Psychic crocodile

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About Psychic crocodile

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  1. @Carl-Richard lol alright dude. You just argued the statement "rape is harmful" tho. And your point is? That I shouldn't call that a fact because of relativity. We are humans, did you forget lol we are harmed constantly. We are not above being human, and our bodies and brains are limited and respond automatically, actually should research the autonomic nervous system, I think some science might help ground your thoughts.. Are you someone who believes if someone labels themselves as disabled that they are objectively wrong for doing so? Lol I am not one dimensional in my thinking btw.
  2. @Carl-Richard I get what you're saying. On literally any other topic except abuse, I will agree with you. Abuse is harmful tho, even if the person is stronger afterwards. I get the mentality you're talking about tho. But it's ok to acknowledge abuse as harmful too and also not having to think if it's right or wrong. Humans abuse this earth without a thought, but I guess the collective will have to think to decide this is wrong before they do anything about it. Most people only think in good and bad, emotions. So when we speak about humans and the experience, do we need to remove the essence of humanity to find answers or peace? I think no. To add on, I know many people who are grateful for their experience of suffering because of what they gain.
  3. @Consept nah I get it, i just find most of the excessive thinking to be pointless, especially in cases like this. But I also tend to not treat people like they're idiots and speak to them as if they've already got the context to understand (which is why I came to this site). I find it so dull to write a million disclaimers..
  4. @Consept right.. but I prefer to refer to facts, as facts, when speaking about facts. When you make everything so convoluted, you cant see clearly. And that was my addition to the conversation. If you feel clouded by thought, which op does, find the utmost fact.
  5. @Carl-Richard no, rape is harmful regardless of the perspective. Just because it might not harm the rapist, or just because maybe the victim grows exponentially and positively from that experience, etc etc forever doesn't erase the fact that rape is harmful. And that harm is harm. My point is stop clouding your thoughts with so much nonsense, you can not see clearly if you cloud everything.
  6. @Consept meh, its contradictory I know. I do think we might be better off without it tho, thoughts I mean. Dogs are happy enough anyway.
  7. @Danioover9000 obviously I didn't say that we can time travel with language? Do you think someone is that stupid? No, time changes the language around the fact. The earth is alive now, but in the future it dies, so now the earth is no longer alive, but it was. I am not addressing you trying to use non facts to argue what a fact is.
  8. @Consept dude. No, to all of that. You do not know what facts are then. Facts are non negotiable. Stop thinking human thought is factual. Why would you even call that a fact? It was a theory, like most of science. We are in the toddler stages of humanity
  9. @Carl-Richard um you asked me what is "america" what is "black people". I feel like this conversation isn't possible tho, it is not going anywhere that leads to an understanding.. you are leading it with questions that don't have an answer, nor do they need an answer. As I said, a picture will suffice, or if the idea of a picture doesnt make sense, I will just show you a dog in person, and there it is, a dog.. You dont need thoughts to describe it. But we are using speaking language currently. Rape is harmful, dogs are dogs, humans are humans. Anyway, less words the better.
  10. @Carl-Richard what's the point of that question? Do you think a dog needs to know "what" a human is, to know what a human is? If my dog sees a picture of another dog (even just a cartoon dog!) he starts growling because he knows it's another animal. He doesnt need to know more than an image. Humans are the ones who want to put more onto something than it simply is
  11. @Consept time changes things because of past present and future language. Time doesnt erase. Why are you saying "flat earth" that's not a fact and it never was. Just because some person thought something, doesnt make their thought fact. The fact would be that some humans think the earth is flat
  12. @Carl-Richard lol you do not need words at that point. I can draw you a picture. You dont actually need to define anything with words.
  13. @Carl-Richard lol and that is why you do not need to over think. Super unneccessary to try to twist a fact into different concepts, you can do that infinitely and it serves no purpose. It also does not erase the fact that yes here on "earth" "humans" call a piece of land "america" where they used to "own" "black people" as "slaves". That's what your point was and its redundant.
  14. @Roy obviously. Those weren't facts. And if we want to speak about facts, we should speak about facts. I'm not speaking of opinions or beliefs being labelled as fact. Concrete facts do not have any room for debate. The reason I commented this, is because thinking in right vs wrong isn't helpful. Fact is, harm is harm, and that's it, that's all you need to know. If someone were to say rapists are bad - this is not fact because it's too nuanced, but you could say rapists are human - fact.
  15. @Consept facts are not debatable. Black people were slaves in america, fact. Facts literally are not debatable.