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About _Archangel_

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  • Birthday 02/14/1997

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  1. https://www.actualized.org/insights/actualized-quotes-105 This is the best observation on reality you can make discussing to a materialist to turn them to spirituality. It's so undeniable, so easy, yet so easily overlooked.
  2. @Will1125 Karma is illusory in the absolute sense, Yes, but notice that if you asking this type of question you are the first one that is searching for a mechanical-cause&effect type of answer. What kind of asnwer you expect to recieve exacly? Karma is imaginary but we still have to deal with it's laws, and there are karmic reasons why you are You and not somebody else.
  3. From your description I get the feeling that He would enjoy The Book of Not Knowing. As a companion, a perfect lighter read with a different focus can be The Power of Now. And Get Him to watch some of Leo's with You, so You can discuss about it and pause and guide him if you see He doesn't get something.
  4. @Juns Because You are able to imagine different levels of "actuality". With "You" i don't mean your little identity. But You as God. To the Ego these processes are so automatic they get overlooked. That's why poeple fall in the materialistic paradigm.
  5. @Leo Gura speaking in concrete terms, i see Ukraine sadly ending up being split like Korea. Why is that: - Support from the EU to Ukraine can't be forever so at some point the conflict will officially end or get to very low-intensity to the border and an agreement has to be found. - The Ukrainian governement can consider the the eastern regions and Crimea lost to Russia already, no way of getting them back. - Russia is not able to conquer Kiev, atleast that's what the war has showed to this day. - It's true that a significant part of Ukranians would like to stop the conflict tomorrow, but i think most of them would not accept to live under a puppet governement controlled by Putin, not after this invasion. - I expect social chaos in Russia. At some point Putin might fall from a window and a new Russian leader will come up saying "Actually, we got what we wanted". After all the things He said I don't see who Putin could remain in power without conquering Kiev, which seems unlikely. - Something similiar might happen in Ukraine with more and more poeple asking to end the conflict, so some political coalition might get the ball bouncing and push harder for an agreement, opposing Zelensky. - The US GOP and Trump pushing for an Agreement and being less hostile to Russia. Aftermaths: - West Ukraine won't formally join NATO or the EU but will enter solid bilateral agreements with western countries - Annexed at first, Eest Ukraine will be declaired a Russia frendly "Indipendent Republic" and function as a bearing (including in its territory a line of land in the north, separating Russia and West Ukraine - A civil might bust in East Ukraine, with UE friendly citizens not accepting the deal, which will be sedated by the pro Russian forces, with the help of Russia - with will resault in a mass- migration, expecially by UE friendly Ukranians, from East to West Ukraine. - The border between East and West Ukraine will become a demilitarized zone. ------------- I feel the only way this is ending differently is if Russia fully commit to get Kiev, in that way Putin might remain in power and install a friedly governement in Ukraine - but this will get Russia to lose hold over the Caucasus and the middle East, as we're already seeing with the dethonement of Assad. Any thoughts guys? Holes in my prediction?
  6. Grow a beard and paint it grey, start a sex cult, buy some rolls royces and talk super slowly with some emphasis on the "s" sound. Oh, and be exceptionally suited for spiritual work.
  7. Hinduism and Buddhism at the very end of the path look pretty much the same, the best sages knows that and leave the discussion to scholars who are more interested in the unending doctrinal disputes then in the actual Awakening process. Because they know that any attempt to create a coherent expleation expleation of Reality is a construction, a made-up fantasy that you have to think it out like you are writing a novel. A good spiritual system shouldn't attempt to describe reality (for the reasons above) but should aim to bring its practitioners to Awakening. The doctrines of Atman and Anatman are both correct and incorrect, all depending on your POV.
  8. @decentralized Get to the basics, come back to earth. Create a goal for yourself, join some free free education course or get some certifications if you can (you might even apply for some low-skill job to get some cash going), do some Physical exercise (even just cardio is great) and get some therapy if you can. Having a voice in your head telling you things, is NEVER a good thing. You have to feel like you are the one the one making the decisions. In the meanwhile i would suggest you toput aside the piritual imaginary and culture for now (Reincarnation, ego death, chakras etc). Stay away from energetic practices stuff like Kundalini and Kriya Yoga. If you do that kind stuf without a mentor it can ruin you. Don't fall into the trap of spiritualizing you problems. Very few issues are purely spiritual and most can be resolved by taking action in the world. I think you should just leave the habit of doing some do-nothing meditation like 30 min everyday and let go of everything that appears in your experience, if you get kriyas, let it do their things, accept and kidly let go off of every thoughts you find intrusive or negative. Simple Hatha Yoga can be can be good aswell. Focus on getting beck on track with life in general. Once you get the boat going you can dive deep in spirituality again.
  9. I Think the natural progression for a capitalist system would be to add socialistic reforms like it's happening in scandinavia and to some extent to other European countries. America needs/needed a assertive Leader with truly progressive economic position, Not too extreme to actually appeal to voters but different enough to be regarded as something new and different, a breaking point with a witty, aggressive rethoric, Republicans should be fuming when they watch him/her on tv. Harris is too "clean". Dems needs a Trump that's intelligent and actually cares for poeple. Bernie Sanders maybe was a good candidate, but the fact that he was put to the side means Dems thought they could win while playing it safe. Now it's evident that change was needed to defeat Trumpism.
  10. @Buck Edwards Yes, but some some Greens fall for it aswell. To fall in rabbit holes all you need is being ignorant and lacking basic epistemic analysis abilities. Greens and Blues who didn't work their Orange properly go hand in hand in this.
  11. @Buck Edwards It's more about talking point rather then values. Greens that haven't sufficently developed their Orange stage can easily fall into conspiracies rabbit holes ( vaccines, Climate change not being real, "fighting the deep state", Trans-humanism, Jews controlling the galaxy, "Gender Theory" etc.) and they become more prone to vote Republicans.
  12. @How to be wise What is that supposed to mean? Are you trying to imply that American voters are educated, zealous follower of politics? Or that Trump is a wise Leader?
  13. @How to be wise Most poeple who voted for Trump are definetely low in Consciousness and cognitive developement, exactly like him. Most poeple vote based on vibes, emotion, slogans and the charisma of the leader, nobody truly has the competence to evaluate based on policies. Most stage Green vote Dem, it's their base, and as i wrote above Trump is able to appeal to a little part of them. No individual truly established in the Yellow stage would vote for Trump, find one. He did carved an enemy out of them in his rethoric