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Everything posted by Fandango

  1. I haven’t awaken but I don’t need to do it to know that love is everything, even the things my ego doesn’t like Because of my personal growth I even “enjoy” in a way the bad things that happen to my ego, I have developed a taste for it, I see it as part of this game/dream, as part of the challenge and I enjoy every challenge The is no dark that needs to be illuminated I don’t want to waste (there is no waste I k ow) my dream trying to get it lucid, I just know it intuitively and I am loving all the possibilities open to me knowing that is a dream Shouldn’t you just go into awakening when you are highlight developed? And not before?
  2. Many people in the forum use spirituality (telling themselves it is a dream) to forget about the nightmare they are having (instead of a beautiful dream) (no real personal development). Even if it is a dream, for me, the most important thing is not having a nightmare
  3. Shouldn’t you being focused in making the best out of your dream? (For me this is personal development, life purpose, etc), instead of investing so much energy in having a lucid dream? (Spirituality) helped me a lot with personal development, I understand that it evolved into spirituality but most people just need to improve their dream (personal development) because right now is shit, what bring me to think God is a fucking sadist (I love it heheh)
  4. Lucid dream are not more fun, the best dreams are those you had an amazing time and you thought it was for real, for example when you fucked a hot girl in your dream and you thought it was for real God get tired of life in ignorance? I don’t think so, you portrait not being awake as something bad (ignorance), but God went though a lot to deceive himself, he want to be asleep
  5. If you are yellow and only want to date yellow or higher people you are fucked. There are almost no yellow people in the world. Love every stage At higher stages you don’t lower your expectation about how hot your partner should be, it is the other way around
  6. I friend of mine who lives in Austria, Europe told me that in his company, they pay the same to both employees and managers. Could this ever work? Shouldn´t this be a pyramid system? I also notice that managers in my company get shocked when they learn that the company pays more to some freelances than what they earn (freelances do the same kind of job as the regular employees in my company but they are paid more in time of a lot of work). They are shocked when they realize people without an university degrees but rare skills are getting paid much more than they are. Notice that in my country to be a manager, usually you need to have a university degree. Is this somehow a country moving up in spiral dynamics from orange to green? Could you do this in a small company that is orange in spiral dynamics? Merry Christmas! (Santa Claus is your father)
  7. Are you avoiding moving out because is it difficult for a woman in Morocco move out from your parents without a husband? I am honestly asking
  8. Do just paid online courses, not youtube but paid graphic design courses on 1 of the things you like, for example: Illustrator Do many of them, spend a couple of years at least All of this do it after your normal working hours, all of this is extra, nights and so on You know how to get those courses, right?. You are woman from Morocco you werent dealt a good hand
  9. Sorry if I offended you Just wanted to give you another perspective that not many people are going to give you I am going to think about other more constructive ways of helping you
  10. There are a little more than 3 paragraphs in your website. "Putting a picture of myself on the top" -> red flag. Is your website/business a cheap version of I say cheap because I see no effort in your website/business. Seriously, it is almost a joke to me, I can´t believe it Of course you like it. Do not trust people that give you positive feedback with what you have so far, they may love you, but there are fucking liars. Ask yourself: Am I doing too much LSD and too little hard actual work? (not things like reading book that you like, an taking LSD, etc) Sorry for being hash, but it my style to wake you up
  11. Most probably you want to do something easier than school and that is fun, like... playing soccer You probably should stick to school while you are looking for your life purpose. Try different things and if you can, do the LP course, it will get you there faster.
  12. There is no information in the website, just: Book a Session. The video has no editing, I could read like that from a book and make that video in no time. What is it really that you are offering? what is that rare skill that you have, read from a book or something? what is your purple cow? I hope you improve your shit and this is just a start Note: if this is really your LP you should tell me to go fuck myself anyways
  13. I had a vasectomy. A couple of friend of mine got pregnant random girls. The girls lied to them about taking the pills and there is no law about preventing this. I did a research and you can get extracted sperms in less than 5 min with no pain and get pregnant your girl in vitro. Many people are doing it this way in the labs anyways. I don’t know why this is not taught. In the future the vasectomy could be the default for guys until they want to have kids.
  14. I am 35 years old, when should I end game? In my country in Europe, women after around 33 years old are likely to have kids and other issues. Now I am having sex with 27+ years old girls. But what about when I am 38 years old?, when should you end game? I know that you can have many relationships throughout your life, and I already had a few and a lot of sex, but if I want to have another "for a while good girlfriend" , should I settle for one not much much later than, let´s say, 37? I know it depends on countries and cultures, but do you have any thoughts on this? I think I try to pickup younger girls to extend my time, but is it a good idea? Of course it all depends on what you want to do, I could be having short relationships forever, but what is a good age for a man to get into a longer relationship because game is not that good anymore?
  15. My conclusions: - Continue game indefinitely but I will target girls in their 30s so I have more in common with them. Aiming for short or medium term relationships, basically screening girls in their 30s looking for one that is worth having a longer relationship. - Continue developing myself so I continue increasing my value/game Can you elavorate further on that? Do you mean that break-ups in short realtionships are not bad but even good?
  16. I feel good being alone, 0 fears of being alone in my 50s. It is a problem that people want to be with me too much and I have to limit that. I feel magnetic because of my development
  17. I look much younger than my peers, I have a lot of hair and I am fit, it is even shoking to me. Because of that, in a way, it is easier for my to get younger girls. I have a huge dick. I feel like a unicorn and I am very conscious of it I have been thinking about this for a long time because I think it is important to plan it somehow
  18. I am still horny af The thing is, in my country, girls from, let´s say, 25 to 29 years old are at the perfect point to be having sex a lot, have independence, experience different sex things, feel free to fuck, want to have experiences, are spontaneous, etc... how to give up that?
  19. But I think I don´t want to look like her dad either. Agree on the rest What is your long term plan? are you looking for a serious girlfriend in her 30s? I mean, what other wise options do I have? I wish I could freeze time for a few years just now heheh
  20. I am 35 years old and I am nowhere near wanting to settle down, I was married from 27 to 33 years old though. My intention is to continue having multiples short term relationships with younger girls that bring passion to the other part of my life (LP, etc) and also so much knowledge. The thing is, when to buy another cow if ever? I think is about: What is the best deal I can get? isn´t it?
  21. I actually enjoy it, I am just long term planning I am super lucky, I am playing in prince mode So, I guess, keeping on it until I am around 38 years old, dating 30-31 years old girls? It seems like high value girls sometimes also wait the longest to get into a relationship, what do you think?
  22. Stop making it a thing "being a virgin" If you write here about it is because you are bothered about this, so you want to fuck Watch/practice the videos How to get laid. If you are a virgin, that´s gold to you
  23. I read the Wikipedia article about the Michigan shooting and it briefly mentioned that the shooter was bullied at the school The parents are responsable, but in an advanced society, shouldn’t the school also been question about the procedures against bulling they are following and in this particular case what they did to stop the bulling against him? I am just trying to think about the root cause of the shooting, other than stupid parents, mentally unstable kid and stupid gun laws, of course
  24. That vision would be devilry. You are self-bias AF. If you want to contribute with your music, go get better at singing/writing songs. Edit: I saw you YT channel, I see your struggle, I hope you get better. You are honest. Maybe you should focus on Jesus Christ and your mission as a singer/song writer to spread his love to the world. Focus on getting better at singing.
  25. Thinking that is trauma can be because you are trying to explain why you do not want to have children when you think (because of society, etc) you should. I was thinking about having/not having children for years, and at the end I decided not to have. You should decide this things, because the default position is to have children because of pressure from society and how easy is to get pregnant. I got a vasectomy at age 33 having no children. The doctor scheduled an ultrasound check before that in a hope, I think, that I will think about it in the meantime and I will not come back. I did all the tests and got my vasectomy. I cried a few months latter watching Leo´s video on Reproduction is an illusion. Positive side: I felt empowered that I am able to make that decision because of the place I live in (Spain and private health insurance), Down side: I have only shared this with one close friend because society is still not ready for this. Even for my open minded friend is difficult I digest I think. My point is, self esquire about it. And make your decision, because we know what the default is...