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  1. LP course is only step 0. You'll get certificate from life if you can embody what you've been taught there.
  2. Not to defend Leo per se but I've been getting more than enough high quality pussy with the same thing he gives you in advice. You better trust him Being skeptical about his advice just shows us how you're not getting any. If you'd know the rules of feminine - masculine dynamics, everything would make sense, you clearly don't. Learn AND go out
  3. I disagree. Most straight women don't get excited about dicks either just by looking at them. Ask gynaecologist how much he gets excited by vaginas alone. Porn can be sadly very misleading, visually there are stuff which are more pleasing on screen than experiencing it in real life. And vica versa: no porn will make you experience how good pussy feels
  4. I was there in September, the guide said it's the best season there - not too hot, not too cold. ~25 C° and lot of sunshine. Using the Tinder passport feature I can talk to lot of girls who live there.(bought a year of Tinder Platinum for 30$ dollars while I stayed there - ye it's cheap as hell there). Even before Russia's threat they were suprisingly open to move to my country for the hope of a better life (imagine now). Though I am not commiting to anyone right now as I am young but I had couple of chicks flying to Budapest - capital of Hungary to visit me. They generally don't like Ukranian men very much and their country's economic and political situation. Also there is abundance there - I was told that there are more women than men. I just think back how awesome it was in Kiev, how big the return of investment is to meet women there. Plus they are usually fun to be around, suprisingly educated, so it is not just about their looks. Language barrier sucks though
  5. If you want abundance of hot women go to Kiev, Ukraine. Walk down the streets in the city centre and you'll see 10/10 stunners casually walking by, you will think you're in heaven. I got a new crush every 10 minutes. It was an unbelievable experience for me. Not only that, they are generally less feminized...
  6. This is so disappointing to see some of you guys being skeptical of Leo's achievments of "conquering" the opposite sex on this forum. I sleep with what you might consider a "10" with Russian roots on a regular basis. I have several girls with great personality, so what Leo says about women is definitely not bullshit, I can only confirm. If anything your skepticism says more about you and your lack of experience with hot women. Go out, get friends, learn about female nature, improve yourself, get a 10 to bed and keep her. Then come back and judge. Level 1 nooby shouldn't be judging people with higher level of development in any domain of life. Start with observing your beliefs about women.
  7. Self-actualization is an integrative process. You can't imagine how many people in his audience Leo helped with this one video. Love yourself.
  8. If you write your own game engine, you may as well write your own OS and kernel. You are not DICE or AAA studio to have your own game engine which you'll be updating for decades. Use Unreal Engine or Unity. You'll be spending shit tons of time developing anyways. Game development is the hardest thing in programming, why make your situation even worse? Society is standing on the shoulders of giants, appreciate it.
  9. My story: Coming from Hungary - where we drink a lot - both my father and grandfather were huge drinkers, consuming alcohol everyday till they get drunk. Quite common here. Having the same tendencies in our bloodline I wanted to make it stop as it brought a lot of problems into our family. How I eliminated alcohol out of my life? I had a strategy, which worked for me. When I was in university I drank every 4 months really lot till I passed out. I had few friend guarding me, making sure I'm safe. It happened 3 times. Between those occasions I only drank a few beers per week. After my last big drinking event - when I drank a whole bottle of vodka at once - I never drank any strong alcohol since then. It's been 3+ years. My body has such a harsh reaction against Vodka for example that I almost start to vomit when I smell it - not even tasting it. Now I drink 1 beer / month on average. And taste some good wine occasionally. I don't advise you to have a stick up in your ass and be religous about NOT drinking alcohol. Life is short, be smart about it. I went through my sex and alcohol phase to get it out of my system. It helped to integrate stage orange better, seeing the limitations of hedonism. Good luck mate
  10. I am not the best example but I made a MedTech startup straight out of university. I moved back to my parents' house and worked 60-80 hours a week for a year. I never had any real jobs in my life, and looks like probably I will never need one. I plan to help people around me financially and the startup product is about making people live longer. Win-win-win type Besides our success, I had very positive experience with the startup world, we received lot of support even when we had only the idea. However it is surely not for anyone. Delusion here leads to failure very fast. That's why I feel like startups are connected to spirtuality in a way. You get rewarded for seeing clearly.
  11. Exactly, I have a stage Green - Yellow GF. She is still attracted to standard attractive qualites of high value men. Just because someone is turquoise, he / she still needs to breathe air and has chemical reactions. I'd say everyone should stop this spiritual / self-actualizing path or at least put it away until one becomes master at survival. There's just too much delusion coming with it if you want to skip this step and lack life experience. Especially true for young folks here. You need direct experience to see the limits of survival, once you got that - now you have crystal clear vision which you need to proceed to the spritual stage. Life is about integrating your lower stages and love them to death.
  12. Exactly. That's what I don't like about this forum. I wonder whether or not people even watch your videos, because i feel like even if they do, they don't really understand them. The level of wisdom you teach doesn't reflect this forum's level of consciousness or rather I should say: common sense I don't want talk from my spiritual ego because maybe I was just lucky stumbling upon your content when I was 15 - 7 years ago - and literally growing up with it. This whole is common sense and simple logic with some twists. Extremely valuable. Learning about your own mind and its deceptions is perhaps the most important thing to do.
  13. Not to break the illusion and your enthusiasm. However, as an AI programmer, I must say that this ain't how AI works. It was programmed into it as a part of its learning phase. It didn't make interconnections and think it up for itself as it is not a self-conscious thing (yet?). People overestimate and underestimate at the same time what AI can do (and will be able to do).