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  1. Indirectly it does help. But it's really hard to do it. A bunch of people never really had a lucid dream and confuse with the fact of "remembering dreams in a lucid way". Either way, search for the word Turiya.
  2. @sara373 I actually like your “you are an illusion inside of a illusion” definition. But words are tricky so we need to first define “you”. “You” aren’t a illusion. But sara373 avatar or whatever is your name is. you need years of seeking to have a small glimpse of experience and I don’t know where you are at in the journey, but I can offer things that I put together after long time made me realize a few of this things.
  3. I would say it's the opposite. You can say that your avatar exists in the same level as a cup of coffee exists. You had to create a lot of shit to believe that you and a cup of coffee exits and to believe in a personal experience at this point. But in a blink of an eye all of this experience vanish and you can either have another experience in reality, like being an ant or just go back to source, that is everything and nothing. As @Anahata said above, you need to keep working until having it as direct experience. Mind is incapable and not really designed to it.
  4. Is there something you would like to create? Then go create it. Otherwise, just go have a cup of coffee. Coffee doesn't even exist. Go enjoy the idea of drinking a cup of coffee.
  5. Pretty much. Your ego won't accept that because it's gonna fear dealing with this avatar not existing.
  6. Took me sometime to consume/contemplate/absorb this video. But, thank you. Your 2 snow spheres analogy is just so simple that's actually easy to go unnoticed. Glad I found your channel, hope you keep posting more videos like this, I spent hours already listening to all the content you posted.
  7. This is a nice post Can you link to the video where Leo said that? Thanks
  8. @Inliytened1 Thanks for your input! I have been reading/practicing lucid dreaming on and off for about 10 years. 2 books were important to me on the subject (Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming Laberge PHD, Stephen and Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming And Mindfulness Of Dream And Sleep Morley, Charlie, imusti). During all this time, I could have 2 solid lucid dreams. 2 real realizations that I was dreaming during the dream. So I truly and honest get your point that this life might be all an illusion somehow, but I could never really experience it so far. Besides that, to keep connected to the question of this blog post: My 37 trillion cells are always evolving somehow, every day, generating learnings and memories. Something that I don't see happening from dream to dream, where each dream has a different context and are not related to each other. There is a video from Vedanta that I really like that explains the concept of Turiya. That is the "self" that is on the dream and/or here in the "awaken life". It's exactly what I've been trying to "experience", the self or the I that is in the dream, or that reincarnates. Or what is the self that gives us a sense of divided/personal into this whole big union.
  9. @Chrisd Thanks for the link. You got to the point that disturbs my mind on this question. "only the Soul (The Self)" Sometimes I read that there is no self. Sometimes I read that there is memory in the body (Runanubandha). If our body is a composition of so many cells, and the cells die, ok ... But all the "learning" must keep going in a "personal" level. For me this would be the self somehow. @Endangered-EGO That the really hard question, I agree. After so many videos from Leo and other experiences and sources, I understand that consciousness is the "material" of everything and that everything is happening inside of consciousness. I think I get this point. But the division that makes us different beings is still hard for me, specially when we say that we are all the same God imagining this. @Gianna Does it mean that there is no reincarnation at all?
  10. Hey Tim, thanks for your reply. Your question made me look to a few definitions and reflect upon them. In the video, Leo talk about the realization that everything is the soul, even a tree is the soul. I think this means the realization of no Self. But I can't understand how this is a contrast with the reincarnation aspect. If we need to learn more and more throughout lives, something needs to keep holding this accumulated knowledge. And it's not the 37 million cells or much more than that in my understanding.
  11. Context: Free Will vs Determinism - Does Free Will Exist? My quick and short take/interpretation about the video above to get to the question: We are the output of 37 trillions of cells that together make extremely complex decisions. Ok, so Leo (as in the videos): what is the "I", the "self", in this system(brain+body) that reincarnates? PS: I'm considering that usually the teachings in Leo's videos go along with Buddhism, Karma, enlightenment, and other subjects like this. I imagine I can make the assumption that reincarnation is part of the equation, even that I never saw a video from Leo specifically about the subject. Thank you for reading, appreciate any good ideas, links or comments to help me with this inquiring.