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Everything posted by undeather

  1. Consistency is king when it comes to sleep. A person's chronotype is the propensity for the individual to sleep at a particular time during a 24-hour period. Its mostly genetically determined and therfore fixed - if you want to get as much out of your sleep as possible, its really important to get in sync with your underlying mechanisms. That means, if you are a night owl and go to sleep very late, then do that - but do that consistently. After a time your whole body will undertake adjustments and you will feel much more tired right around your typical sleeping period. Our modern word, as sad as it is, discriminates against certain chronotypes and priviliges type A, rise early and grind personalities - which is in my opinion one big factor for our pandemic of neurodegenerative diseases. The required amount of sleep to stay healthy varies as well, but for most people its around 7-9 hours. Personally, Iam not a big fan of "follow your bodys needs". In my opinion its the best and worst advice you can give at the same time. From a evolutionary standpoint our sleep habits are so out of touch with our what we are programmed to do. We used to wake up to the first glances of the sun early in the morning and go to bed very early at night. Our lifestyle was evolving around a very intense resting period that followed the natural light and darkness - cycles. We dont have this anymore. There is artificial light everywhere, we use obfuscators and if we are honest, who already wants to go to bed at 8 in the eveining? Our bodies are confused, we put chemicals in us that interfere with the receptor sites regulating our sleep cycle (like caffeine). All that and a lot more leads to us modern humans having so much issues with the most natural thing ever- the quality of our sleep. So why is this also the best advice you can give: Well, if you start putting some consistency in your day and night cycles, your body will reprogramm itself and you will start feeling tired at around the same time every night. Thats the key, thats what we want! You will start feeling more energized druing the day, your hormone levels will balance out and your susceptibility for certain diseases will drop dramatically. Thats when you start to "follow your body needs", because now - you are body actually knows what the fuck is going on. There is great marterial out there regarding sleep and how to maximize it: I can highly recommend Matthew Walkers book "Why we sleep". Best regards
  2. Maybe you shouldnt base your sensemaking on what "the majority" is or isnt doing.... because thats what children do.
  3. I have been following Pierre Kory and the FLCCC since the early Covid days. They pioneered treatment regimes and safed thousands of lifes, which makes their work deeply respectable. Yet lately, they seem to promote a narrative warfare over the Ivermectine drug, which sometimes even ends in members getting harassed on Twitter due to changing their positions on ivermectin after better research shows no effect. https://imgur.com/a/EM00u0g That out of the way, lets look at their protocol. Personally, I am a big fan of combinating drugs and vitamins in an intelligent, integrative way. Its not easy to do with certain additives and its definitely NOT common practice in our modern medical establishment. Why, you think? There are dozens studies and meta analyes that looked at the potential effects of supplementation on clinical outcomes but they usually find no significant differences. From a complex system science approach, those findings are of course debateable and there is a lot of valid criticism out there to make a case FOR certain supplement regimes. I wont go into detail there, because you can literally write books about this one topic. Yes! Clinical trials are aiming to single out a certain parameter - in this case, one drug. On the one side, it kinda makes sense: We want to know if THIS drug in particular has an measureable effect. We know that we dont have to combine Vitamin C with your penicillin, because the antibiotic itself does a tremendous job killing the bacteria. Its also easier and less prone to bias. The more variables you add to a certain experiment, the more can go wrong and the higher is the chance of incorrect data. There are clinical trials that look at treatment regimes with multiple drugs but its rare and not as accepeted. Now, are we missing out on stuff? Well, maybe. Here we enter back in the realm of complex systems and potential combinatorics. IT could well be that a certain treatment regime, like the one from the FLCCC, is so much better than anything we do to most of our patients at the moment. It could also be worse. The truth is, we dont know. It takes a ton of money to set up clinical trial like that and frankly there is not enough incentive for the usual backers (pharma indus.) to throw their money into that. State funded research is a possibility, but this has its own kind of issues. A lot of doctors speak from their anecdotal evidence but I am highly skeptical about that. Time and time again, history has shown us that we are not a very good judge when it comes to those matters. Dont get me wrong, clinical judgement is important and we should take it seriously - but should we base the the life of millions on the experiences of a few doctors? No, I dont think so. Its an indcredibly complex & nuanced topic and I could talk for hours about it - but i hope this helps a bit. I dont have the time to go through that, I am sorry. I went through https://c19ivermectin.com/ once, which seem to stem from the same source. It was bad, not taking into account the terrible quality of some of those studies (one even got retracted afterwards). Its a difficult time to become pregnant at the moment. The effect of a COVID-19 infection on pregnancy is not completely known because of the lack of reliable data. Similar infections such as SARS and MERS suggest that pregnant women are at an increased risk of severe infection. No good data is available on the effects on the baby. The same goes for the vaccine - we just dont know for sure. It "seems" to be safe. I have talked to collegues who work in gynaecology and they havent seen any smoking gun yet. Its propably okay and wont harm the fetus. But see, its again - risk assessment. We dont know the real risk vs reward calculation. Which is worse for the fetus? In my estimate, the later in the pregnancy, the better. I would be very hesitant in the first trimenon, but then again I am not an expert on the data. I totally get the concerns and I honestly have to admit that I simply dont know. The current FDA approval is not out of thin air. The data we have so far shows no red flags whent it comes to pregnant women getting the vaccine. Is the analysis complex enough? Is the period too short? Well, thats debateable.
  4. I am a medical doctor working in a university hospital. I use complex disease approaches and alternative, holistic health models as an integrative strategy for my private patients. I am DEEPLY skeptical about the pharma-industry (In fact, most of my collegues are). This is my background As someone who was pretty skeptical at the beginning, let me tell you that most arguments against the covid vaccines are just bullshit - plain and simpel. There will always be a certain amount of uncertainty regarding anything related to a medical intervention. There is a tiny possibility that in 5 yeas, this vaccine might cause a mass pandemic of autoimmune-disease due to a mechanism we had no idea existed. There is a far greater possibility that it wont cause any greater negative consequences at all. As a frontline medical worker let me tell you my experience. The amount of severe covid cases I have encountered in the last months were almost exclusively from non vaccinated patients. The same goes for long covid cases. More than 60% of my countries population is fully vaccinated - we have NOT encountered massive amounts of people with adverse effects in our emergency rooms. I remember back in March when the schools teachers got their Astrazeneca vaccine, we had a lot of young teachers complaining about headaches. This is not the case with the RNA vaccine. Even if you are young and healthy - its propably better to get the vaccine. I have seen triathletes in their 20's suffering from severe lung damage after a mediocre covid infection. A individual risk assessment is almost impossible due to the incredibly complex nature of the disease. Everyone who tells you otherwise is a liar or has no clue what they are talking about. I remember when I first read about Ivermectine, I got pretty hyped. That night, I went through all the literature and "meta analysis" that were available back then. This dampened my expectations. Mostly poor quality studies and very questionable analyses by institutions with a clear conflict of interest. At this moment, there are about 20 ivermectine trials going on - the newest data we have shows no or just a small positive impact. We will see, but my hope is fading... I hope this helps a bit
  5. Happy to call this city my home!
  6. I am just happy that you did it. Kurt might be newbie, but he is still one of the most open minded guys out there in todays podcastsphere. His questions are usually really on point and joining him was a gerat decision. Thanks a lot Leo!
  7. All his interviews are all over the place. How did you like it? Was it an enjoyable experience for you? Did you expect it to go that way?
  8. Hey friend, great input! I didnt realize Leo was hating on us!
  9. Your liver is fine. ALT (Alanine Transferase) is the main one you are looking at for liver damage assessment. Bilirubin is a secondary marker. Your protein levels are normal as well, that means your liver does its job. Is this the first time your bilirubin was high? Do you have older reports with normal Bilirubin? Iam pretty sure your diagnosis is Gilbert's syndrome, which is super common and NOT dangerous - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert's_syndrome 43 umol/L is not super high, so dont worry - A tad higher though and your skin/eyes might turn a little yellow. Here is what you do now: 1. We need a complete blood count report - The other thing that can cause high bilirubin is a haemolytic process and covid can do that in some very rare cases. 2. You need an ultrasound of liver, bile ducts, pancreas & spleen 3. To verify the Gilbert's syndrome diagnosis we need direct and indirect bilirubin measurements 4. A complete iron-status measurement would be nice, just for safety's sake Take care
  10. Disclaimer: This is my favorite essay by Ken Wilber. The aim is NOT to convey any absolute notion of self, but to give a more practical and integral perspective on the ego. I believe that a lot of seekers in todays spiritual community tend misunderstand the transcendetal nature of things. This will ultimately lead to suffering. We try to "get rid" of our egos but thats the wrong approach. We try to see through the illusion but we fail to realize that as long there is a body, there will be some ego. This is how spiritual shadows are born and you can become directly concious of this process. Be aware. Egoless Means More Precisely because the ego, the soul and the Self can all be present simultaneously, we can better understand the real meaning of egolessness, a notion that has caused an inordinate amount of confusion. But egolessness does not mean the absence of a functional self (that’s a psychotic, not a sage); it means that one is no longer exclusively identified with that self. One of the many reasons we have trouble with the notion of egoless is that people want their egoless sages to fulfill all their fantasies of saintly or spiritual, which usually means dead from the neck down, without fleshy wants or desires, gently smiling all the time. All of the things that people typically have trouble with money, food, sex, relationships, desire they want their saints to be without. Egoless sages who are above all that is what people want. Talking heads is what they want. Religion, they believe, will simply get rid of all baser instincts, drives and relationships, and hence they look to religion, not for advice on how to live life with enthusiasm, but on how to avoid it, repress it, deny it, escape it. In other words, the typical person wants the spiritual sage to be less than a person, somehow devoid of all the messy, juicy, complex, pulsating, desiring, urging forces that drive most human beings. We expect our sages to be an absence of all that drives us! All the things that frighten us, confuse us, torment us, confound us: we want our sages to be untouched by them altogether. And that absence, that vacancy, that less than personal, is what we often mean by egoless. But egoless does not mean less than personal, it means more than personal. Not personal minus, but personal plus all the normal personal qualities, plus some transpersonal ones. Think of the great yogis, saints and sages from Moses to Christ to Padmasambhava. They were not feeble-mannered milquetoasts, but fierce movers and shakers from bullwhips in the Temple to subduing entire countries. They rattled the world on its own terms, not in some pie-in-the-sky piety; many of them instigated massive social revolutions that have continued for thousands of years. And they did so not because they avoided the physical, emotional and mental dimensions of humanness and the ego that is their vehicle, but because they engaged them with a drive and intensity that shook the world to its very foundations. No doubt, they were also plugged into the soul (deeper psychic) and spirit (formless Self) the ultimate source of their power but they expressed that power, and gave it concrete results, precisely because they dramatically engaged the lower dimensions through which that power could speak in terms that could be heard by all. These great movers and shakers were not small egos; they were, in the very best sense of the term, big egos, precisely because the ego (the functional vehicle of the gross realm) can and does exist alongside the soul (the vehicle of the subtle) and the Self (vehicle of the causal). To the extent these great teachers moved the gross realm, they did so with their egos, because the ego is the functional vehicle of that realm. They were not, however, identified merely with their egos (that’s a narcissist), they simply found their egos plugged into a radiant Kosmic source. The great yogis, saints and sages accomplished so much precisely because they were not timid little toadies but great big egos, plugged into the dynamic Ground and Goal of the Kosmos itself, plugged into their own higher Self, alive to the pure atman (the pure I–I) that is one with Brahman; they opened their mouths and the world trembled, fell to its knees, and confronted its radiant God. Saint Teresa was a great contemplative? Yes, and Saint Teresa is the only woman ever to have reformed an entire Catholic monastic tradition (think about it). Gautama Buddha shook India to its foundations. Rumi, Plotinus, Bodhidharma, Lady Tsogyal, Lao Tzu, Plato, the Bal Shem Tov these men and women started revolutions in the gross realm that lasted hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years, something neither Marx nor Lenin nor Locke nor Jefferson can yet claim. And they did not do so because they were dead from the neck down. No, they were monumentally, gloriously, divinely big egos, plugged into a deeper psychic, which was plugged straight into God. There is certainly a type of truth to the notion of transcending ego : it doesn’t mean destroy the ego, it means plug it into something bigger. (As Nagarjuna put it, in the relative world, atman is real; in the absolute, neither atman nor anatman is real. Thus, in neither case is anatta a correct description of reality.) The small ego does not evaporate; it remains as the functional center of activity in the conventional realm. As I said, to lose that ego is to become a psychotic, not a sage. Transcending the ego thus actually means to transcend but include the ego in a deeper and higher embrace, first in the soul or deeper psychic, then with the Witness or primordial Self, then with each previous stage taken up, enfolded, included and embraced in the radiance of One Taste. And that means we do not get rid of the small ego, but rather, we inhabit it fully, live it with verve, use it as the necessary vehicle through which higher truths are communicated. Soul and Spirit include body, emotions and mind; they do not erase them. Put bluntly, the ego is not an obstruction to Spirit, but a radiant manifestation of Spirit. All Forms are not other than Emptiness, including the form of the ego. It is not necessary to get rid of the ego, but simply to live it with a certain exuberance. When identification spills out of the ego and into the Kosmos at large, the ego discovers that the individual atman is in fact all of a piece with Brahman. The big Self is indeed no small ego, and thus, to the extent you are stuck in your small ego, a death and transcendence is required. Narcissists are simply people whose egos are not yet big enough to embrace the entire Kosmos, and so they try to be central to the Kosmos instead. But we do not want our sages to have big egos; we do not even want them to display a manifest dimension at all. Anytime a sage displays humanness in regard to money, food, sex, relationships we are shocked, shocked, because we are planning to escape life altogether, not live it, and the sage who lives life offends us. We want out, we want to ascend, we want to escape, and the sage who engages life with gusto, lives it to the hilt, grabs each wave of life and surfs it to the end this deeply, profoundly disturbs us, frightens us, because it means that we, too, might have to engage life, with gusto, on all levels, and not merely escape it in a cloud of luminous ether. We do not want our sages to have bodies, egos, drives, vitality, sex, money, relationships, or life, because those are what habitually torture us, and we want out. We do not want to surf the waves of life, we want the waves to go away. We want vaporware spirituality. The integral sage, the nondual sage, is here to show us otherwise. Known generally as tantric, these sages insist on transcending life by living it. They insist on finding release by engagement, finding nirvana in the midst of samsara, finding total liberation by complete immersion. They enter with awareness the nine rings of hell, for nowhere else are the nine heavens found. Nothing is alien to them, for there is nothing that is not One Taste. Indeed, the whole point is to be fully at home in the body and its desires, the mind and its ideas, the spirit and its light. To embrace them fully, evenly, simultaneously, since all are equally gestures of the One and Only Taste. To inhabit lust and watch it play; to enter ideas and follow their brilliance; to be swallowed by Spirit and awaken to a glory that time forgot to name. Body and mind and spirit, all contained, equally contained, in the ever-present awareness that grounds the entire display. In the stillness of the night, the Goddess whispers. In the brightness of the day, dear God roars. Life pulses, mind imagines, emotions wave, thoughts wander. What are all these but the endless movements of One Taste, forever at play with its own gestures, whispering quietly to all who would listen: is this not you yourself? When the thunder roars, do you not hear your Self? When the lightning cracks, do you not see your Self? When clouds float quietly across the sky, is this not your very own limitless Being, waving back at you? - Ken Wilber
  11. Found this video to be quite interesting and non dogmatic!
  12. There is a lot of dogma and ego in our diet culture. Everyone wants to eat the "perfect" thing at the perfect time, which is insane in my opinion. That said, I really like Michael Pollans approach to this: "Eat real, unprocessed food, not too much, mostly plants." Thats how my diet looks like and I feel perfectly fine.
  13. Leo's jabbering wont make a lot of sense to you unless there is an enormous amount of direct experience supporting your sensemaking. There is better material for a novice. If you want a logical, easy to understand argument on why the materialist paradigm is wrong, there is noone better than Bernardo Kastrup in my opinion. All you just asked is explained by his model - he also goes into detail on why materialistm doesnt make sense at all. Watch this
  14. Created this account 5 yeras ago - was a medical student back then and fascinated by the brain. I am a licensed MD nowadays, I dont really care about what pictures there is below my name, so why not keep it
  15. Exactly, there is your answer.
  16. Judging from your attepts to quantify wisdom with a ridocolous onlinescore on nerdtest and then come here to ask random people on the internet how you can find out once and for all tells me a lot about how wise you are. You are not. And thats okay, I am not either. Grow up, gain experience, educate yourself, then ask yourself again.
  17. Is he wrong saying that psychodelics may cause irreparable negative effects on a person? Its pretty easy to understand his concerns imo.
  18. Stage orange skeptics are somestimes pretty helpful to uncover stage purple - blue trickery. Most people who claim to possess psychic abilities are either frauds or simply delusional. The ego loves to have "special powers" and control over stuff. Of course thats the case and you know that. It doesnt mean the skeptics are right in any absolute way, nor did I ever imply that.
  19. The old guy is really interesting. Nothing that screams bullshit so far. I have looked up some skeptics "debunk" videos on him (which helps sometimes), but it was not persuasive at all.
  20. I made a post earlier defending siddhis and psi phenomenon in general. https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/70453-a-siddhi-is-when-a-fool-believes-a-liar/ This on the other hand seems a bit suspicious. Its an extremely low friction surface combined with super light, multiangular, sail-shaped objects. Notice how they need to make very frantic hand movements every time they want to move something. I have watched multiple of their videos now and the evidence is actually pretty poor imo. The dude said he can move boxes of cereal but doesnt want to show - well, thats what I want to see before being convinced. PS: We had a table in our highschool where we could move stuff just with the heat coming from our hands
  21. Propably unappealing for most here beacuse of language barrier, but for my fellow german speaking folks: Recently came across this song from a german artist - was really surprised by the lyrics! Its 6 minutes of unpacking the fundamental questions followed by some description of god realization - I really, really enjoy it, maybe you do too
  22. Ok, lets engange with this topic rationally. What kind of evidence is there for "Siddhis" or "Psi phenomena"? This topic is one of my favourites. To say it bluntly, there is a shitton of case reports about "weird" phenomena. Its overwhelming. Now, of course we have liars, carzy people, minds playing tricks on themselves etc. - But I personally know too many upright, no bullshit people who have experienced stuff like this. Most notably, precognition and telepathy. Personally I havent experienced any of that stuff, but there is this one case report of a very close friend which tells me a lot about the ontological nature in this case. He is a materialist scientist, a typical skeptic like Dawkins - couple of years ago he went on a hike with his girlfriend. They slept in a tent and in the middle of the night, they suddenly woke up at the same time because of a weird dream. Turned out both had the EXACT same dream of his girlfriends grandmother telling them not to worry. They were confused, baffled by the experience and decided to cancle the trip. Turned out that her by then healthy grandmother suffered a stroke that night. I talked with him a lot about this experience and it shattered his worldview in some sense. If you actually go and look for that stuff, its everywhere. I remember a couple of years ago, I was super skeptical about everything psi-related. I thought everyone who beleived in that stuff was an deluded idiot. But, to be honest - I was just ignorant. I had no idea what I was talking about. There is an enormous amount of historic evidence. -> Hans Berger, the inventor of the EEG, got interested in brain waves after having a telepathic experience with his sister ""The incident made such an impression on Berger that, years later in 1940, he wrote: "It was a case of spontaneous telepathy in which at a time of mortal danger, and as I contemplated certain death, I transmitted my thoughts, while my sister, who was particularly close to me, acted as the receiver."" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Berger) -> Joseph of coppertino - the flying monk, witnessed by thousands of people -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_of_Cupertino -> THE PK-Man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Owens_(contactee) -> Pythagoras remembering past lives: https://hermesphilus.com/2018/03/29/pythagoras-got-the-ability-to-remember-past-lives-from-hermes/ -> D.D Home, who was even tested by sceptics at the time https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Dunglas_Home -> Yoganandas biography is full of accounts of siddhis and so on.... There is SO much! Now, lets be skeptical for a moment - could all this be BS? Yes, there is a chance that everyone I mentioned plus thousands more are either deluded, psychotic or simply lying. Thats a decision everyone has to make for himself. I dont want to be dogmatic, but in my opinion the evidence shows clearly in one direction. Ok, but is there science? There are countless of scientists who are studying this field. The first name which comes to my mind is Dean Radin and his Institute of noetic sciences (https://noetic.org/). There are hundreds of studies, that prove beyond any statistical doubt, that "something" like psi exists. Now, what do the critics say? Well, there is one major problem plagueing the field, and thats reproducibility. Most studies wont produce the same result again and thats one of the pillars of the scientific method. Now this doesnt mean that all that research is bullshit. In fact, it kinda makes sense. Sci-phenomena are not as easily studiable as for example a new pill against high blood pressure. The effects are often very flimsy and prone to interpretation. Nevertheless, there is something there. Life is not a Dragonball Z episode and the magnitude of the effects depends on a variety of variables, which we need to take into account. Here is a good interview with Radin. Why is there no video/photo evidence of siddhis? If there was, how would know it wasnt fake or staged? The truth is, there is: If it works why didnt the military get interested in this? Project stargate was a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The US military did its own research on this and concluded that "it kinda works, but its too inaccurate for military use" Here is a great video about this project: Why did noone claim Randys price? Well, to be honest I dont know. There are many arguments for and against Randy. As I already mentioned, most effects are very subtle and do not work with crude scientific measurements. Also, Randy had an obvious bias AGAINST these phenomeneon, which is also a problem. Thats why we double blind our experiments in medicine, because we know that our own mind will work against an unbiased look at the results. You can find many claims of people who allegedly did something Randy wasnt expecting - but instead of handing over the money he got mad and accused them of being frauds and charlatans. Personally I will remain agnostic towards those claims. And here we are at a core problem: Most people who claim to have such powers are of course charlatans. This takes the whole credibility out of everything psy related, even if there IS some kind of truth shrouded behind all that bullshit. Its a bit like the UFO stories. But PSI contradicts physics Thats a pretty dumb assumption - Physics is nowhere close to being a theory of everything. In fact, physics is in a big crisis because the very small and the very large dont seem to comprehend each other. Conciousness is, despite in some fringe projects, nowhere near the major institutional theories and that keeps the whole field stuck. With conciousness being the one thing that really exists - everything is possible. Non only that, it would make psi some kind of natural necessity.
  23. Wilbers work is profound and way ahead of its time. There definitely is some valid criticism held against him - but then again, the same goes for Ralston, Leo and basically every other public figure on this planet. If you would base your interest of someones ideas on the extent of criticism they experienced, you would miss out on the best teachings.
  24. Eben Alexander had his profound NDE while suffering from a severe case of gram-negative meningoencephalitis - thats basically the definition of rotting the brain. Thanks to a lot of research in the last years its pretty much a fact that lessening of brain activity/metabolism is causally linked to altered states of conciousness. Thats how psychodelics do it, thats how deep medidation works. Tumors dont tend to do such a thing, which doesnt mean they cant do it at all!