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Everything posted by undeather

  1. Thank god there are plenty of youtube channels out there exposing this fraud
  2. Nobody knows exactly whats going on Nobody knows exactly whats going on!!!!!
  3. People in this community love to signal how introspective and concious they are. But if you actually take a deep dive at epistemiology and bias, you will realize that the average sensemaking capability of the "seeker" is ridicolously low. (which is substantianted by some of the answers you got in this thread).Thats why I left this place years ago and it was one of the smarter decisions in my life. Dont get me wrong, I am not hating here - I believe wholeheartedly that the source of this communitas is one of benevolence and altruism. On the also side its also true that the road to hell is parved with good intentions. I respect Leo a lot, because he obviously has done the hard work - but I disagree with him on a whole lot of things. Does this mean he is wrong? Of course not - Maybe I am just an unenlightened chip unable to realize the profound truths channeled through this man. But lets just say that I have done my homework too and here I am shitting on some of his, in my opionion obviously biased, claims. The reason why I think I can help you with this is because I see myself in the way you phrased your dilemma. I have been there.... What you my friend need to do in my humble opinion is the following: 1) Learn about epistemiology - how do we know something to be "real" or "true"? Here is a great introduction video: 2) Learn about "uncertainty" and how to deal with it Dont presume to map the infinite. If you every checked the accounts of the deepest mystic you will recognize really fast that NONE OF THEM MATCH UP! The reason for that is beacuse every attept is mediated by humans and the prisonhouse of language. Let the mysery stay the mystery. Share your perspective but realize that its just a perspective, not more, not less. When you think you have the answer, you stop seeking - Instead, plant a garden where mystery and strange plants bloom. You can no more become fully enlightened than you can become fully educated. Take the insights for what/all that they are and KEEP going! 3) Before going deeper into spirituality, fix the fundament (ignore if already in order) I just repeat this one because I have seen it again and again and again.... Did you know that some Ashrams in India require you to have "made it in the material word" in order to get accepted as a novice? I have a friend who spent 10 years in such a facility and most of his teachers were highly educated PHD's, physicists, physicians or at least very successful in some other domain. Why is that? Getting far on the spiritual path is way fucking harder than anything you run away from in the marterial world. It requires a huge amount of discipline and courage, plus a high amount of resistence in the face of graet delusions. Honestly, if you are at a low point in your life, then this is not the the right time to start a spiritual path. Its not. Everyone who says so and doesn't tell you about the dangers/difficulties that come with going on this journey is lying to you or has no real knowledge about it. Its basically sending a soldier who suffers from PTSD back into the war zone. Dont listen to anyone that who tells you otherwise. Most often you don't really know what your psyche can bare and what will trigger a heavy psychosis. If you are in a deep depression right now or have any other psychological/physiological difficulties, give yourself at least 5 years to fix them. It doesnt mean that you cant use tools out of the high conciousness toolbox. Psychodelics, after all, are propably the best thing to battle depression with, right now (in the right setting of course). Just be careful and take care of your needs. Take Maslows hierachy of needs as orientation. Maybe your lack of sexual intercourse is going to bite you in the ass later, you never know. Build on a strong fundament and you will be far more likely to succeed. This is so freaking important, yet talked about so rarely.
  4. A Siddhi caught on camera or just a great magic trick? There is actually a book written about this guy called "The magus of Java" - worth a read if you are into crazy stuff. I remain agnostic towards the claims put forward - its seem to me more like a descirption of some real life Dragonball Z story than anything "real". But who knows? The set of possible "unknown unknowns" is way too high to make any solid predictions. Real or fake? Real or fake? If you are interested in these topics, read "Real Magic" by Dean Radin - Especially the chapter called "Merlin-class magicians" https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B07BGCQDR2/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=radin+magic&qid=1612087997&sr=8-1 Personally, I remain highly skeptical about such claims. A lot of people in those "spiritual communities" are full of shit and terrible at sensemaking. This harsh accusation of course includes a big part of this forum, but thats a topic for another day.
  5. 90 minutes of pure wisdom, logical & open minded thought Daniel Schmachtenberger became one of my all time favorites when it comes to sensemaking - he truly is a genius. Enjoy!
  6. Never thought something like this would come from this channel Just WoW!
  7. One of the most interesting podcasts I have listened to in the last years. First hour is for free, then there is a paywall for the remaining 2 hours. Donald Hoffmans work might be a crucial stepping stone for mainstream science to finally get more into the ontological roots of conciousness as a fundation of reality. Hoffman recently spoke at a science an non-duality conference, which you can find on youtube. https://samharris.org/podcasts/178-reality-illusion/ enjoy!
  8. Great, was worried about your for a moment! Enjoy your journey!
  9. Just came across this video and found it to be pretty shareable! In my opinion this is what healthy orange looks like. I also believe that this guy has some amount of yellow in him. A lot of people will disagree with this, but there is clearly some notion of stage-awareness in the way he talks. Nevertheless, its a great video if you feel stuck. What do you guys think?
  10. There is no point in playing World of Warcraft either, yet I played that fucking game for years and I dont regret any second of it. By the way: Nobody ACTUALLY knows if there is something like "meaning" or not. Just dont believe what is thrown around in this actualized.org echo chamber. There are many accounts of people who took psychodelics and came back with direct experience of what meaning might look like. Most accounts have something to do with "love", that we are here to practice love. Others are about a training ground for god. I dont really know what to make of that. MAybe there is, maybe there isnt. Act like there is. If there is not, there still a fucking beautiful game to play out there.
  11. What you indetify as a sound is your brain rendering electric signals that are ultimately caused by compression/rarefaction of air (longitudinal waves). Without conciousness there wouldnt be a tree to begin with. Even if there is no "human" or "animal" to perceive that sound, conciousness is everywhere.
  12. Hey Mike, What I learned from studying different teachers, the mystic traditions, self proclaimed seekers on the internet and my own experience of course is that there is no consensus in any shape or form when it comes to mystical experiences and their ontological value. One big reason for that is that we are kinda limited by the vessels of language and the conveying ability of this human meatsuit. Other than that, there seems to be a huge absence of humility which in my opinion, ultimately stems from that kind of infallibility you experience during such transmissions-states. You have been the universe, you are GOD, you suddenly seem to download that knowledge as you become source itself - its indiscribeable, unfathomable, psolipsistically enriched - so it HAS to be "T"rue. Yet not everyone who takes a strong psychodelic like 5-MeO-DMT and meets or identifies as Godhead/feels "L"ove or indentifies as the universe draws the same metaphysical conclusions from that experience. Not everyone who meditates for 30 years and experiences non-dual states on a regular basis comes to those conclusions (Sam Harris is a good example for that). There are literally people out there who are permanently identified with the observer (i.e "Enlightened) and would describe themselve as materialist (In fact, science and non-duality are super compatibel - so no problem there). I am not making any ontological claims here by the way. In fact, I am way more on the mystical side than anywhere else. But I also disagree a lot with many things Leo and other spiritual masters put out there. Well, to be honest - most of them disagree with each other anyway and sometimes even deny each others enlightened claims (like Osho & Krishnamurti). I guess I just became a very skeptic mystic in the last few years, based on those stories and many more of my experiences. So moral of this story: Dont believe anything/anyone here, make your own perspective. Not Leo, Not Nahm, Not Serotoninluv, not the other guys who can sometimes be really deluded in my opinion.
  13. Experiment with it! This is obviously a highly individual thing and sometimes really, really counter intuitive. For example, some internvention might make you feel subjectively worse in general, but could also play a big positive role in your longevity. If you really want to get nerdy on that, research the Horvath-clock. Its basically a measurement of methylation processes in your DNA and propably the best predictor of your real bilogical age at the moment. We know that this clock can be influenced by certain epigenetic triggers, so if you want to have any real metric on how your diet/lifestyle is influencing your actual health, this is the way to go!
  14. Yes, definitely! If you eat about 20% less calories than you "need", your body will activate certain genetic/epigenetic pathways that will ultimately make you live longer. At least thats the hypothesis most studies nowadays work with. Its not a fun life though. Most people will feel incredibly cold and tired because of it, so not really worth it in my opinion. Also, most of the data is comming from studies with rodents. There are some epidemiologic human studies out there that show a similar result, but the interpretation is quite difficult because of all the cofactors that come into play. We will have to wait and see! What we already know for sure is that a high plant based, high fiber, high good carb diet is a wonderful key for longevity. And regarding the breathatarians: There is still a huge difference between someone who eats less and someone who eats nothing. As you already mentioned, there is an incredible amount of ego/illusion involved with those practices and esoterica in general.
  15. Can you please point out the exact video and the moment he says that?
  16. Exactly, maybe after years of meditation its possible for some humans to gain control over that. Nevertheless, I will remain skeptic about it since I have never seen it work. What I never understood: If you really have that power, why not show it to the world? You will easily find scientist/sceptics who are willing to give it a shot, why not show them? This could paradigm shift our human existence to the next level and do so much good. As for the obesity crisis, thats a difficult issue. You have many aspects to deal with but I would argue that the right upbringing and your level of mindfulness are 2 key components to fight it. I have told many of my patients that the right diet will not only protect, but can also reverse heart disease in some cases (Esselstyn diet) - yet the majority prefers to grab some statin (cholesterol lowering drug) and keep their current lifestyle instead of changing a habit. The roots for that are known, we just crave sugary, fatty, salty food due to our evolutional blueprint, plus change is always difficult and inevitably connected with suffering. For grown ups, I dont see any solution whatsoever to improve this on a global stage, the fast & bullshit food industry is just way too strong/present for that to happen. Most people are just not interested in changing their diet or the habits surrounding that issue. The best thing we can do, in my opinion, is focusing on the children while hammering out content like game changers that reaches at least some people in the older community. What I found out works very well sometimes is adding some healthy parts to a bad diet, which is the furthest I can go with about 90% of my patients. Another big part is that there is so much "confusion" going on in the diet-world. We have so many proponents of so many different diets, we are literally getting overflowed with information,yet most of it is dangerous noise. Its not that difficult actually. Basically all the nutritional reasearch of a healthy diet can be summed up in 3 statemants: "Eat REAL food, mostly plants, not too much" - Michael Polan PS: IF anyone in here possesses some kind "breathitarian" or "light food"- abilities and want to prove this under controlled circumstences, therefore propably winning the nobel price and helping millions of people worldwide, contact me please. I am a medical doctor and also clincial researcher that can make that happen for you. I am NOT soem stage orange skeptic, dont worry about that
  17. I love how you all buy in some Neo-advaita vedanta interpretation of non-duality because daddy Leo said so in his videos. I would almost bet on the fact that a majority of you guys didnt get that from your own experience, but more likely learned about it conceptually and then interpreted your experience through that lense. I guess that after all that, we still are those story telling monkeys Mckenna talked about. Still apprechiate every and each one of you obviously <3
  18. Greetings, dear colleague! I think the notion Lento points to is the claim that some yogis/mystics have claimed autonomy from earthly resources, including food and water after decades of meditation by realizing the illusory nature of reality. Some years ago there was a documentary about that on television where some guys claimed that they can nourish their body through "sunlight energy", sadly one of them died because of underweight. The indian military used to study that phenomenon because they saw enormous potential for that kind of "siddhi". Yet despite studying multiple, self procalimed masters, none of them could prove their claim under controlled circumstances. They all lost weight in the 30 day fasting period, while some even suffered from critical health consequences (especially hyperkalaemia/natraemia) in the first days. Even though I am ridicolously open minded, I highly doubt that anything like that exists. (IF it does, then its almost a freak of nature kind of thing) I think Lento is telling himself a story, I will remain agnostic to that position.
  19. I actually am a medical doctor working in a hospital. I have SEEN people dying of prerenal kidney failure because they didnt drink enough water. You are delusional.
  20. It has to be proven that your body dies when you dont drink water?
  21. They should do an MMA fight about who got the better teachings
  22. You dont have to. But the human meatsuit you currently "control" will die if you dont. Its part of the illusion!