Leo Nordin

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Everything posted by Leo Nordin

  1. Here is the complete enquiry: Lets say you were to live lifes will. Money paper is scarce. The fact of your situation is present. Would you maintain survival, health and complete expression of life somehow? Has this been done, will somebody share a story or more?
  2. I know it isn't your intention, I am sorry too. I will not do any more name calling and I wish you the best too. I only wish you the best and I sincerely mean it, thanks for listening so well?
  3. I already know that. But that wasn't what I was asking, Nahm you really like to sneak around my questions and my answers. It is quite disrespectful, picking on every little thing I say, not listening to what I am really communicating. When I was new to this forum I didn't have a clue how to communicate on here, but I have paid attention to my best ability, and I now have more or less the necessary flexible language to be able to communicate well on here according to the audience. Still I can't reach you, why is that? If you don't have any answer to my questions and I have repeatedly made it pretty clear that I do not seek advice on the truth etc, why do you keep pushing on that? Why answer me something that I am not looking for, that I have told I already understand. I am not at the same place as when I joined here, I now have considerably more knowledge, you don't need to explain these things any more. I mean no harm but I am quite fed up with it. Get your p**** ass some more humility. ?Namaste
  4. Same goes for me even if it doesn't at all look like it by the language that I have used. You are being very clear, I've already realised all of this though. I am not looking for advice on truth etc, it's already very clear to me. Nahm do you have much experience of creating freely "without" fear? Me being a apprentice at a school there have been moments where I have created freely without fear. But then there are many responsibilities working at a school, for example outdoors you have to watch many children scattered over a large space and that requires a lot of attention. How do you think you would be using your attention in this branch of work, for me to not exhaust myself I mostly watch silently and help take care of childrens problems when we are outdoors. What do you think you would do? I am just wondering.
  5. I really can't think in a common sense of activities that I like or don't like. There is only the now, the doing of consciousness this moment. So of course I like to live the highest will of consciousness at every moment, if possible. So it is impossible for me to say, I have dropped liking and disliking certain activities long ago, what I don't want is unharmony within body/mind/energy. I want complete expression of myself. Also all that I am right now or at any moment is in the real sense what I want. Who am mind to discriminate, I can't come up with a answer to what I like, don't like or what I am interested in, I am sorry Nahm. There is just the now and the will of something or nothing now. But sure I will now veture into delusion and imagination and see if I can get some examples of what I maybe like/am interested in: I want to see people happy, I am interested in bringing life to people around me. I would like to offer my security, my knowledge, my love, my life to those who are in need. I want to watch/observe people. I want to change workplaces. I want to work for the world. To bring conscious living. I want my own children. I want to eat and I want to rest. I want others to be healthy, I want every life to be healthy and the world too. I want to help only those that I see potential in being able to help rise high in life. I want conscious living for those around me. I want to show people life. I want to have sex or pleasure, peace and joy and everything else life has to offer. I want to play around, not being too serious. Did that even say anything about me. I am sorry Nahm I can't really give you an answer of what I like/dislike and however you respond will perhaps not have any impact or meaning for me.
  6. @mandyjw thank you, I'll read it?. I think this book might be what I was looking for.
  7. @Nahm I would love to hear a story or stories in depth how different ""enlightened"" beings have dealt with survival. Preferably some whom wasn't part of a monestary, didn't go into the jungles, have a job, followers or other premade solutions for survival before ""enlightenment"". Someone who had to work for survival from scratch while living to the fullest. If he then somehow got a job or followers, dumpster diving, begging for money etc to support him then I would love to hear that story. I am not only looking for how this man made survival work out for him but I would also really like to hear what one is capable of living to the highest will of life. Some gurus I have heard say that they can survive anywhere they go. Is the capability of such a man so that survival can be an easy play wherever you go, I would certainly want to hear a story on how this is. How this can be done or have been done both in the past but preferably in todays world. If you succeed in widening my horizons then I appreciate it?. Also if someone knows some videos of gurus teaching/speaking to children I would like to get the link to that. I am currently an apprentice at a middle school, so that would help?. I have only yet found J krishnamurti whom had some sessions with students but I haven't found more material.
  8. Hello Aaron. Lets go more deeply into this, I know nothing much about drugs yet because I haven't tried them nor heard any guru supporting it. Except actualized(and I don't understand him) nor have I listened to him much. What do you refer to as enlightenment, you experience enlightenment every night in deep sleep don't you? When you die you achieve enlightenment don't you? In the sense we know it and discuss it, it is both an realisation, the awakening to what is or the experience of oneness. Living life to the fullest the way that life chooses. It cannot really be explained but can be experienced. What is a weak enlightenment? What does that imply. If true enlightenment is death. Is weak enlightenment living in non duality without conflict but still in big expression with the earth? And what it that psychedelics achieve, heightened awareness or expression of life, or something, describe please. You should just do whatever you want to do, if one second that is to be drugged that is fine if consciousness choose that. But in such a space you have limited yourself as a being. So what does psychedelics achieve? Deep sleep is already strong enlightenment, living to the fullest will of life is weak enlightenment, according to you. But what is the kind of enlightenment that is achieved through psychedelics that you so speak of? Lets tonight together be aware of the moment when life slips into death, then the same the moment life enters consciousness again in the morning:) certainly time moves quickly in this free enlightenment that we all experience. So the day you are living life to the fullest time should also move very quickly. Hope that made someone realistic something?
  9. Unfortunately I didn't get much input on my original question on this thread, if anyone has something to add you are welcome.
  10. @Nahm I have a question for you, What if I choose to just do whatever I want from this day onward (not saying I didn't do what I wanted before) then what would be the problem with that if school just didn't concern me anymore? Survival?
  11. @Breakingthewall But I am not even 18 yet... That is what I was and am going to do it's just perhaps I should turn 18 first...
  12. Applegarden I have heard of that, but I am more curious to what one would do in a current society where it wasn't common for spiritual people to receive free meals. For example what would those awakened people do if others didn't no longer come to give them food, would they still find a way to make meals and would they do that while living fully. I am actually not looking for so much information about those extreme meditators, you know there are those who get involved in the world which are called gurus, yogis or whatever and there is a name for those that don't get so involved. I want to know more about those who was/are involved with people around them. Or rather the capability of survival in such a man in different circumstances, are there some good stories on that???
  13. Peace is not the highest goal, peace is one of the most fundamental requirement for a life. You experience peacefulness before going to sleep don't you. That is peacefulness, it is nice yes but a human being can be so much more. No energy means almost no experience of life, it is rather limited. This is why you must learn how not to live in conflict, when energy is in conflict with the mind and the body see what happens. When there is no conflict you would rest when you need to rest. You would talk when you should talk and so over. If you have a sharp mind I would suggest you to watch J krishnamurti. Sadhguru and Osho can also give you the tools to figure this out, so check them out.
  14. Imagination is just memory put in a certain way, its entirely full of delusion. You are in a way creating your own reality, it is not the present reality. Enquire about all of this and you may see. It has nothing to do with what you want to do. To be motivated something has to motivate you which is life, pictures/visualisation in your brain can guide life in a certain direction but it will be limited, see for yourself how that has worked out for all the adults around you. you don't ask why when it comes to life, because it is the will of life which is important and you cannot ask why to these fundamentals of life, it is much bigger than what thought can grasp. Of course when your mind tries to do something on its own there will be conflict between the universe - the mind, body and energy. So it would naturally be a struggle to do for example chores. The further away it is from lifes will the more difficult it will be especially if you are a sensible human being. "Does the dream board serve to have that imagine on the board everyday to stir up the fire?" Funny that you ask that, because memory, the imagination is actually repetition, I hope you can see that, so now you want to repeat that every day, what is this method, it is full of bullshit, but if it works then fine. So what does memory, the past tell us about the now or the future? You don't create anything new in doing this. But you might begin to discern what is reality, trith etc and what is delusion by partaking in what is the dreamboard and then you will know life soon to its fullest, is that the idea with the dreamboard?
  15. How do one clear the lens while doing school, what does that mean? When I say shit I mean the limitation of consciousness that you go through in school. Still those ways you express consciousness at school is not shit, there is no shit the shit is made up, I don't live like it is shit, one way of consciousness is not "better" than another. This I didn't know early awakening (still early) because of inexperience. Anyways there is the desire to be free, to live to the fullest.
  16. @Nahm I have done that, in half a year turning 18 I will receive money which with my saved cash would amount to 4 years living on the minimum reasonably comfortably and healthily with spare change for emergencies. I will also be able to go back and finish the last year of school for free before I turn 20. Finishing school and working for a year certainly has its upsides, for one I will become a middle school teacher(kinda and without certification) and I have half of my studies as an apprentice in a school. I believe this won't work because: Now the fact of the matter is that ive recently discovered something, if something/someone/me was to influence me to truly see the present reality and will of consciousness I lose my shit. It becomes really difficult to not live lifes will and mind almost can't contain or limit itself. Flowing with the will of life is what life truly wants, When the presens of the "divine" is too apparent it would be a great struggle not to become it. If you had conditioned your mind then you would have no problem doing tasks such as school, so I have done that consciously in a certain way, that is why I am even here. Nahm this was and is why I have earlier asked if I should use ego to be able to prepare external situations for the freedom that I seek to live. And this is what I have been trying to communicate to you all in some of my other threads. Now because I have consciously conditioned myself someone from the outside can if done in a certain way open me up to become one with all and one with consciousness and time and all of that. There is a very rare in Sweden spiritual occult girl in my class which doesn't know about me but by looking at me or talking with me for some time this happens very quickly, I lose my shit but I need that shit to get through school. To consciously then condition myself again in a short span of time is what is difficult, because it is layers of conditioning all which without one I wouldn't be able to succeed school. Do you all see what I am doing here? Lasting another half a year in school might prove challenging. Isn't this a little exotic here, many I would assume awakens and then lives the flow of life but here I am with all my shit, do you think it is shit??
  17. @Breakingthewall Beautiful, Leo Gura has 2 or 3 times adviced me on not doing anything rash. But I am ready to jump a million times over and not go back. J krishnamurti, Sadhguru, Osho and many more lives life according to lifes will. And we all share the same fundamental knowledge so its just a matter of taking the ride. Though I need to wait a little longer untill I do, which will make transaction much smoother. Drivers licence, ending my apprenticeship(contract) on a school, being able to finish van build, becoming 18, saving a little more money and being able to in the future jump on the last year of studies instead of the second last if I choose to do that. So I will probably limit life for half a year longer to get all of this. My family will mess me over otherwise?.
  18. @Carl-Richard @Willie @Corpus Willie you said people "lived" but did they really find full expression of themselves. Let's say you see the need for food, then will the individual persue and then achieve livelihood through pure intelligence? I Leo Nordin awakened, I have not finished my studies. Because life wants to express itself however it will do, I won't be in school for much longer. My van is soon finished, I have a years worth of savings, will pure consciousness/intelligence have the capability to not make a problem out of livelihood meanwhile achieving it?
  19. This is advice I wrote on another thread but didn't fit there quite nicely and therefore I hope someone here might benefit from it. Good luck:) Also continue the thread with input that could help soon to have awakened people. ________________________________________ Try to live in the moment more, Here is what you need to do: Realize you are not your thoughts and imagination, you can think, you can imagine, but you cannot be your thoughts or your imagination. You are also not your body, one second you are aware of a bodily sensation next you are not. So you are not your mind nor your body, all you are is what you create. If you don't create you sleep, and in sleep you experience death every night. Your mind is all over the place and should not be blindly trusted, you believe so many things about yourself which are not true. Your body is easier to work with. So this is what you need to do: First you distance yourself from being your mind, you don't try to stop thinking or imagening, you let it happen but distance or rather redirect your awareness to your body. You also should not focus your awareness in an intense manner, if you loose energy after a while you are definitely doing something wrong, loosen the grip. Now you should know that all your thoughts and emotions actually manifests themselves in your body. One day you may realise emotions are just jucier thoughts, thoughts are very subtle, that's why emotions are the easiest to feel in the body. If you have done and achieved these steps you should be aware of that which is called creation. Now how you create can be done in many ways. When you try to control creation, you are just limiting your potential, life can manifest itself in infinite ways but you choose to try to control it. See if you can let go of controlling the actions of your mind and the sensations in your body then life will manifest itself in the way it wants to. Let your mind do whatever it wants to, it will keep/make itself joyfull, or whatever feeling you actually desire. Moving your body is what we call action, it takes and doesn't create energy to this this. That is why awakened masters don't have a discriminate mind but the action we perform is done in a discriminate manner. So you wondered what to do with your life, see you just do whatever the hell you want to do. As long as you can handle the consequence of that action in a joyfull manner. If you have one day in the future with my earlier advise awakened then you can be joyfull by yourself. So why do any action on this world, why not become enlightened? Sitting in ecstasy untill you leave this life. Because you open your eyes and see a man suffering in front of you, isn't it natural that you such a joyfull being will naturally do whatever you can to help him achieve wonderfulness. You wouldn't have to think about it, ohh I am going to do what is needed in the world, I am going to make this universe amazing, no no that is what we call the ego. You just look and you feel feel an urge to do something, you will then do whatever you can. This is what a guru is. He doesn't think his way through life, he lives his way through life. Have you ever considered yourself lazy? Then you are just not doing what you actually want to do, so I am telling you to do what you want to do. Ofcourse survival and making enough income has to be taken care of so do that but don't make to much out of it. Also if you live the way I described you flow with excistance, when hunger comes you eat, when low energy is the case you rest... Energy is the third part of existence, there is the body, the mind and energy. Energy determines the extent that you are alive. This is why action should be done in the direction with least resistance. So your work should be something that you can manage without draining yourself too much. ________________________________________ This might be a little too much for you excuse me for that. Telling you to awaken, know enlightenment and the ways of creation the action of sacrificing some of the enlightenments ecstasy to instead do what is needed in the world around your life. Still for me this story is beautiful, gurus are so beautiful, when I recently heard osho had been posioned in a horrific manner before death, I cried. Jesus and Buddha, people tried to assassinate those who knew life to its fullest, the outmost evolved human beings, who did so much for the world. And are still alive in peoples teachings today, beautiful.
  20. Try to live in the moment more, then your mind has nothing to be depressed or feeling down about. Here is what you need to do: Realize you are not your thoughts and imagination, you can think, you can imagine, but you cannot be your thoughts or your imagination. You are also not your body, one second you are aware of a bodily sensation next you are not. So you are not your mind nor your body, all you are is what you create. If you don't create you sleep, and in sleep you experience death every night. Your mind is all over the place and should not be blindly trusted, you believe so many things about yourself which are not true. Your body is easier to work with. So this is what you need to do: First you distance yourself from being your mind, you don't try to stop thinking or imagening, you let it happen but distance or rather redirect your awareness to your body. You also should not focus your awareness in an intense manner, if you loose energy after a while you are definitely doing something wrong, loosen the grip. Now you should know that all your thoughts and emotions actually manifests themselves in your body. One day you may realise emotions are just jucier thoughts, thoughts are very subtle, that's why emotions are the easiest to feel in the body. If you have done and achieved these steps you should be aware of that which is called creation. Now how you create can be done in many ways. When you try to control creation, you are just limiting your potential, life can manifest itself in infinite ways but you choose to try to control it. See if you can let go of controlling the actions of your mind and the sensations in your body then life will manifest itself in the way it wants to. Let your mind do whatever it wants to, it will keep/make itself joyfull, or whatever feeling you actually desire. Moving your body is what we call action, it takes and doesn't create energy to this this. That is why awakened masters don't have a discriminate mind but the action we perform is done in a discriminate manner. So you wondered what to do with your life, see you just do whatever the hell you want to do. As long as you can handle the consequence of that action in a joyfull manner. If you have one day in the future with my earlier advise awakened then you can be joyfull by yourself. So why do any action on this world, why not become enlightened? Sitting in ecstasy untill you leave this life. Because you open your eyes and see a man suffering in front of you, isn't it natural that you such a joyfull being will naturally do whatever you can to help him achieve wonderfulness. You wouldn't have to think about it, ohh I am going to do what is needed in the world, I am going to make this universe amazing, no no that is what we call the ego. You just look and you feel feel an urge to do something, you will then do whatever you can. This is what a guru is. He doesn't think his way through life, he lives his way through life. Have you ever considered yourself lazy? Then you are just not doing what you actually want to do, so I am telling you to do what you want to do. Ofcourse survival and making enough income has to be taken care of so do that but don't make to much out of it. Also if you live the way I described you flow with excistance, when hunger comes you eat, when low energy is the case you rest... Energy is the third part of existence, there is the body, the mind and energy. Energy determines the extent that you are alive. This is why action should be done in the direction with least resistance. So your work should be something that you can manage without draining yourself too much. This might be a little too much for you excuse me for that. Telling you to awaken, know enlightenment and the ways of creation the action of sacrificing some of the enlightenment ecstasy to do what is needed in the world around your life. Still for me this story is beautiful, gurus are so beautiful, when I recently heard osho had been posioned in a horrific manner before death, I cried. Jesus, Buddha people tried to assassinate those who knew life to its fullest, the outmost evolved human being, who did so much for the world. And are still alive in peoples teachings today, beautiful.
  21. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sadhguruwisdom.org/articles/karma-demystified-everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-karma/ All that you are right now is karma, it's the result or the consequence of creation. I didn't read this thread but please look at this information from Sadhguru if you don't understand karma well enough, he knows a lot about karma. More than me personally, so check him out.
  22. Personally I wouldn't want to live forever. I would like to live until I didn't want to live anymore. What one can do which looks like (and is) 10 years worth of life, one who has masteted himself can do maybe a tenfold which looks like a 100 years worth of life. You were just that much more alive during your lifetime. But for you which lived with such beautiful expression of life, all life passed as if it had only been a moment.