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Everything posted by undeather

  1. Exactly. This is what a throughout stage yellow society would look like in its essence.
  2. Well said. I would go even further and say that its "impossible" for most people to get on his level intellectually. He grew up in such unique circumstances - with a genius father who was able to homeschool him in a very unique and effective way, early influences of an integral vedic community, 2nd tier thinkers all around him etc. That said, neither should one be discouraged by this if he is really interested in the intellectual path...
  3. That depends on a lot of other circumstances: - Do you pay for university? How is your financial situation? - How much work do you still need to put into it? Can you half-ass it and start doing what you really like besides it? I personally would propably go for it. Even if its a useless degree, we live in a world where a simple title after your name can open doors for you. Also, 1 year isnt too much of a time investiment for the potential benefit. If you would live in the US, paying 20k for a semester - then this would be a hard no though.
  4. I know Daniel personally, so let me weigh in a bit. Neurohacker is the only supplement company I know who jumps through hoops and hurdles to make sure that their products are not contaminated with any sort of impurity that might effect the agent or the customer in a negative way. That means over the top quality control of their supplement sources, rigorously testing every charge that comes in while tightly observing the manufacturing process. Also, some of the chemical forms used in their supplements are more expensive to produce but come with higher amount of bioavailability. I am not sayint that this ultimately justifies the price, but its deifinitely a point you have to consider.
  5. I think you mean 200g? DONT do that - thats way too much. You will overwhelm your digestion through fiber overload and get severe constipation if you are unlucky. Also, flaxseeds contain some amount of cyanide. Just eat normal amounts and you will be fine. Most beneficial effects of Omega3-supplementation will occur at around 1-5g DHA/EPA. There is no way of getting to that amount through flaxseeds. Dont be stupid and buy a supplement.
  6. Harmful (and even beneficial) effects of an individual, isolated compound or phytochemical are often quite different than when the same compound is within the complex food matrix. For this reason, huge amount of epidemiological and RCT evidence has not demonstrated any correlation between so called "antinutrients in food" and health hazards. Lets take lectins for example: - Most "danger"-claims stem from absurd mice studies where they feed copious amounts uncooked lentils/beans to those animals and then find various abnormalities like a leaky gut or low micronutrient status. - Cooking degrades most of the lectins in foods - There is not a single high quality trial that showed this result in humans - There is a direct, around the world correlation between longevity and bean/lentils intake - Many of the components like galacto-polysaccharides actually protect your intestinal barrier function There are not many things in nutrition-science that are this well established. So forget that nonsense. Dont believe crazy people like Steven Gundry who want to tell you otherwise.
  7. No, it doesnt imply that at all. In fact it implies the opposite. Through flaxseeds alone, you wont be able to get enough DHA/EPA because the enzymatic conversaion of ALA is limited by a genetic factor that you cant really change. Easier said, your body cant produce enough DHA/EPA out of ALA to gain any noticeable benefit. Doing reserach wont take too much time. In fact, most good brands are well known and widely avaialble. Dont overanalyze that stuff - just dont buy the cheapest stuff you find and read through the customer feedback. Its not like you are going to die if you buy a "bad" supplement or something. Just go on amazon, spend 20 minutes looking for a decent one and you will be fine By the way - I personally eat about 20g flaxseeds (Ground!) a day + 2000mg of DHA/EPA supplement
  8. That's youtube-"doctor" quackery and not to be taken seriously. There is some rough mechanistic data that suggests that some isolated components might influence mineral binding capacity or gut lining integrity, but its completely taken out of the context by those who use it as an argument. In fact, if you leave out the theoretical gobbledygook and just epidemiologically observe people in real life, it paints a pretty clear picture: The more beans, lectins, seeds etc. they eat, the healthier they are and the longer they live. Flaxseeds are incredibly healthy and even have strong antihypertensive properties comparable to common drugs. (1) Flaxseeds contain the (mostly) plant-based omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The main problem with ALA is that to have the good effects attributed to omega-3s, it must be converted by a limited supply of enzymes into EPA and DHA. As a result, only a small fraction of it has omega-3's effects — 10%–15%, maybe less. The health benefits of fish oil are believed to derive principally from those two omega-3 fats, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Now, there are some issues with fish oil as well. Its a highly concetrated product and therefore prone to strong contamination that also varies from source to source. If you want to get the highest quality EPA/DHA product, I would look for a well-tested algae-oil bassed supplement. Very important: - It should fulfill high quality standards/certifications: GMP, ISO 9001, HACCP - The best products are from private algae-cultures - Good manufactures get their oils TOTOX-tested (number used to describe the total oxidative load to which a fat has been exposed) - Some fraudulent products mix their supplements with other oils, so read the ingredients carefully and evaluate the EPA/DHA content If you are by chance from germany/austrias/switzerland, this is a company I highly respect & trust: NatuRise (1) Potent Antihypertensive Action of Dietary Flaxseed in Hypertensive Patients | Hypertension (ahajournals.org)
  9. Yes. You dont need a vaccine for now. If you really WANT to, you can get a booster in 6-9 months. Also, drinking 2 bottles of orange juice is not healthy. Way too much fructose. Eat real oranges or take a Vitamin C supplement if you "want to boost" immunity. Also, if you want to get some release with your sinusitis - get some Ibuprofen (up to 1000mg a day for 3 days) and stop the paracetamol
  10. Yes, it reduces fever but not inflammation.
  11. Will regulate your stomach-acid production and minimize the chance of getting stomach ulcers during NSAID-therapy. I do not advocate for a long term treatment with PPI's but they absolutely make sense short term. 30 percent of patients treated with NSAIDs suffer from dyspepsia, which is also the most common reason for discontinuing the therapy. About 10 percent develop an ulcer, 1 percent ulcer complications. Talk to your GP about this.
  12. Waking up with a messed up stomach can already be a sign of a damaged gastric-mucosa. PLEASE think about getting a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) for at least 2 weeks to prevent ulceration. No amount of taking it with food or probiotics will prevent this from happening if you are unlucky. Most back injuries will get better to the degree your core & back musculature is getting stronger. The best bet you have is getting to a physiotherapist who really knows what he is doing. My knowledge about surgeries in that case is limited, therefore I wont say anything for or against it
  13. https://strawpoll.com/ruvr3uu5b
  14. Interesting discussion. Either Leo is one of the most awake humans that ever walked this universe, or he is a complete nuthead who managed to delude himself to a level never seen before. Those are the 2 cards on the table - and both are kinda fascinating. I have always wondered about this "spiritual one-upmanship". There are so many accounts of mystics/enlightened teachers and realized individuals who discredit each others experiences as some form of "lower understanding". I mean, yes - there definitely are levels to this, of course. But even if you study really famous examples of highly realized beings like Rumi, Maharshi, Gotama - who were able to put these truths in such elegant language - you will still find some really crucial differences in how they lay out nonduality.
  15. Paracetamol does NOT have any antiinflammatory properties!
  16. What is the cause of your back problems? Did you get a diagnosis? Do you actively try to resolve this issue at the moment? Almost all back pain issues can be completely or at least partially reversed through the right form of exercise or physiotherapy. The pain management is mainly there to bridge this period, reduce suffering and give you some good nights of sleep. Long term treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve could come with some serious negative side effects, so be mindful about this. For short term pain management, its completely fine though. Also, you should consider taking a low dose acid blocker during this treatment. Some alternatives are: (I will list the acting agents, since each country will have different names) - Misoprostol + Diclofenac combo - Ibuprofen (Stay below 1400mg/day - otherwise dont use it) - (Acetaminophen) - Ointments if the cause is in the musculature I really dont like herbal/plant based stuff when it comes to pain management - in my own experience, they just dont work as well as the usual drugs.
  17. Thats not accurate. Heavy metals and all the other unwanted molecules accumulate to the degree of their chemical affinity towards the particular tissue. Thats why you see the highest concentrations of heavy metal contamination in fat-rich organs like the brain or bone marrow. This fundamental characteristic is what makes chelation-therapy even possible. The liver-damage through heavy metal overload is usually a byproduct of complex autoimmune events. Fun fact: If your healthy liver turns into a fatty liver (which is super common and has a 50-70% morbidity in certain regions) it gets more susceptible to heavy metal uptake - which creates a downward spiral and is a co-factor for cirrhosis.
  18. This is kinda true, but lacks nuance. The liver can accumulate toxins and heavy metals, but so can every other part of the body. Through high metabolic activity, its also more likely to store those molecules in the hepatocytes. Also, Cadmium for example is known to accumulate especially in the liver.
  19. Leo's content is (for the most part) great. This forum is where the crazies gather. If you are 17, you should focus on building a life for yourself. Forget the hardcore spiritual stuff for now and just start with a simple meditation practice. Build a strong fundament, focus on practical stuff. Learn how to do basic things like cooking and cleaning. Do some sort of physical activity an a regular basis. Find out what do you want to do with your life - pursue a goal and see where it takes you Become good at something. Grasp the financial aspect of life. Learn how to think. Acquire a strong work ethic. Face your fears. Get your sexual life in order - gather experience in that field. Most importantly: Have fun. Go out. Socialize! Thats what you should do in your 20's and sometimes even early 30's. Add more spiritual stuff after you have built some sort of fundament!
  20. There is, but our current paradigm/understanding of longevity is extremely fragile and not in any way or form holistic.
  21. With that kind of lifestyle your average citizen wont get to 90, even if you are perfectly medicated. Health is complex and highly individual - a lot of good stuff has already been mentioned by the previous posters, so I wont repeat that. This is not unusual by the way - you can observe this every other day in hospitals. I distinctly remember a 98 year old who has smoked since his 13th birthday while also drinking about 4-8 beers a day. He was surprisingly fit for that age as well.
  22. So lets see the sources for your claims: 1) The first one is a Israeli media network identifying with religious Zionism 2) The Gateway Pundit is a politically motivated, far right news outlet which gets in on every conspiracy possible 3) James Fetzer is a Holocaust denier and also a well known conspiracy theoriest. Making any "truth-claims" by citing sources like these is an automatic disqualifier. Do you see the conformation bias there? Fascinating how the mind is able to delude itself.
  23. I dont have a problem per sé with an informed decision to not get vaccinated. I am not part of the "vaccinate anyone and everything"-crowd. The issue is the pollution of our information ecology through bad faith and somtimes dimwitted individuals, which makes the sensemaking process for the general population way more difficult than in actual is. And yes, this includes part of the mainstream media representation of Covid-19, but also the mentioned candidates in my previous response. I deal with this shit almost every day now and it makes me furious. People who clearly would benefit from the vaccine dont get it because they read or listened to some guy on the internet telling them otherwise. And the end of the day its us doctors that have to tell the family that he/she could have survived Covid through getting the vax beforehand. Also, the vast majority of individuals I regard as wise and concious are vaccinated.
  24. Where in that study do you see that "VAERS under-reports vaccine death by at least 6X. "?
  25. Please back that claim up with evidence. Where did the CDC & FDA say this? Yeah I agree, VAERS is a shitty system - prone to over und underreporting! Thats why you dont make any predictions (positive or negative) on it - its a rough screening tool on a population level. There are far better systems than this and they all show a huge safety signal.