Ralph Smart usually puts out good green content but lately he's just showing toxic elements of this stage: Conspiracies ("They want to control us", "covid is a hoax") and misinterpretation of higer teachings.
I think that almost every day since the beginning of time a man woke up saying "an awakening is coming". As if the universe is not always evolving.
this statement is as common as " the world is ending soon", and millenarisms of this sort.
And the scariest part is not what they claim ( in a recent video he said that aliens gave us tech) but that many believe without fact checking for themselves. About Ralph's predicitions, he said stuff like "something bad is boing to happen", "poeple are gonna stand up and speak", "more will take the red pill", rise of AI, student protests: what you call eerily accurate i call banal and predictable.