Leo Nordin

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Everything posted by Leo Nordin

  1. I don't have a wife but if I had one it's really easy to answer. I picked the wife because when I'm around her I am the most joyfull ecstatic etc. There is no attachment, there is no need for her to fulfill my needs, yet she does fulfill them and that's good. When I'm with her there is little resistance during our company so time flows rapidly and my experience of life is utterly blissful. Why I can not answer, it's just two beautiful lifes being beautiful by themselves and even more lively together. Of course I would love my experience of life when she's present. I love all of the experience of life. But she could die any moment and I would be ready to move on. As said I wouldn't need her, but she would be there for me and I there for her,as we continue living joyfully together.
  2. Maybe try doing it yourself, live in a van or camping or something and learn about yourself. Then there is not much to pay for, also skip organic food, then its even cheaper. You can wait with that untill you're done with your education. The free time you will have you can do amazing things with.
  3. I didn't do it. I fear only what I don't know, that which doesn't exist. Only an imagination in my mind that's about fear of suffering.
  4. In our monasteries there are loads of things preventing you from being in high states of consciousness, I think. I just googled it..
  5. I live in Sweden... We have no homeless Swedish people because we get money from the country... I could very well do it now right here, as quickly as I have some way of survival for a while. I now how to.
  6. You can't become a monk in Sweden... Also I will certainly not strengening my ego I believe, how would I do that? I Homeless you can atleast survive, like a monk... The systyem will make sure I don't die even if I don't work. Also I will become very knowledge in certaint areas from all my free time. I don't need anything, just survival. So nothing will become "hard" as long as I get food and stay clean.
  7. We never use masks, trains are pretty full sometimes and we don't keep much distance, nothing is locked down. Any symptoms and we stay home and do the corona test. We have corona under control. In school we don't distance or restrain from touching each other, only to a little extent. Some students wash their hands before lunch but most doesn't. Our corona situation was pretty bad early summer but because everyone takes vacation we almodt eliminated the virus and it hasn't really risen that much since then. It's probably all due to the reason that we stay home when there's any symptoms.
  8. I didn't watch the video but we in Sweden haven't had a lock down and we are fine. But you guys probably need it?‍♂️
  9. That you are not your mind nor your body. However ill your body/mind feels with headaches etc. you can still be extremely happy by surrendering your body and mind to "energy/life...". Maybe there are things in the world that you need to do, when all outside circumstances like survival is taken care off then you might be ready to let go of the ego. For example school will force you not to surrender but you need to do it for your survival, ego is good for this. You need to find the right kind of "energy" where everything feels at ease amazing etc. Where you laugh all the time because of nothing. like a child when they are the most ecstatic. In that way you body will feel, completely at ease and your mind too. You will be so alive that each movement of the body is made with the least amount of energy/will and you will try to use your body only for what is needed. When you're deep in it then your mind will follow and fantasy will become more and more quiet. I haven't gone much further then this. It's certainly the best experience of my life everytime I CHOOSE to let go. Because I have experimented with my energy etc for some time now and I know what's an illusion of success into ecstasy and what's the real thing. Which might not be the real thing.. Lol. If you want more advice judt ask?
  10. Be careful, what you want to do is live blissfully all the time. If you don't have actual experience coaching then it's a fantasy that your mind has created. This you certainly know if you're even close to being unitive. If you are in a ecstatic state while coaching then its good. If you have really awakened then you probably know what your talking about. Still I have 50% of my school in daycare/school and coaching might be difficult intuively. As quick as you start thinking too much you can't be unitive anymore especially if you are doing your work "proffessionaly", then you can't laugh when you shouldn't laugh etc. The burden from that is immense, holding yourself back from laughing and ecstasy/being yourself all the time. Be careful?
  11. I've just watched Leo guras videos on ego development stages. As of lately I've been spending a considerable amount of time being unitive and I think I awakened some time ago. I have hundreds maybe a thousand of hours into spirituality/phycology/myself so I am pretty grounded. My text is serious and I'm not fearful so don't see this as the avarage student that want to drop out. I go to school and it's very difficult right now. I spent let's say 30 minutes living in non duality and bliss, then I tried to study. I felt so much suffering and it was very difficult. I feel like I have two main options, to let my ego play through these two school years and unfulfilling work thereafter. Or quit school and own nothing but a van to sleep and food to eat, with some part time job caring for peoples animals, children, being a paperboy, get a certain car truck license so that I can work in a facility or something else. Just work that will make me survive. That work would also be pretty satisfying because I could be at a blissful state during manual labor when they can't control my mind. Then I could remain blissful 80% of my days compared to a very low percentage in school. What do you guys think about this? Is it a good idea? Any advice? I know about ego and survival etc and have contemplated this for almost a hundred hours years earlier in my spiritual work so I know of the risks etc. It's only now at the unitive stage that I can consider this option for my life. Get Leo gura to read this if you can help. Thank you sincerely for reading my text? Btw im 17 year old and Swedish. I've not written all peices of the puzzle so try to imagine being me and I only want advice especially from unitive people - that's the whole point with this text because otherwise you can't really grasp what I'm writing about.
  12. Hmm, besides school I don't know what you are suffering. If you can sit/lay down and be ecstatic, especially without fantasy or mental chatting to make you joyful then there is nothing for me to say. But then there wouldn't be much of a problem for you (besides survival). I don't know whats holding you back, I don't know whats making you suffer really, but you just have to grind through it. Learn about chakras, I just discovered them and they can help you to see where you are lacking.
  13. My fundation may be brittle but has been worked upon for many hundreds of hours in my past. The only thing holding me back is survival. As of yet I have only maintained the unitive or complete ecstatic stages for about an hour at a time but without school in the way I could easily do 3 hours or way more. For me it is a choice, should I lay down and have the best time in my life or is there something I need to do...
  14. Hard to say, you can learn that stress is not something to be managed, same with anxiety, anger or any other feeling that's of your making that ypu don't want. It's a choice and you can get in touch with yourself in a way to always feel what you want to feel. Though this is advanced for your stage. If you reduce activity you can save lots of energy. Utter 50% of the words that you usually say will save some. Resting your body when you can without conciously thinking about things. Try to think only what you need to think then let your mind be at peace without controlling what will pop up in there. Reduce the amount of mental decisions in a day, this is why some entrepreneurs wear tge same clothes everyday. Give in to your emotions don't try to be anything, don't try to sound happy/full of energy in front of people when you're not. Dont spend the energy as fast as you get some. Don't judge yourself or others so much, let others be how they want to be like so don't waste your energy on them. Don't have expectations of yourself, just do your job, sometimes it goes well sometimes less well. Don't push yourself to uphold a certaint quality/expectation of yourself.... I hope something helped. ?
  15. I think sadhguru is an odd case, he were a special child in the sense that he was a mystic and didn't attend school. I think you need some time for contemplation etc at least 2h a day worked well for me. But when you're close to trancending it will take over your whole life and become the most important thing. That's my case anyways. Just do whatever you want to and you will learn, when one way of life becomes dull a new path opens upp etc. Just get used to crazy changes of mindset in short amounts of time.
  16. After my post I tried what I wrote 30min unity and then not letting my ego say anything during studying. Here's the result: I "surrendered" to the school work and attained flow immediately. Yet there were no emotions to this flow, only complete focus/dedication. When I was done I was drained and I would have needed rest to get the energy to feel blissful. I quess there is no created suffering? but not much joy and the result is drained life energy for me. What do you think? How can this not be suffering and is it still created?
  17. I do too and have had many experiences with unitive as of lately. I want to quit school so that I can remain unitive. Im 17, Swedish, want to own nothing but enough for food/shelter. I am not scared. I am very grounded in myself/phycology/spirituality. Is it an idea to be considered? To quit school. I can't stay in this system and remain unitive and being unitive to studying the moment after is heartbraking because it's so unfulfilling and living in the flow is out of the world. Any advice for me? I could back down and try to fill myself with some suffering and ego so that I can finish school without going crazy cause I can't bring myself to suffering when im unitive. The job after 2 years of school would be highly unfulfilling as well in comparison to being blissful. Manual labor is much easier to remain in bliss because you are with yourself and don't have to follow social survival rules. Thanks for reading my messy enliglish text?
  18. I've been spacing into the unitive stage often as of lately but school backfires with lessons and schoolwork. I'm very grounded in physiology and I feel ready to be bold. I'm thinking of quitting school to become a nomad or something similar getting some part time jobs to survive. I'm 17 right now and would have to be in school for 2 years and work for some time with some unconscious uncomfortable work if I chose to stay. Is it crazy or should I stay in school?I've not been able to be unitive a lot but if I am for half an hour then go to study I want to quit so badly. My soul, my body and everything won't accept doing something so unfulfilling and just wants to be in a unitive state again. I am not scared of dying or hurdles or anything I just wonder if quitting or not will bring more suffering to me? My ego sais stay in school, ego is good for survival but my true self has a really hard time accepting the suffering. Should I back down from being unitive? I've developed myself a lot so staying in school wouldn't do a lot for me but idk. I'm Swedish btw, sorry for the messy text.