Jake Johnson

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Everything posted by Jake Johnson

  1. Whatever they wouldn't decide their existance for themselves.
  2. I don't think so. At least I don't plan to have children. When you get right down to it life pretty much sucks. Who am I to make someone else have to go through it? For that matter what gave my parents the right to decide that for me. I have been told there is an old catch phrase "life sucks then you die." It is pretty much on the mark.
  3. I am wondering when the public is going to wake up to just how looney toons the right wing element of the republican party has become. https://www.newsweek.com/va-state-senator-who-pushed-trump-declare-martial-law-charges-democrats-treason-1555656?amp=1&utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&__twitter_impression=true
  4. I present this because I agree with it wholeheartedly. I am aware that there have been times when moderates and liberals have been wrong but through all my study of history both in school and on my own I have not come across a single instsnce when conservatives have been right. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/politics/2014/11/conservative-nonsense-political-history
  5. Well my mom took me to the doctor and he says it is eczema - dry skin. He gave me a moisturizer. I just applied some so I will see what happens.
  6. For the past two days my feet have been itching almost constantly. Not my whole feet; just the bottom - the soles of my feet. I have tried soaking them in warm salt water but still the itching. Has anyone ecperienced this? What is there to do about it?
  7. And a fair amount of lunacy.
  8. You are correct that you can't always be blindly progressive. As I noted moderates and liberals have been wrong at times, but what is progress today may become outdated and obsolete later.
  9. I agree with Origins. I think all teachers are overrated. It is like Mark Twain said; "there are two types of people: those who talk in their sleep and lecturers who talk while other people sleep." I read in one of my sister's psychology texts about research on learning methods in which the researchers discovered that students in a classroom lecture are daydreaming 70% of the time. That makes school probably the most ineffective, ineffecient method of education ever devised. When you get right down to it school teachers are certainly the most overpaid people on earth. They graduate from taxpayer funded teacher's colleges and the amount that isn't covered with taxpayer funds they pay with taxpayer subsidised student loans and grants, spend their entire careers funded by the taxpayer with a nice salary, blue cross/blue shield and then they retire on a taxpayer provided pension - plainly and simply they spend their entire adult lives at the taxpayer trough and all for doing nothing but burn up time that could have been spent learning by talking while other people sleep. PS: anyone who tells my teachers that I wrote this will be shot!
  10. It has always amazed (or really amused) me that so many "Christians" say they support conservatives because conservatives oppose abortion which Christ never said a word about but conservatives openly support greed which Christ spoke out against repeatedly and they will tell you their Christian faith is behind their support of conservatives.
  11. Biden was chairman of the senate foreign relations commitee for years. NATO allies have at times consulted him for input on foreign relations.
  12. Speaking for myself I am glad that Trump will be going. I don't expect greatness from Biden but I do think he will be more capable in foreign matters as that is his area of expetise.
  13. I am a 14 year old guy and about a month ago a girl beat me up when she caught me looking down her blouse. My question is now that a few weeks have passed should I go to her and apologize for ogling her (she wasn't wearing a bra) or do you think I should just let it go?
  14. Look I came here simply seeking a female viewpoint on a matter pertaining to a female. How does that constitute trolling?
  15. Just why do you keep calling me a troll?
  16. I feel sorry about embarrassing her and making her feel disrespected. And again she was able to beat me up simply because she took me by surprise and she is amazingly quick.
  17. Look it is not lying - the only reason that girl was able to beat me is because she took me by surprise and is as quick as a cat.
  18. What isn't a speed thing? If someone is quick enough to have you immobilized before you can react you are getting a beating.
  19. @Opo yes, she really is that quick. I think the damn girl could catch cobras with her bare hands and never get biten.
  20. @Arcanus thank you for your input. And you are correct; one of the other two girls present did tell me later that Rachel, the girl who beat me up, had done so more out of embarrassment than anger. I will try to gauge her attitude toward me and make a judgement call about speaking to her.
  21. Thank you Moon. Yes, we are both 14. It isn't that she is some amazon; she is a very typical 14 year old girl in both size and strength and I am a typical 14 year old boy in both size and strength. She just took me by surprise and is very quick.
  22. Yes, I have learned and am sincere in wishing to apologize. Thank you Moon. No, she didn't say anything. After she just stalked off with her two female friends. She is just a girl in town who I know only casually. And it was a genuine beat up; black eye, bloody nose, split lip. It is fortunate that they were the only ones present and I don't think they have told anyone about it. In my defense she took me by surprise and she is very quick. She was leaning forward arranging items in a bag that was on the ground. I was standing in front if her with my arms at my sides when she realized that I was looking at her boobies then straightened up stepped forward tripped me to the ground and held her left arm around both of my arms while punching me in the face with her right. She was able to give me a beating because she got the jump on me and she is as quick as a cat. She had my arms immobilized behind my back before we even hit the ground. But now I understand just how uncomfortable, embarrassed AND ANGRY it makes a girl feel to have private areas of her body ogled. I really do feel bad about it and not just because she beat me up. I suppose I deserved it? I really did want to offer an apology but was worried that she might only get mad and beat me up again but now with the input from Moon I will talk to the girl and let her know how sorry I am.
  23. Yes, I have learned and am sincere in wishing to apologize. Thank you Moon.