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About meta_male

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  1. @Schizophonia I see where you're coming from, but your analysis is way off. All I said was that women do want to be approached at clubs. Nothing about personal insecurity or rumination. Also, if hanging out here 'in a dilettante way' means someone is wired to 'I am not enough', then by your own logic, wouldn’t the person with more posts be even deeper in that mindset? Just a thought from my end
  2. You probably misinterpreted my original comment, I don't see the connection bro.
  3. What are you talking about? Did you mean to @ me?
  4. @Leo Gura You should update the guidelines now that religious debate is tolerated.
  5. That's where single girls go in hopes a high value man approaches them.
  6. It doesn’t provide any satisfying answers based on reason. Rather, it prescribes beliefs that require faith. This is especially damaging to children's critical thinking abilities. As for adults, they are pulled in because their vulnerabilities are exploited. Even if the original teaching was about enlightenment, chances are Christianity does more damage than it does to enlighten.
  7. @gettoefl So you're saying that without external conflict we would settle into a meditative state on our own? I'm with you on that. But my question is whether the actual practice of meditation and going through the motions is actually necessary to reach that state. I would argue that it's just a learned practice, ultimately unnecessary and therefore a distraction.
  8. @Leo Gura Would you also say that there are things about consciousness that others understand but you do not? I'm genuinely interested, not trying to challenge your position.
  9. @gettoefl You just doubled down with more cryptic sentences. What does any of this have to do with what I asked? Would someone actually start going through the same mental and physical mechanics we associate with meditation, without an outside source teaching them how it works?
  10. If there is a way for Christianity to exist in a more conscious state, it would require a complete transformation. At that point, would it even still be Christianity? It would have to actively work on undoing the harm it has caused. But the reality is that the people doing the real work of putting an end to its abuse are the ones who leave Christianity behind. Why do you think this is?
  11. @gettoefl Are you saying rumination is about making money? Either way, your reply is all over the place, I don't get what this has to do with my question.
  12. I wonder, if you were the only person on earth and had never heard of meditation would you eventually start doing it naturally?
  13. Jesus would slap you with a stick for being a Christian.