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Everything posted by SS10

  1. @The Lucid Dreamer @Byun Sean As ive said, there is no evolutionary purpose to knowing where it arises from - you just act upon it. Please read my traffic light reference. Still haven't heard a reputable rebuttal to my thesis. Asking "where a thought comes from" would be like a driver asking what causes the light to go red or go green, then they start reading about traffic light mechanics whilst driving and all that. Do you not see how deluded that is? the driver doesn't care what is causing the light to change, they just need to see and act upon the signal - in humans case, desire and emotions being the traffic light. And as for there being no "You", you live and act as if there is a "You". I am going to go on what you live by not what you say.
  2. All. Nobody is addressing what I have said, if you are going to dissect my argument - please actually reference something I said. And stop trying to be clever by saying there is no "You" or "We". Within the context of my argument you know what is being referred to.
  3. @Moksha Thats my point, "where does free will come from?" is the problem. All your emotions and drives are supposed to keep you alive. When you touch a hot stove and instantly remove your hand because its hot, what good would it do to be able to understand where the feeling of hot came from? The process of the emotion/sensation arising has to be insantinous. Consciousness is infinitely intelligent, it knows you dont have to know where it came from - it just has to send the signal in which you act upon from. Take traffic lights for instance, you respond to the green light, signalling to go and you respond to the red light signalling to stop. To make an argument for determinism is to confuse the green light for causing the stopping/starting of your car. You control the car, the traffic lights are just signals. Even though from a birds eyes perspective it looks like that green/red lights are causing cars to stop/start. Why is this so hard to see? Am I missing something? From the red lights perceptive it looks like they are causing cars to stop, but no, the driver of the car is causing the car to stop. If the traffic light was conscious, in the same way we are, it would delude itself into thinking that it was causing the stopping. If your are going to respond to me please directly respond to what i have just said.
  4. Let me ask you this, how would you be able to live and survive as a self if you had to will every single thought, every single micro-biological process, the rejuvenation of your cells, the growing of your hair? You would go insane. When we were hunter-gatherers, how would it help our survival if every time we saw a lion or snake and the emotion of fear came up, we questioned where that came from? The process of emotion has to be automatic, and unconscious or you wouldn't be able to function in the natural world as a creature. We act upon emotions, not dictated by them. Even though they are a powerful force.
  5. @How to be wise So a drug addict is doomed for life, a rapist cant be rehabilitated?
  6. @Moksha Do you control your urge to have sex? You dont have 100% autonomy of the arising of the urge, but you have some control over the action. The urge to have sex is just an evolutionary necessity, which in a sense is natures bribe for you to have sex. You choose to act upon that bribe in a sense, despite the urge being strong. Its not like you get horny in public and just start jerking of lol - you have control.
  7. Again, please pick something out that I said and directly show me how it is wrong. Yes, we have emotions, desires and urges, But that doesnt mean that you cant control weather you act upon them. Your essentially justifying rape, if one has an strong sexual impulse, as we all do, there is still an entity that has the ability to control themselves.
  8. @toocrazytobecrazy Lol exactly, the dumbest comment ive heard. Wasn't this forum supposed to have high level intellectuals? I think Leo should have an entrance exam to determine whether people should be allowed to comment.
  9. @Moksha Your point doesn't really say anything. I can also say to you "Disprove this: Nothing is inevitable" or "Disprove this: Unicons exist". If you are going to @ me at least quote something I said and then attack that as opposed to to asking me do something which cant be done. Just out of interest what would proof for "Everything/nothing/unicorns is 'blank'" even look like lol? You want me to prove this in a science lab or something? lol gtfo
  10. Everything = Nothing , therefore nothing is inevitable.
  11. If reality/life as we typically know it, is just a dream/hallucination why does it seem to be the base reality for all of our other states of consciousness. For instance when we dream at night and we wake up, we return to this "normal" reality. When we take psychedelics and the "high" wears off, we again return to this reality. Does this suggest that there is some substance to this reality that makes it more real than other types of dreams/hallucinations?