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Everything posted by undeather

  1. Smart post! The question I have is why did someone dig up my post from a year ago?
  2. WAnted to contribute, but you already hit the nail on the head!
  3. Aha. Well I call bullshit. What about this one? Sounds pretty ego-minded to me: Literally nobody is talking about existential axioms or ontology here, this is all about relative truth. Again, how is debating the health effects of a vegan diet and exposing lies that are made up by some baffoon "relativistic hearsay"? You can literally deny ANY discussion about anything with the right amount of relativism, but that doesnt get us anywhere as a collective.
  4. This was a debate and it had a great impact on how people view plant based diets. Wilks exposed Kressers lies and bullshit for good. SO dont say debates cant accomplish anything worthwhile.
  5. Ciao, mio amicho! This is spiritual bypassing. Stop with all that positive/negative energy bullshit right now - its not a usefull concept to deal with your problem. You are making up stories. Its perfectly fine and also necessary to stand up for yourself if needed. Do it conciously, but DO IT! Its better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war. The best way I encountered to deal with that problem is learning some kind of martial art. Not because you want to break someones bones - but there is something kinda magical happening if you feel like you can defend yourself in a certain situation. Your vibe/"energy" changes and people wont fuck with you that often. People propably pick on you because you seem like an easy target, thats what has to change. Really consider that. Its much, much, much more useful than reading a book about self-esteem or other theoretical stuff like that. Love, undeather
  6. Because thats Leos opinion and others will disagree with that. You will find all kind of different behaviours when you study the enlightenend ones.
  7. Did you experience any kind of Siddhis along your journey? Thank you for answering the questions and good job on that awakening mah boy!
  8. First of all, the most important thing on actualized.org: Dont ask other people if you should do X. Everyone projects their own lifes misery and experiences onto your question, sometimes not even that. Sometimes, they just listen to a youtube video where some 3rd guy tells them "X is bad" and they just adopt this as truthclaim without putting a second of critical thought or research into it. Its not their fault, we are just story telling monkeys and love shit like that. In reality, life is incredibly complex and NEVER a black or white thing. So, that said - here is the deal: What would be the smart thing to do? Maybe instead of making it a binary question, why not try it and see for yourself? Why not abandon facebook for, lets say, 4 weeks and then come back and see how your life has changed? Maybe its 200% better, maybe its worse. Find that out. Also, and this is my personal opinion: If you cant deal with "low conciousness" (which is a bullshit term if you ask me), jealousy and "negative believes" on a freaking website, then how are you supposed to deal with all that in real life? You will bombarded with all that crap everyday, all day, for the rest of your life. The enlightened thing is not to dodge anything negative, its to fully embrace it and see it for what it is. Everything else is spiritual bypassing and will lead you to hell. If I read a super negative comment on facebook, I literally have to laugh out loud. At a certain level of conciousness you start to embrace that stuff instead of hiding from it. Nontheless, social media addiction is a real thing. I know people in my direct social circle who waste hours everyday on instagram, making the perfect picture to hold up some fake identity. Personally, I dont mind those platforms at all - I use them daily, but maybe post like 3 pictures in one year. The problem is when the platform uses you and not the other way around. Anyway, wanted to write more but got to go! I hope you find yoru way, Love, undeather!
  9. I have no idea what you are talking about, but.... You cant kill your ego. If you want to kill your ego, jump off a bridge, thats a way to get rid of it. You want to realize the illusive nature of the ego and not purely identify with it. Thats what meant with "dying before you die" or "spiritual death". Egoless means more. Becoming enlightenend means making your ego more including until it incorporates infinity, therefore merging into what it was before you found yourself in that meatsuit. Dont bullshit yourself.
  10. About 6 years ago, I came across Leo & Actualized.org. This bald guy and his kinda small youtube-channel, just love at first sight I guess. Little did I know that this scrawny man in his black T-shirt will change the way I looked at things forever. Was it first for those self development content he put out, he later took me on the ride into this beautiful abyss called spirituality. He fed me the red pill. What this means in particular does not really matter. All that matters is what I learned about this community, enlightenment itself and the ridiculous tumors it sometimes gives birth to. It seems to me, that the spiritual journey, is the purest of all hero journeys. What that means though, is that at the end, only a few courageous warriors will gain the real treasure, whilst well over 90% get lost in the swamps and come out worse than they got in. Sounds pessimistic? Well, maybe it does. But I have seen so much bullshit and so little real advice in this community, its not even funny anymore. Most spiritual masters/people lack nuance on every level. Leo, is definitely one of the better ones and thats why I decided to put this here. So who am I to say such brave things? Who am I to dare to question the advice of the enlightened ones? It doesn't really matter. Take the message, ignore the messenger. This is what I wanted to hear when I was stuck. If you can look at things just the way they are, you will come to the same conclusions. Some of you will hate what I have to say, others will like it. This is not about the denial of absolute truth or any other spiritual axiom that is known the be true since millennia. This is about the advice I see popping up basically everywhere in this community, presented in the typical blind leading the blind fashion. Because of all that, I decided to put something out. Something that counteracts so much of the nonsense I read on this boards everyday. This is it. Inspired by Jamie Wheal, Ken Wilber, and many others, including my experiences/insights in the last 6 years, here are 12 suggestions for life, an antidote to spiritual bullshitting. If you are a new or intermediate seeker, I highly suggest you to take a hard look at those. Please note that I deliberately used the word "suggestion" instead of "rule". Many points are comming from a highly nuanced perspective and not from any absolute standpoint. You might have an allergic reaction to some things mentioned, and thats perfectly fine. Dont be dumb, think a bit. Thanks! 1) Do the obvious Take all the "biohacking" and "personal optimization" off the table. We literally do so much crazy shit to "enhance our life", yet we most often forget to do the basic stuff. This is the bottom of the pyramid. If you dont have these one in order, your lifes quality will drastically suffer. We tend to forget that taking care of our meatsuit is a crucial basic fundament for any possible growth. So fuck your crossfit, fuck your perfectly balanced diet, fuck your bulletproof-bullshit or Ben Greenfield idiocracy - KEEP IT SIMPLE. DO THE BASICS. -Sleep deeply -Move often -Get outside (sunshine/water/trees/fresh air) -Eat real food ("mostly plants, not too much"- Michael Pollan) -Bathe regularly (Daily hygiene is a no-brainer - this is more about hot/cold - sauna/icebath. -Make and play music -BREATHE (Our life is only as good as our breathing! This is so often dismissed and not really talked about, yet so crucial.) -Grieve FULLY (weep, dont whimper!!) -Make love -Have meaningful human relationships -Be grateful 2) Dont do stupid shit We have unprecedented access to the world's most potent ecstatic technologies. They always used to be tightly controlled and connected with strict rituals & rules, yet it seems like that our narcissistic, dumb western culture is about to fuck it up for the rest of us. It really grinds my gear when I see people smoke 5-MeO-DMT at a psytrance-festival. How dumb can you be? Use those tools in a respectful and appropriate manner. Dont chase for the highs and the next ecstasy. Integrate what you have learned and keep your hands away from it for some time. This is why discipline is such an important thing in your spiritual journey. Dont end up in a: Cult, Body Bag, Jail Cell, Rehab or Looney Bin! 3) Let the mystery stay the mystery Dont presume to map the infinite. If you every checked the accounts of the deepest mystic you will recognize really fast that NONE OF THEM MATCH UP! The reason for that is beacuse every attept is mediated by humans and the prisonhouse of language. Let the mysery stay the mystery. Share your perspective but realize that its just a perspective, not more, not less. When you think you have the answer, you stop seeking - Instead, plant a garden where mystery and strange plants bloom. 4) Fuck your journey "Love Keeps No Record of Wrong" - St. Paul Whatever gets us to the Deep Now is both redeemed as an essential part of our path and utterly irrelavant campared to the exquisite quality of the Moment we are blessed to share. Show us how much you have grown, but please, dear God, stop telling us! Stop being a epiphanywhore. 5) Do the hard thing "If you have got to eat two frogs in a day, eat the ugliest one first" - Mark Twain We all kinda know what we have to do, but we usually dont do it. Do the hard thing and rest of life becomes easier! Do what inherently scares you! Ask that girl out, create that business, go to that vipassana retreat, take that psychodelic (CAVE: see suggestion 2) Stoicism is a great framework for helping with that kind of issue. BTW: Can anyone make a petition to bring the old Leo thumbnails back? 6) Never lose the One You can go anywhere you want, and think anything you want, as long as you can reverse your steps and make it back to the last known point of consensus reality - the One. So get funky, tweak it out, freak freely, but be sure to stick the landing. This is such an important point, yet so rarely mentioned. I have seen people getting lost in the spiritual domain, never to be found again. Always put down your string when you enter the labyrinth. 7) Its not that either No matter how dazzling your latest breakthrough, "download" or insight, its still only a piece of the puzzle. It may be lowercase "t" true, but the second you assert it's uppercase Capital "T" TRUE, it's become false, just by overstating the claim. You can no more become fully enlightened than you can become fully educated. Take the insights for what/all that they are and KEEP going! If you have found the answer, you didnt. 8) Dont build on a weak fundament Honestly, if you are at a low point in your life, then this is not the the right time to start a spiritual path. Its not. Everyone who says so and doesn't tell you about the dangers/difficulties that come with going on this journey is lying to you or has no real knowledge about it. Its basically sending a soldier who suffers from PTSD back into the war zone. Dont listen to anyone that who tells you otherwise. Most often you don't really know what your psyche can bare and what will trigger a heavy psychosis. If you are in a deep depression right now or have any other psychological/physiological difficulties, give yourself at least 5 years to fix them. It doesnt mean that you cant use tools out of the high conciousness toolbox. Psychodelics, after all, are propably the best thing to battle depression with, right now (in the right setting of course). Just be careful and take care of your needs. Take Maslows hierachy of needs as orientation. Maybe your lack of sexual intercourse is going to bite you in the ass later, you never know. Build on a strong fundament and you will be far more likely to succeed. This is so freaking important, yet talked about so rarely. 9) Be from this world,, but not of it Do you live in unity with everything? Maybe after some DMT or heroic dose of mushrooms - but not now. Life can be difficult and cruel. No conceptual philosophizing about how "good and evil" don't really exist will help you with that (Even though its valid from an absolute perspctive). You cant talk yourself out of a depressive episode. If your best friends dies, you will be fucking sad. Yes, this is a movie and you are the thing, that light and the projector itself. But as long as you just know this on a conceptional level, with a glimpse of "being" the projector light here and there, it wont change much. Its true for almost all people who will read this: You will remain in a relative world for 99,999% of your time. So yes, improve your consciousness. Take the psychodelics. Meditate. Do some weird astral projection shit. But don't forget that there are situations where you act from absolute and other where a relative perspective is the way to go. Its a paradox, understand and embrace it. 10) Wake up, grow up, show up SHOW- UP: "Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world. My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful. I use no magic to extend my life; Now, before me, the dead trees become alive." - 10th Ox Herding picture 11) Play Go out there and play this game. Its all about the game. Use spirituality to enhance the experience. Become the player, not the character. Dont let anybody tell you what "low conciousness thing" you better shouldnt do. Experience life fully & conciously. Follow your desires but realise them for what they are. 12) "Above All, Be Kind" Dying words of Aldous Huxley, famed philosopher and man of letters, while holdind the hands of his soul mate Laura (under influence of 200 mcg of Sandoz LSD 25). If its good enough for Aldous, its good enough for us. After all, if we skip this part, does any of the rest really matter? Love, undeather PS: Thanks again Jamie Wheal for your amazing teachings (Some points directly taken from him) https://www.flowgenomeproject.com/ Thanks Rebel wisdom for giving that guy a platform https://www.rebelwisdom.co.uk/
  11. You dont think that curing depression & giving nihilistically endangered human beings a taste of "extasis" is a huge part of "fixing" a life? In fact, if you find yourself in midst of a depressive episode, you wont even be able to do ANYTHING productive. Also, Psilocybin might be the best working and safest anti-smoking product we currently know of.
  12. You too have views on whats right and wrong. Dont bullshit yourself. You make choices according to what you prefer and what you "dont like". What do you think that is? Exactly! Its Judgement. In fact, you obviously see your parents or at least the way they act/think as "not preferable" - guess what, thats judgement too. Every opinion is judgement at its core. If you like something more than something else, you will automically put a label on it. Welcome to relative world. The problem is not judgement, its unconcious, dumb judgement. The notion that "enlightened" masters dont "judge" is also wrong. Krishnamurti and Osho judged each other all the time, even with some strikes below the belt. There are dozens of stories about spiritual beef when you research it long enough, so lets just take this into account. They are all human, so are you and your parents. I cant tell you exactly why you struggle with your parents, nobody here can. All the advice you get here might lead to more misery. We just dont know your exact situation. Maybe your parents are just afraid that you waste your life away because they dont really know what you are doing? Maybe your life is a mess and your spiritual bypassing is a huge problem? Maybe your parents actually are stubborn? Maybe they think that you are very young and should focus on building a fundation first? Have you ever thought about taking extreme measures and actually talk with them about it? You wont believe how open minded blue people can be if you just word stuff the right way and present yourself in an appropriate fashion! You obviously have to phrase it in their language, so they can understand it from their point of view in the spiral. My father is a deep, deep stage blue/orange person. Yet our relationship got wayy better in the last years, even though I went from orange to yellow/turquoiseish while he remained on his level. He knows about my spiritual journey but also doesnt care because I have got my shit together. If you truly are an integrated person, you should be able to relate to every other stage on the spiral with ease. I dont talk my with parents about spiritual stuff either, they dont care and I dont mind. Many spiritual seekers are such one-sided, boring human beings because they dont have any interests outside of spirituality.
  13. Hey Kid! This is what I can wholeheartedly recommend you: If your life is not build on a solid fundament right now, dont start your spiritual journey from that point, especially on this forum. You will get confused, you wont be able to distinguish between information and noise, and there is just too much blind leading the blind going on. Some concepts will feel like a sledgehammer to your ego. You will have moderators answering simple questions with non-dual, crypto-neo-vedanta-esque "wisdom" which is not understood by 99% of the people here who usually just "understand" things conceptually (not even that sometimes). There is a pseudo-integral thinking going on which is mainly caused by some misunderstanding or subconcious shadow. Start with meditation. Start with easy books & proven quality teachers (Adyashanti, Sadhguru..). Start with psychodelics. Fix your life first. I have seen too many people here, lost and never to be found again, because they didnt take care of their basic human needs. Then, if you already got some grip, return to this forum. Anyway, either way - I wish you good luck on this journey, keep thinking for yourself and dont believe everything. Love, undeather!
  14. The term "Self actualization" was popularized by Abraham Maslow, as upper part of his pyramid of needs. Its an inherent drive in human beings to "self actualzie", which usually arises when lower, more fundamental psychological needs are already dealt with and when there is room to grow. Self developement means the developement of the self, lol. Its basically everything out there, from Toni Robbins, motivational podcasts to pickup classes. Dont underestimate this stuff. A healthy, integral lifestyle includes waking up (spirituality), growing up (healthy "self developement") and showing up (actually doing shit for people who are not so lucky).
  15. ............................................________ ....................................,.-'"...................``~., .............................,.-"..................................."-., .........................,/...............................................":, .....................,?......................................................, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:"........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(....."~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_...."~,_........"~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......"=,_......."-,_.......,.-~-,},.~";/....} ...........((.....*~_......."=-._......";,,./`..../"............../ ...,,,___.`~,......"~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-" ............/.`~,......`-...................................../ .............`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....,__ ,,_..........}.>-._...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,__......`,................................. ...................`=~-,,.,............................... ................................`:,,...........................`..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_..........._,-%.......` ...................................,
  16. Kinda agree, especially with purple. Yellow: Jamie Wheal (in my opinion the best example of a true yellow out there)
  17. Ahh, the law of attraction. The idea that the universe surcomes to our egoic wishes & needs. You just need to focus hard enough and that wished thing vibrates into existence. I cant tell you how often I manifested a parking space that way. Literally a game changer. To be honest, its mostly quackery. Its a westernized version of a highly complex spiritual phenomenon, butchered into pieces so it fits our egoic narcissism. You want this? Grea! Travel to an indian/tibetan monastery, meditate for 30 years and then, maybe then, with extreme luck and tenacity you will develop some kind of siddhi that lets you control this reality in a subtle way.
  18. Thanks for this non BS answer! Was about to write something similar, but you hit the nail on the head.
  19. I dont have the time, nor the sufficient english skills to make an in-depth analysis about what is wrong with most people using integral models like spiral dynamics. I have tried in the past and failed, but dont worry, I wont leave you hanging there! It seems to me that a huge junk of people nowadays just repeat what they hear from Leo or some other spiritual teacher without actually doing the difficult thing and research/think for themselves. I mean, just ask yourself: How many hours of your life did you actually spend researching that one map you use almost everyday when you judge a certain system or person? I see this every day in here - spiral dynamics here, integral there, non-duality here, ego there - yet only very rarely I see someone who tought those things through. This is a huge problem in this community. Here are some questions/marterials you can use to get a better understanding: Read: Every important work from Claire Graves/Don Beck/Ken Wilber Get your hands on "Cosmic Counciousness with Ken Wilber" on audible! Watch the integral interviews with Doshin Roshi Read about the integral institute and learn about the people in it Read about the pathologies often described in certain stages 1) What does integral really mean in a developmental context? What does integrate and transcend really mean? 2) Why did basically every instituation/company that worked or was trying to incorporate integral frameworks fail sooner or later and had to change/adapt its strategies to survive? 3) Is there really something like a second/third tier? Is this maybe completely abritrary? If yes, then what are factors that would get you there? What are the problems? Is it enough to be "aware" of the stages? (i.e: "If you are reading this book about spiral dynamics, you are already second tier" - Ken Wilber) What is system thinking and what are its limits? 4) Why would different spiritual/developmental teachers have fundamentally different ideas where to rank certain people on the spiral? (I.e Jordan Peterson in blue vs yellow, depending on the source). Is there even a right or wrong? If not, what does this say about the map? 5) Spiral dynamics as a hidden ego-enhancer? 6) Can you be at stage turqoise without the disciplinary aspects and "backbone" of blue, the money mindset of orange, the enviromentalism of green and even the healthy tribal parts in red? Propably the best critique of integral theory I have ever heard:
  20. I dont get triggered by any specific stage, maybe parts of it can be very annoying in everday life. (Mean green meme, stage red tribalism..) What really grinds my gears when it comes to spiral dynamics are unintegrated, pseudospiritual, "second tier" idiots who told themselves a story about their amazing developement, yet cant even start to fathom all the fallacies they ran into. It must be the most misunderstood model in the spiritual world and even integral "masters" like Ken Wilber admit that.
  21. Glad I could help. Dont hesitate to shoot me a pm if you have any questions. I am not very active but I will do my best to respond. I follow both Jay AND Unfits on instagram (Even though I think that Unfits is kinda dumb sometimes when he speeds with his Ferrari and endangers other human beigns unnecessarily) They are both fun to watch and a great source of good music hehe. Maybe!