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About _Archangel_

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  • Birthday 02/14/1997

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  1. God, that Lex Freedman post is so shameless. I'm noticing that every pro Trump/Putin/anti-nato are discrediting Zelensky for not paying "respect", while He did pay respect and showed gratitude and all He dered to say is: - that Putin won't be easely talked out of the conflict. - and USA won't reamain uneffected by whatever new developement comes about. 2 absolutely reasonable point to make.
  2. If you guys really think that killing an important CEO is somewhat justified, then You should be glad Mangione is getting the DP, as this would be the best epilogue for his shock philosophy - I think that in his mind, he would want to die like a martyr to see his point proved.
  3. @Ishanga Unfortunately i see misunderstandings of terms are a constant when discussing these topics, i'm glad you got my point.
  4. @Ishanga Let's say You have a dream where someone drop a heavy brick on your foot and You felt pain, then You wake up... The You, the foot, the brick and the pain are imagined, Yet real. How can someone deny the sensation of pain? What we're pointing to is the nature of that sensation. Now, it's the same with the waking state. Easy. Imagined doesn't mean not real - this is a great misunderstanding. Imagined means produced, created though the imagination process. So everything is dependent on nothing and interlinked with everything else. objects don't have indipendent existence, as mush as characters in a movie or in a dream don't. You can imagine that they do, but see, that's the imagination process at work!
  5. @TruthFreedom Free will exist and doesn't exist doepending on the POV. It exist in day-to-day life as an attribute of poeple, as a concept. On a further investigation though, it is simple to realize that the Ego is not free in any of its "choises" because there is just too much unconscious content possibly dictating them. So the "choosing" does happen but is not truly free. In other words, rather that onto individuals i would say that Free-will can get attributed to a sort of law of Coherence, or Logos that coordinate every aspect of the reality process in a seemingly logical way.
  6. @strangelooper They can exist as imagination endlessly uraveling through an ever-singular POV. That's what reality tells us. There is no way of proving Other poeple and objects have indipendent life outside of this Imagination process. @Ishanga infact, not only object/other is afigment of imagiantion, but even the center/self that think it is real and the center of attention. Everything is part of this imagination process.
  7. @Davino I Heard someone say that religious Icons were non-human souls that incarnated on the Earth plane to provide Humans the most basic connection to spirituality. Just to instill the idea that there is "a next" int the mind of poeple is a big developement in consciousness and some souls are so developed that can change the course of billions of lifes. Think of it as a Spiritual Basic Universal Income. I like this theory. The most gifted of course ones can always go deeper. Jung said that Jesus, Buddha etc. are sensual expression of the Self archetype, the deepest archetype. Its true that everything is an expession of God, but some things, in a sense, are "truer" that others So, even just feeling a connection to just the image of Jesus uncosciously link You to a transcendant ideal. A bridge is formed. It's the first contact. Then, as You know, You must kill the Buddha to go deeper.
  8. https://www.actualized.org/insights/actualized-quotes-105 This is the best observation on reality you can make discussing to a materialist to turn them to spirituality. It's so undeniable, so easy, yet so easily overlooked.
  9. @Will1125 Karma is illusory in the absolute sense, Yes, but notice that if you asking this type of question you are the first one that is searching for a mechanical-cause&effect type of answer. What kind of asnwer you expect to recieve exacly? Karma is imaginary but we still have to deal with it's laws, and there are karmic reasons why you are You and not somebody else.
  10. From your description I get the feeling that He would enjoy The Book of Not Knowing. As a companion, a perfect lighter read with a different focus can be The Power of Now. And Get Him to watch some of Leo's with You, so You can discuss about it and pause and guide him if you see He doesn't get something.
  11. @Juns Because You are able to imagine different levels of "actuality". With "You" i don't mean your little identity. But You as God. To the Ego these processes are so automatic they get overlooked. That's why poeple fall in the materialistic paradigm.
  12. @Leo Gura speaking in concrete terms, i see Ukraine sadly ending up being split like Korea. Why is that: - Support from the EU to Ukraine can't be forever so at some point the conflict will officially end or get to very low-intensity to the border and an agreement has to be found. - The Ukrainian governement can consider the the eastern regions and Crimea lost to Russia already, no way of getting them back. - Russia is not able to conquer Kiev, atleast that's what the war has showed to this day. - It's true that a significant part of Ukranians would like to stop the conflict tomorrow, but i think most of them would not accept to live under a puppet governement controlled by Putin, not after this invasion. - I expect social chaos in Russia. At some point Putin might fall from a window and a new Russian leader will come up saying "Actually, we got what we wanted". After all the things He said I don't see who Putin could remain in power without conquering Kiev, which seems unlikely. - Something similiar might happen in Ukraine with more and more poeple asking to end the conflict, so some political coalition might get the ball bouncing and push harder for an agreement, opposing Zelensky. - The US GOP and Trump pushing for an Agreement and being less hostile to Russia. Aftermaths: - West Ukraine won't formally join NATO or the EU but will enter solid bilateral agreements with western countries - Annexed at first, Eest Ukraine will be declaired a Russia frendly "Indipendent Republic" and function as a bearing (including in its territory a line of land in the north, separating Russia and West Ukraine - A civil might bust in East Ukraine, with UE friendly citizens not accepting the deal, which will be sedated by the pro Russian forces, with the help of Russia - with will resault in a mass- migration, expecially by UE friendly Ukranians, from East to West Ukraine. - The border between East and West Ukraine will become a demilitarized zone. ------------- I feel the only way this is ending differently is if Russia fully commit to get Kiev, in that way Putin might remain in power and install a friedly governement in Ukraine - but this will get Russia to lose hold over the Caucasus and the middle East, as we're already seeing with the dethonement of Assad. Any thoughts guys? Holes in my prediction?
  13. Grow a beard and paint it grey, start a sex cult, buy some rolls royces and talk super slowly with some emphasis on the "s" sound. Oh, and be exceptionally suited for spiritual work.
  14. Hinduism and Buddhism at the very end of the path look pretty much the same, the best sages knows that and leave the discussion to scholars who are more interested in the unending doctrinal disputes then in the actual Awakening process. Because they know that any attempt to create a coherent expleation expleation of Reality is a construction, a made-up fantasy that you have to think it out like you are writing a novel. A good spiritual system shouldn't attempt to describe reality (for the reasons above) but should aim to bring its practitioners to Awakening. The doctrines of Atman and Anatman are both correct and incorrect, all depending on your POV.