. I always lay down for these kinds of things because I can't sit in lotus.
  22. How do I explain my awakening. I can't, you let go of ego, there is no fear within you. You are the most ecstatic you have ever been in your life. Your mind doesn't work the same and thoughts won't talk to me, they will be me. Also you laugh a lot and the experience of joy is profound. Bodily sensations become something else, there is no attachment only life. It doesn't matter if my body feels pain or I have a strong headache. I will still be in the same joy if I remember right. Also every experience comes and goes all the time and thoughts etc is forgotten instantly, I just made sure to put awareness of the experience so that I could use it now so that I can experience it at any time when I'm free. If I would skipp that awareness I might have lost time completely and gotten into enlightenment who knows. I hope that's enough. I can reach this any time if I just let go lf ego but I need it to write to you - for survival. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. I don't need to just meditate, I've let go of ego in the most joyfull times with people and it was the same. It's just that I only allow myself for such bliss when its appropriate. And it's "never" appropriate in the school system. I would do many things in my life because when you are really happy then I can share that joy and help the world evolve. I would explore the world and do many things. Kinda like Sadhguru does but in my own way. I dont think I will experience much ego backlash because then ego is needed. Then I would just have to overcome that obstacle I would be experiencing and continue. Do you get me now?
  23. I don't have any special problem with school. It just hinders me from being myself. It's quite sad that I consciously restrain myself from ecstasy all the time in school. One or two hours a day isn't enough. I am probably ready for what you call "hardcore" practice where I live unreasonably joyfull all the time. I awakened not long ago. Please give me perspectives from the awakened mind.
  24. Let me experience it right now and I'll continue my sentences. 1min thanks. Wait I need to surrender myself more give me 5min. With the breath you laugh, with your body you laugh. Your arms laugh, your tears laugh, your legs laugh, your chest and belly laughts. The more the joy is the greater it is felt. Give me 1 more min to go even deeper. My focus isn't on any area of the body, it is on releasing all friction within. My focus it is everywhere in different places all the time. I am not focusing on any body part only in something that doesn't exist which I can't explain. I'll take some more minutes to experience it again. my mind, its difficult to go in and out of it too quickly but I'm a speedrunner haha. Tears of joy came again, for a while some attention was on my mouth because I was smiling for long and at my eyes because tears came. When everything calmed down I felt almost my entire body as one peice. Thoughts were not much present from what I remember. They become a moment to moment thing and are forgotten instantly, same with the experience of attention/feelings in body parts. The experience is pretty profound and is not limited to any body part or thought. Enlightenment I believe you're so into the "energy" that who knows what will happen. Do you lose your body? Does your body and mind start doing things of its own? I don't know... Try experimenting with your body, mind fantasy... Surrendering yourself, trying to create energy, feeling something to the maximum your body for example letting go of everything even life energy and you will become like an old dead sleepy boring man... Letting your life energy flourish might lead you to enlightenment or unreasonable amounts of unexplainable joy. Mixremixpro@gmail.com (contact me in the future if you may, I'll be there)