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Everything posted by Rosie

  1. @Ikramini Dear, YOU ARE AMAZING, tell that every single day to yourself, Look in the mirror when you put on your jeans and say: Wow I have a hot ass in these jeans when you pass by the mirror say: wow what a smile, looking hot today, Recognise your values, YOU HAVE BILLIONS and compliment them. You had 2 divorces? so what, You played puzzle, and you tried to match pieces with seemed to match but it did not match. When you your niece tries to match puzzles which doesn't mach, I'm pretty sure you tell her, its not a problem as it will fit with other pieces. JUST LIKE YOU. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU.So no worries, you are an amazing unique human being, you just need to remind yourself for that
  2. I do not think that it's time for meditation. I think its time to go to a group who can help ou stop the addiction FIRST. With this i would use this or similar hypnosis ( i seen it work on many people) At the same time I would set achievable targets, as finding a job. ANY JOB, doesn't matter if you clean toilets or work on a proper work place, the mane thing is that you are distracted. Put small sets of goals every day for yourself: Have shower, Shave Wear clean clothes Look for 2 jobs a day. These are small things enough to be easy to achieve, and be able to grow. After this your confidence will grow with it slowly. If sometimes you break your no alcohol period, don't beat yourself up. Most cases take very long time and not a straight route.
  3. @Ikramini I believe that you can't get know a person on Skype or by phone calls. I think you can meet and see how this works, but you never know how the other really is whats the truth of what he says. I think it's great that you were honest. I think you saved yourself from a possible emotional disaster. It also sounds a bit insane that he quit his job even before you have met. I think you fell in love with the possibility of a love. You need to put yourself to a higher scale. The only reason why you choose this guy it's because unconsciously you did not believe you would deserve anything better. Work on your confidence girl, that's what you really need.
  4. sorry, too tired to do so. I'll go and have a nap instead.
  5. I agree, I think we are coming to the same place just from different directions... Anyways you are an expert and i am just an apprentice, so I trust whatever you say. Except maybe if you say: jump out of the window. I would not trust you on that idea...
  6. I would say if someone has a good 7 hours sleep than nap time would not be necessary, 7-9 hours a night is the general sleep what an adult need. if after this someone needs a nap then I would have a health check. With sleep i would have a check anyways if he needs a nap time as its just too difficult to test it out yourself. That's why I said, that I don't think that with sleep you can simply believe what your body says...
  7. As I work on a cruise ship, I basically must do this. I work, then socialise ( otherwise impossible to stay sane for 6-9 months without one single free day even if you are sick) It does the job, but as per my experience and i speak in the name of many cruise workers, the fist thing you do when you get home is to sleep for 2 weeks in a row with minimal time awake. Which proves that it is unhealthy, and exhausting to your body I do not agree with his though. Sleeping is in connection in too much other things than just brain. vitamin levels, blood, diet etc. If you have issues with sleeping then you have issues with many other things. If after 6-8 hours sleep you have fatigue in the afternoons, then you need to look into the causes.
  8. My general goals: Let the past and the pain of the past go Updating this journal on a daily basis, till I go back to the ship, then update it on weekly basis Start to work out on daily basis Enjoy my free time without computer, technic and TV series Quit my porn addiction as it promotes creates an unhealthy picture of sex and makes real sex less enjoyable. Start to visualise my future goals and create goals what I can achieve Read more books on self-actualisation. Daily Goals Wake up at latest 10 am--> Done again. Workout-->Yoga Taking care of my body--> done To read self-help books-->I'm interested in reading Matthew Hussey's book: Get the guy, I was watching leo's videos and looked for psychological books. Socialise with people.-->i have 2 dates tomorrow:) Eat healthy-->done Vitamins--> done
  9. 'A smile might not pay for your bills, but it saves the costs of psychotherapy.'
  10. Hey, Here is a girl who was addicted to WOW and other games as i am a perfectionist. I was best student but I wanted to be best in everything what i started and this games made me feel as i was a winner. I was part of something. Then I had a programmer boyfriend for 4 years, and he obviously did not stop me, I felt even better, My partner thought it was an awesome quality.... Then I went to a different country I had less time, and then with my new job had no chance to play these game because of lack of time. If today someone calls me to play xbox or Computer games I would still go, but on purpose I got rid of these games, xbox, and apps from my phone and replaced it with productive apps instead. As per me, even programming is a game for me now days, as i feel that a computer or website does what I want. I think you should slowly get rid of these distractions and use your time for more productive things as learning a language. Reprogram your mind. Whenever you want to play, do something else instead. Do 20 sit-ups, or start to learn a programming language or even French. At least that is what I do.
  11. 3 years ago i had a car crash and everyone else died in the car. up until today I still have horrible bad dreams which feels so real that I wake up in sweat, others if i see a movie which has a car crash I relive the whole experience. Here is what I do if I experience this: 1. When I have these illusions, dreams, feelings ( even in a dream) i grab on something and tell to myself loud with words: THIS IS NOT REAL, THIS HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. I control my breath and I keep telling that one sentence to myself till i believe it. After I started to do that in my real life, somehow my unconscious mind was able to do the same. I still wake up in sweat, but i know it was only a dream. 2. After I told myself this and controlled my breathing i let the feelings to go trough me. I do not want to stop the pain, I shake, cry live the pain. This way its muss less suffer. You must stop panicking, you need to recognise it and fight against it, but you do not need to fight against pain or being scared. You need to accept it in to be done with it. If you need any further help, Im here to help. Write to me any time, and I will help you to get trough this experience....
  12. I answered for this question.
  13. also I don't think love is what hurting. The abuse what hurts after. Who do you abuse the most, the people are closest to you...simply because they are there.
  14. i don't think that problems in family have nothing to do with love. I think you can purely love someone and still abuse them emotionally as you did not learn how to do it right. It's like just because a kid did not learn yet how to read and write doesn't mean that the kid would be stupid. For me love is that unconditional feeling when you only want to protect and care for an another person. This is caused by hormones of course and it can be partly taken away for short or long periods when the hormone is replaced by other stronger feelings and behaviours. This doesn't rectify the abuse ....
  15. I think if a guy spitting in my face then the only person in trauma is him not me. He is the one who made himself so angry and did this highly humiliating act. For me there is some salvia on my face, what a tissue and water can clean up, but he is the one who needs serious help with his mental problems....
  16. My main issue that i am a goal driven person. I do all this without it would be necessary to put it on the list. I take it as necessary as drinking water or eating.....
  17. My general goals: Let the past and the pain of the past go Updating this journal on a daily basis, till I go back to the ship, then update it on weekly basis Start to work out on daily basis Enjoy my free time without computer, technic and TV series Quit my porn addiction as it promotes creates an unhealthy picture of sex and makes real sex less enjoyable. Start to visualise my future goals and create goals what I can achieve Read more books on self-actualisation. Daily Goals Wake up at latest 10 am--> Done again. Workout-->Long run:). Taking care of my body--> Looooong relaxing bath, face and hair mask with a glass of wine. To read self-help books-->I'm interested in reading Matthew Hussey's book: Get the guy, I was watching leo's videos and looked for psychological books. Socialise with people.-->Sort of done it, also I should have an another date this weekend. Eat healthy-->Salad and soup a la me:) I bought some extra fat burner in BIOTECH USA. And some vegan Rice protein powder to keep my protein levels on good level. Vitamins--> done I Feel as i am ready to extend my list but I am unsure on what should I include. any ideas? This is not really satisfying anymore as it seems easy to achieve. I should raise my own bet. I was thinking a lot about relationships... and Enlightenment and human connections in general. What is beauty? I'm looking for so many answers... so so so many answers.
  18. i speak every day about my meal choices so I decided to share my meal today. I pointed out several times that I only eat one meal a day so here is what i ate today: greenbean soup with garlic, chili,lemon and coconut milk . maincourse was: salad from carrots, purple cabbage, iceberg lettuce, grilled crougettes and an omlet made from egg whites. I put some farm cheese on top. i could not even finish the salad... i need to still have one rice protein shake...
  19. My general goals: I did very very good today Let the past and the pain of the past go Updating this journal on a daily basis, till I go back to the ship, then update it on weekly basis Start to work out on daily basis Enjoy my free time without computer, technic and TV series Quit my porn addiction as it promotes creates an unhealthy picture of sex and makes real sex less enjoyable. Start to visualise my future goals and create goals what I can achieve Read more books on self-actualisation. Daily Goals Wake up at latest 10 am--> DONE, woke up at 7.00am Workout-->walking for about 2 hours, also tomorrow going to gym. Taking care of my body--> Looooong relaxing bath:) To read self-help books-->I watched videos, read books, I was concentrating on relationships today. Socialise with people.--> Planning a road trip in germany next week:) I am very excited about it.. spent time with stepmom. Eat healthy-->Salad and soup a la me:) I bought some extra fat burner in BIOTECH USA. And some vegan Rice protein powder to keep my protein levels on good level. Vitamines--> done I had a date today. I am pretty crap at dating as my only 2 first dates turned out to be long term relationship. Now that I am single I've decided to go on as many dates as possible to gain experience, and gain to learn to say no, yes and to learn about relationships in total. The dat was awful. The guy went on and on and on about his porsche he picked me up with. It was awful. I was rude, and asked him to take me home. Still after he kept messaging me that he had the best time and I'm such a pretty girl. Horrible experience but at least I can learn how to say no.
  20. Name: Rosie Jakab Age: 25 Gender: Female Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands, sometimes Budapest Hungary but most often I am on the ocean Occupation: Receptionist on one of the most elegant Ocean Liner, future Child therapeutic Marital Status: Single/Dating Kids: No Hobbies: enlightenment, meditation, personal development, reading, learning, nature, healthy eating, helping others I got into personal development in 2015 when I decided that I do not want to blame always others for my suffering. I was always big believer of self learning ( i have learned 4 languages this way) and started to learn about emotions and decisions on youtube. I try to learn about relationships, life coaching and future plan to become a therapeutic for children. Personal challenges I've overcome: Young age abuse General moving in early age/ scared of any kind commitments Used to be very shy, introverted, and socially awkward Overcoming to loose my whole family and stay on my own at age 24 Cleaned up my diet A LOT, now eating mostly vegetarian and vegan Becoming successful in my career Overcoming my mood swings and strong personality What I'm working on now: Working on enlightenment Working on improving my health & diet Working on being more authentic in relating to others Finding a real partner where we can both become independent and we do not depend on each other Getting my promotion at work what i was working so hard for
  21. It is a basic need, just as much as you get hungry or tired. But the real question is, are you treating your needs like an animal? When You need to urinate you just stop in your walk and start to piss yourself ore wait till you find a toilet to ease yourself? When you are hungry, you go and grab the food from someone else, or eat raw meat, or dirty vegetables, or you wait till you can prepare your meal? Same goes for sex. Just because it's a need doesn't mean that you just run to fuck someone on the street like an animal....
  22. I think the ship transformed me completely. Now Picking up any rule, habit is easy peasy after two days. I have no issue living without social media at all. I am fine without it, the only thing i miss is to know that all my ship family is alright. I will go back to FB for that but thats it. My dad always used to say that he ship is like the Navy and now I see that he was right...
  23. My general goals: I did very very good today Let the past and the pain of the past go Updating this journal on a daily basis, till I go back to the ship, then update it on weekly basis Start to work out on daily basis Enjoy my free time without computer, technic and TV series Quit my porn addiction as it promotes creates an unhealthy picture of sex and makes real sex less enjoyable. Start to visualise my future goals and create goals what I can achieve Read more books on self-actualisation. Daily Goals Wake up at latest 10 am--> DONE, woke up around 9.45 Workout-->did some body weight training Taking care of my body--> I had a relaxing day. I need to find an amazing hairdresser to give myself a super sexy haircut. To read self-help books-->I watched videos, read books, I was concentrating on relationships today. Socialise with people.--> Planning a road trip in germany next week:) I am very excited about it.. Eat healthy-->Vegetarian Chili by me. I did not have take out food in weeks. Vitamines--> done I took my ex off from the list as HE is not a moving point anymore. I want to learn about relationships, but I do not want him back, I want to be so so much better for myself, for my mental and physical health, because this life is only about me, and I am the only one who can benefit from this journey. Today I also watched the new video from Leo, I need some time and more documentation on digesting it. Hopefully I will get to that level:)
  24. Hey all, I just felt the need of sharing. I found this very smart app: Freedom It blocks all social media and browsing for you for the time limit chosen on your device/devices. It can help if you want to force yourself to quit the addiction of this sites or if you need to study or you really want to concentrate on something without distractions. Maybe someone else can use it as well out there.