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About Em_RZ

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  1. It's supposed to bring you to a blank. So that you get used to the emptiness. But it's important that you don't try to hold on to anything.. whatever arises passes through. One of the biggest aha moments for me was to recognise that one needs to let go/surrender to the experience for it to be realised.
  2. One of the most subtle inquiries I have done, and one of the most rewarding (when I undertook it) was to Inquire upon where my attention (that I put on different objects) arises from. It resulted in some mind blowing fundamental shifts in how I experience life. I am not going to say what.. that would only put ideas in your head to stagnate in. One good exercise is to do that Inquiry in front of a mirror when looking yourself in the eyes, and doing it so effortless as possible.
  3. This one is interesting. The end off suffering, and the default mode network.
  4. @Leo Gura for me "personally" the more subtle and paradoxical the pointing is the more I can rest in a inner knowing,because there is nothing to do or no I that can be enlightened. But Consciousness takes many forms so I guess that maybe your aproach is the strict logical path. However sooner or later you will wake up to your heart and it will blow your mind. Throw logic and doing out the window so that you can experience your "heart" . First after that, both mind and heart can merge. You maybe can't find any pointers to what to do here? That's the point.
  5. I can recognise the concept of stopping your thoughts, however the you that try to stop them are your thoughts. The only thing capable of "stopping thoughts" is the constant light of awareness/consciousness. If one stays in that, then thoughts will come to an end, at least in the way you knew them from the beginning, on their own. So both self Inquiry and mindfullness helps. Btw (Eckhart Tolle was the one to get me started on this subject).
  6. There is no free will, and still there are, our "heart" guides us through life, and everything is governed by it.. but we can't decide the direction of it, it guides us with a intuitive sense of what to do. What I have realised is that suffering is to fight against the way of the "heart", and peace is a acceptance of it. Because the nature of "heart" just is. And that's why we will get the same lessons over and over again, until we can be with it in surrender. That's what they call Karma. I choose the word "heart"because it's the only word that comes close to the concept of no free will/free will, in my experience.
  7. Rupert Spira is a very clear and direct teacher in my experience. The Nature of Consciousness Rupert Spira
  8. @Saitama looking/awareness is the only path, but asking can be of use because it can set things in perspective to each other. If you hear a pointing, check it for yourself. Truth is the nothingness that holds the polarities together. Don't try and understand.. sense it.
  9. @Saitama And who would be claiming that? Words are only memories of past audio intake. So claiming the ungraspabel with words would only be an empty statement. I can however say that my thought process is more of a holistic intuitive nature and that I have felt peace for over 3 years now.. and if you feel the urge to point out my use of the word I, then I can inform you that it's only a reused word in a incomplete language, created with ego in mind.
  10. @Saitama you could generally say that, but it's more in the terms of that they think in a time based way and easily think of me as a stagnated way of being.. and in the meantime I constantly "flow". So occasionally they get really confused.
  11. Yes I have seen this to be true, it's more like a fluidity of no fixed point. One fun thing that I have noticed about this is that people don't know where to put you in their box.
  12. "Enlightenment" is even beyond nothingness, it's everything and nothing at the same time, I heard one Zen master say: "I love paradoxes" I embrace them. So that became my focus. Reality is all these different Qualities of experience that we are aware of. The ultimate truth is beyond these qualities and yet it enables these qualities to exist. So the general direction that one should pursue is the "letting go" of control (the nothingness) and being aware of all the qualities that one can be aware of, even the "bad" ones (existence arising from the nothingness). And also take nothing I say as true, see for yourself. Namaste.