Rohit Kuna

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About Rohit Kuna

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  1. Snowflakes have always been fascinating !! One of the purest direct example of creativity of consciousness. The same water under different conditions create so many intricate patterns, it almost feels like imagination at play. It's really fun to watch a snowflake grow !! It's feels so amazing to just wonder about things, WONDER ; not to derive a particular satisfactory answer but for the MAGIC of it !!
  2. I found some interesting content for fasting and detox. You can fast easily and daily, this is called 16 hour fasting. You have your dinner at 6:00pm, after you wake up the next day you can have your breakfast at 11:00 am or 12:00 pm in the morning. I've tried it !! it's easy to do and also you really don't feel like you're fasting !! It is a good detox technique. I've provided some video links, if you don't understand the language : turn on the english captions.
  3. @BipolarGrowth Yeah I should have tried to frame it differently. Use the word 'exists' more technically. But you got it "There is infinite potential of creation in the NOW MOMENT" this was what I wanted to clarify, because this was the key insight. Those arrows in the diagram are never ending , they continue infinitely forever leading to new possibilities !! This is how I visualised. This would be more accurate diagram:
  4. @BipolarGrowth Note: By 'exists' I mean all the possibilities that have the potential of manifestation but not yet manifested. By 'bringing into your experience/focus' I mean that which you manifest. By "everything exists simultaneously", I mean... Think it as of "every new possibility" that we could think of or invent or create is in the now moment. So it still doesn't take off the power of creating a new one, because if you create (manifest) something new it still exists in the NOW MOMENT with all other possibilities. It's just that you're not manifesting other possibilities. You said it !! the only thing that exists is here and now. Then it means everything must exist simultaneously in the NOW MOMENT (but it's your choice what you bring into manifestation and what not). The point here is that "It's the question of manifestation" Note: By 'exists' I mean all the possibilities that have the potential of manifestation but not yet manifested. By 'bringing into your experience/focus' I mean that which you manifest. I need to be careful while using words !! ? I have used words in a different context. Now read it again with context of words 'exists' n 'experience/manifestation' in mind. Anyways I'm still contemplating on this perspective, it might need some adjustments or completely transform into something else. Btw thanks for your opinion !!
  5. @BipolarGrowth Amazing there are lot of insights in there !! It would take me a while to fathom the depth of it !! Thanks for taking time to share your insights !! There are lot of similarities in dreams n reality, I really felt them !! Its mesmerizing to see how they converge.
  6. @BipolarGrowth Wow interesting !! I'm in search of different perspectives. I feel dream states are kind of "fluid state (altered consciousness state)" in which we get to know about our subconscious mind more, every dream tells something of me that is unhealed. They are rich and full of exuberant energy. And I am finding it easy to work within dreams because it's so much more easier, thought flow n manifestation are quicker, when I wake up I find myself energized and peaceful. I am looking forward to work with dreams because "if I could heal in my sleep time isn't it cool !!" (Btw becoming aware or conscious in my dreams is the skill I'm still developing. But I have become good at remembering my dreams.) So yes, I would love to hear your perspective n experience !! ?
  7. @BipolarGrowth Thanks man, I too am trying different methods like dream journaling and thought experiments/visualisations. I'm experimenting a lot with dream states. Will surely try this "guided excercise" !
  8. Hello everyone, From past several months I have been contemplating about the topic "reference points/frames". Whenever I contemplate, I try hard to start with scratch and try assuming as less things as possible. I always try not to leave any new branch/related topic untouched. Still I'm in the process of contemplation of this topic. Here is an excerpt from my journal ( here I tried expressing in few words as my the journal notes are very long ): " What are references really? We set our own references based on the similarities n differences we prefer to focus on. We draw boundaries and constructions which help us aid our survival and help maintain our sense of reality. " Now here I'm using so many other terms like 'similarities and differences' , 'boundaries', 'survival', etc. which in themself need many contemplation sessions. So in the process I branch off to one of these interdependent topics. I started contemplating about survival. While contemplating survival, I ran into other topics like before survival I need to address "Who am I". I started seeing that this again leads to self inquiry i.e. identity thing which coincides with topic of "references". I realised that there are no limits to what I can identify as myself. My body, surrounding air, nature, etc. I'm feeling reality is very fluid field with no boundaries at all. Fluid and entangling. The point is whenever I take a topic and contemplate, it branches off so many times. Then I go about contemplating that branch and again come back to original thought chain or continue contemplating further branches. I see these labels I'm assigning and the language that I'm using is so limited and every word is is inextricably interdependent. ( To define something we need to define other related words n so on. ) So my question is " are there any new ways/ methods which are more flexible than language ?" I feel to get at the core essence of contemplation we need to go beyond the language. When I contemplate I tend to draw a lot because drawing and imagination is so much more flexible and accurate for me. It gives so much more freedom. Has anyone tried different new ways of conscious contemplation ? Through lucid dreaming. Visualisationtechniques. Procedureto effectively contemplate using journal. Or something completely different... And also more importantly effective documentation techniques like using ? Drawing Symbols Shortstories Diagrams Connected Graphs. What are your thoughts on this ?
  9. Hello there, From past few weeks I have been intensely researching about a good note taking app, that I can use to organize my thoughts. Creating links between several parent topics and sibling topics. My top criteria are: 1. Security 2. Mind-mapping feature (Easy to organize) as mentioned above. 3. Offline accessibility 4. Free (As I'm a student) I found that the software which best satisfies these criteria is "Obsidian". It's indeed a gem;) (In Obsidian notes should be written in markdown format which is similar to plain text with a bit of syntax. This website would help The most awesome feature is it allows to organize and structure notes so dynamically. We can create links to internal notes and VISUALIZE it in form of CONNECTED-GRAPH. I tried experimenting with it in order to derive a good structure or system of linking notes. Because without a specific system linking notes randomly would be a mess. So I came up with a good general structure that would work with any topic or purpose: Steps while structuring a note: After writing a note, at the top section of note write the following ... 1. Major_domain tag (eg. #emotional_mastery, etc) 2. Parent_subdomain tag (eg. #sedona_method, etc) 3. Siblings notes links (eg. letting_go_guide, defining_emotions, etc) 4. Other related hash tags. (#letting_go, #emotional_release, etc) 5. Source tag (#sedona_book or #self) I've attached screenshots from my obsidian graph :- Red_nodes indicates Major_domains. Yellow_nodes indicates Sources. Blue_nodes indicates Parent_subdomains. Grey_nodes are for topics. (I've actually used page nodes as tags i.e. I've created HEALTH page it is empty and linked this page with the topic page. I can explain this more clearly if anyone is interested.) So whenever you come up with a new note. Look if it belongs to any of the previously defined major_domain , parent_subdomain, and add it to it. Link it with other existing related sibling notes. If it doesn't belong to any parent_subdomain create new parent_subdomain and go on. This makes navigating the graph so easy. If you hover on any topic_node it highlights all the related info(major_domain, parent_subdomain, siblings notes, other_related_hashtags and source_tag). We can give colors to different hashtags. It also becomes so easy to see connections with other topics. Graph view is amazingly useful in seeing the big picture and at the same time also gives freedom to look into the details. I suggest everyone trying this application. I always felt : "If knowledge is not well structured and organised then what's the point of even taking it and never really applying it !!" "Just taking notes isn't enough making sensible connections is important" Also I've heard @Leo in some video saying "Getting insights is not the hardest part, but organizing and structuring them is a hard time for me." So I hope this helps Talking about the "connected-graph-visualization" it would be so cool if this forum too had this kind of feature, it would be so easy to navigate through so many different topics and easily find related topics. Also a huge amount of database space can be saved by reducing the redundancy of repeating topics. As of now I too miss so many good topics because I never bother scrolling down so much. The existing search feature is workable but it gives so vague scattered results, missing to see connections. So I wish this could be implemented. Of course this would be hard to implement as it demands a change in format of writing a post (Starting off with hashtags). And previous posts also need to be edited (which is quite difficult). So guys if interested we can start a poll on this, we could do this together & can 100x our growth curve !! If not able to implement the graph feature atleast writing the post with relevant hashtags would make this forum more structured. So, accordingly this post's format of linking would be :- 1. MAJOR_DOMAIN : #self_actualization 2. PARENT_SUBDOMAIN : #productivity 3. SIBLINGS : commonplace_notebook, organising_notes, obsidian (if such post headings exist) 4. OTHER_TAGS : #organising #onenotealternative #commonplacebook #obsidian #connecting_graph (While naming hashtags or subdomains follow convention of all_lowercase and underscores)