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Everything posted by preventingdiabetes

  1. Can you elaborate on the difference between these two? After reading this part, I was about to ask "Then what would motivate me to do anything?" Then I read this: So are you saying that whatever we desire to experience is just something that arises or just flows when conditions are let go? For example, 'not doing anything' is still something that I'm consciously creating, and if I find that there is something out there that I desire to experience more than 'not doing anything', I simply do that?
  2. @Nahm Why do I face resistance when I want to write something on the dreamboard? It doesn't make any sense to me. Why am I facing resistance in doing something that would help me achieve what I want to achieve, especially with something as simple as writing what I want on a dreamboard? What do you mean by "your experience with reality expands so to speak, and you move along your path… life & enlightenment in unison." ? Yes, I agree that there is that underlying assumption. However, if I write "Enlightenment" on my dreamboard, the actions I would take to actualize that would involve consciousness work. Meaning that I want to become more aware of my true nature, not necessarily something that I want to get to. Yes, I can see and feel what 'that' is. But why do I face resistance in actualizing it? I don't understand this at all. Why do I face resistance in doing something I want to do?
  3. Are there any Enlightened or Stage Turquoise artists? (By the way, I know that Enlightenment and Stage Turquoise are not the same thing) By artists, I mean people who do stuff like: Music Graphic Design Drawing Painting DJ-ing Etc.
  4. @Jakuchu This is exactly what happened to me. You explained it in a nice way. @Snader You worded this perfectly! That's exactly what I ended up doing and I have a better vantage point now. So it's like there is different layers of reality, and peeling back the layers brings you closer to the core (Truth) like an onion? And video games is like a layer that's very far away from Truth? Any pointers? Perhaps the pursuit of Enlightenment and Life Purpose?
  5. I have spent time contemplating during the past few days. I felt that something was off. I must be deceiving myself here. And indeed, I was. I have now gotten out of this rut playing video games, and reconnected with the self that was interested in these teachings in the first place. In fact, I hadn't even touched a video game since I first created this post. This is a trap that is very dangerous, it's something that is not talked about within gamer culture. Here are the insights I had from post-contemplating the experience of what I will call "The Video Game Rut" When you are in this rut, you don't realize it is a rut I would go far as to say that you are not even sober during this rut. You are not yourself when you are in this rut. You are more like a dumbed down version of yourself. Think of how a drunk alcoholic acts, that is the state you are in. Your mind plays tricks on you, convincing you that life could not possibly be enjoyable without playing videogames. It will find any rationalization it can find, e.g. "Life is about living in the moment" Your body develops a dopamine tolerance from the steady dopamine release of video games. Not only does this mean that you need to play more video games to receive that same "hit" you used to, other activities become harder to do, hence why you can't imagine living a life without video games. This happened in my experience. Where usually I enjoyed reading books, I no longer enjoyed them. Just 6 days of abstaining from video games and I started reading books like I used to again. However, I was in this rut for 2 months. It would be wise to expect that it would take a lot longer for people who have been in this rut for years (which is common).
  6. @Jakuchu How so? Is it related to dopamine?
  7. @SaWaSaurus Does having a Life Purpose make you happier than playing video games? @Snader But it's all an illusion though right? What difference does it make whether we make an impact on people or not? Or are there degrees of illusions in reality? Participating in the illusion of "reality" makes us happier than participating in an illusion layered within the illusion of reality; videogames. Where can we find that deep satisfaction?
  8. @Snader Wow that's very good advice.. thanks Snader. I contemplated this. I have health issues that led to depression and apathy. At this point in time, life just feels so much harder than playing video games. So perhaps my mind is trying to convince me into settling for mediocrity and selling myself short. I still get the answer of playing video games when I ask myself if I had $100m, but maybe that's because I'm trying to escape reality? How can I tell?
  9. @martins name The only thing I seem to not love about life is becoming a wage slave. I just want freedom. That doesn't mean I demonize wage slavery, or think that it's wrong. It's just my bias and preference. Would you say focusing only on transcending survival, self-actualization, and life, is spiritual bypassing? The attitude of "I don't like my job or my circumstances so let me just meditate my problems away and become enlightened, then I'll be happy with this job."
  10. Man this is so funny hahaha @asifarahim Did the job really cause less suffering than your Life Purpose? What specific symptoms did you match with the toxic Life Purpose? Or was it literally all of it? Did you have to participate in a job that harmed society? Would you say you are attached to your Life Purpose if you needed it for your void to be filled?
  11. @Snader Thanks for your upfront reply “Especially competitive gaming -- which I assumed you're into -- is all about being selfish and gaining pleasure to yourself in expense of others.” Yes I see how competitive gaming is a win lose situation rather than a win win situation. But would you say that the part you said at the end of that sentence applies to video games without the competitive aspect? Perhaps it’s at the expense of others because I’m dragging society down by not contributing to society in the most meaningful way I can? Do video games lower my consciousness?
  12. @asifarahim Two questions: 1. How did it destroy your Life Purpose? 2. What made you return to your Life Purpose? @blackchair How? (Just want your perspective)
  13. @martins name Ah okay. Hope you get better! Thank you for the summary. ”1. Happiness is non-duality. It's important to know this experientially. Love and appreciate it wherever it's found.” I can see how it’s important to know this experientially. But it sounds really hard to do. What practices would you recommend to experience it? And how do you love and appreciate it wherever it is found? Where is it found? ”2. Open your second chakra, it's the ability to enjoy, feel pleasure and passion and to be connected with life. When you suppress desire you can feel a somatic contraction in your lower back and you go into a subtily painful and fearful state. It makes you feel separate from life which is dualistic. That's not a quality of an enlightened being. Bliss is the road to God.” Thanks martin. I will practice doing the techniques on your pleasure chakra post.
  14. @Revolutionary Think What have you replaced it with? Are you happier now than you were when you played video games like that? @TKP Did he ever tell you that he doesn't enjoy his life?
  15. @Leo Gura How do I "un"delude myself?
  16. @Nos7algiK What if I'm not trying to make a Life Purpose out of it?
  17. @Nos7algiK @Matt23 Would you say that playing video games is a hedonic pursuit? Or can it be eudaimonic?
  18. I'm probably deluding myself
  19. @Matt23 Hmm, that's the thing - I don't know. What if my Life Purpose was to play video games? But I guess Life Purpose has the impact component, which this would lack. Playing video games all day wouldn't have an impact on society. Is it sort of hardwired into us that we feel happy when we feel like we have a Life Purpose that impacts society? Is that why @Leo Gura emphasizes impact so much?
  20. @momster How do you distinguish the two?
  21. @Leo Gura In my experience, there certainly is. Jerking off doesn't require much skill, nor is it challenging. Video games can be. If video games will negatively affect my consciousness, psychology, spiritual practice, or potential for living the best life possible, I'll drop it on a dime. Will there come a point when I will enjoy contemplation, meditation, yoga, journaling etc. more than playing video games?
  22. @SamC Binge watching is a completely different matter in my opinion. I can see how one would be depressed from that. But with video games, you don't just passively sit back. Video games can put you into a flow state and give you a sense of progress (because you are getting better). Did you still feel like shit after playing video games? @mmKay Wisen up how? At the moment I don't know what I'd be doing if I had $100 million with freedom to do whatever I want other than play video games.
  23. @Leo Gura Because it doesn't give you a sense of progress via practice, nor does it put you into a flow state.
  24. @Leo Gura You used to play video games in your youth. What would your perspective be on this? Am I wasting my life? Are there more fulfilling things to be doing? I do want to be as happy as I possibly can be. If pursuing our Life Purpose instead of playing video games can aid in making us more fulfilled and happy then that's what I will do.
  25. @SamC Why? @SaltyMeatballs Yeah. But I'm not sure if it's the most satisfying thing I can be doing. I don't know what to contrast it with.