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Everything posted by Proserpina

  1. "The throat chakra, or vishuddha chakra in Sanskrit, is located at the center of the neck. It acts as the individual's force of expression and individual truth, both internally and externally. A balanced throat chakra helps to set us free from the fear of judgement or need for approval from others." I know I have an absence of the Jewel in my heart centre, or identity centre. Hell is directly correlated with that absence. The more absent, the worse it got. I'm not identified as the Jewel. But identifying as the Jewel or not got me there -to the hell or heavenly realm. Identifying as the Jewel masters all of the human realm. Praise and glory are yours.
  2. @Benton Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely look into the chakras and the throat chakra. I figure I need to work on my baseline but I can easily reach high levels of consciousness through meditation which would melt away the hellish realms , so I don't think that's the issue. Even if at first the hell would meld around it, the last war cries from the hell beings. I think my issue is inexperience and being intimidated by the final war cries. I get too skittish too easily, when I have nothing to be afraid of. That's what I was told. What's the saying? It's the darkest before the dawn. That was very true for me.
  3. God hides in the incompetent. Sometimes he shows his face in the competent.
  4. That's true, I think. Doesn't feel like it (because you're in hell) but that's what is going on. You can become forgetful though and then become stuck. But if you're in that state at all you have the capacity to become unstuck. Which is why those who are psychotic could do with guidance, something we could use in our western civilisation. I had to rely on someone in my imagination for guidance.
  5. Not Leo, but I can't think of a reason why I encountered a hellish realm. There was no romantic or nice reason. A slap in the face after you've experienced a literal bleeding through of a heavenly realm and the reasoning for everything being love. That was a part of the trauma.
  6. Crazy people on the street who have schizophrenia are crazy because they are aware they can be swallowed up into another dimension where hell exists at any point, especially when the meds stop working. I'm sure that's even happened. That dimension was bleeding through to mine and I was sure I would be swallowed up. Which is fine, God doesn't give more than anyone can handle. There is evidence but the people have been gaslit and slapped with labels out of fear.
  7. Devastating. Especially since anyone can be sent to it. In fact you're more likely if you're awake. You aren't really guilty of anything but inexperience. Enlightened masters tend to be experienced. You aren't supposed to be without these things. But not reactive and constructive.
  8. As someone who has gone insane, I can say hell exists Ovens that smell of human flesh, the smell of death and hell everywhere, food that you can't eat that smell and taste terrible, tortured groans, growls and strange sounds in the dark, demonic possession And I'm not even a low consciousness person. If I was, the degree to which I see things, I'd be in a psychward still.
  9. There's a difference between the Jewel and what people normally think of when they think of the Self, which is a mediocre version covered in dust. I've worked out. What I call 'lazer awareness' or the Jewel (terminology and theory doesn't matter that much, only recording) can burn a hole through the veil, revealing the Jewel. 'Self love' is that process or the genie (Jewel) bestowing the Jewel into my heart. And then we become one, because it is one Jewel. The Jewel is enough unto itself (I am that) but the merge is something special (I).
  10. Don't be too quick to listen to the people here. Explore what is psychosis. Look at its qualities. Use it to awaken/ become enlightened. Don't get too hung up on 'telepathy' or the content. What you have is solid direct experience of a radically altered state of consciousness for a long length of time, use it to help you on your path. Forget everyone else, what they think etc.
  11. God-avatar is awareness and so is everything else. God-avatar speaks as awareness but some disembodied beings do not. Those disembodied Beings went away when I was more conscious of consciousness/I AM. "You are me and I am you". The Self. I was in another dimension talking to myself at that point, what I think of as 'enlightenment'. Enlightenment is when you are talking to yourself all the time. Can collapse self and other 'at will'. You are consciousness. Atleast, to me. Awakening is being awake to that but not necessarily talking to yourself or being consciousness. There's a deep peace and satisfaction that comes from collapsing self and other.
  12. Being is awareness, I AM front and centre. Be awareness to collapse self and other/collapse it automatically. Clarity. Awareness comes with a whole host of benefits.
  13. My emotions have an impact on how it's interpreted and filtered. Since I have a lot of trauma, it's quite negative.....
  14. I'm looking for the collapse of self and other. Which should come from simply noticing. I just did it and I went straight into a 'psychosis'.
  15. I can see it. It really is about noticing awareness or the I AM. It's deceptively simple yet profound. I think I can enter trance at will now by noticing the I am. Just gotta practice.
  16. Humility. Listen and learn. Gotta listen. Reciever and sender is a jumping off point. I need to study Being a bit more.
  17. Anyways. Even the reciever and sender is a distortion. Everything is awareness, not just the reciever and sender.
  18. If I feel loved/loveable to such a degree I can slip into a 'psychosis' if I'm not medicated. Self love.
  19. Bipolar and schizophrenia are correlated in that if you become manic enough you can slip into psychosis. Psychosis can be controlled through mood stabilisers for that reason.
  20. Abundance is attractive. If you know love, you can know self love if you turn it inward. Practice self love for high abundance.
  21. Abundance is attractive. If you know love, you can know self love if you turn it inward. Practice self love for high abundance.
  22. Slytherin. A relatively nice Slytherin.
  23. 'Hypervigilance' is what my psychiatrist called it. Often found in PTSD and war veterans. Around that time I had been experiencing my mum dying and my dad becoming more and more violent. I would recieve messages of danger constantly.
  24. When people think of schizoaffective or schizophrenia they usually think of someone who is delusional and paranoid. Someone who is low consciousness. In actuality I'm just afraid of everyone in my depressive states. I harbour no negative thoughts, negative intentions. Just extreme anxiety that I soothe with meditation.
  25. Schizoaffective has highs and lows. It's a combination of bipolar and schizophrenia. I personally don't think it's that simple. Experiences with God is not a 'high'. But the establishment classifies it as a high. The lows are caused by inexperience out of control/ with momentum. Misdiagnosis? I probably have schizophrenia.