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Everything posted by nitramadas

  1. Man, what a weird thread.. lol, this really didn't need to be so dragged out. The guy in the video is clearly Green. That should need no explanation. Edit: "That's what they've been trying to hide from you". hah, why did you post this? w-what? 1. You see belief systems as a good thing. 2. You place greater value on it because it's popular.. Need I say more? How Green can you be? lol. I was there as a kid, it's a nice believing in something amazing, it's a child-like wonder. But still, if you've at least watched any of Leo's videos, you should be aware of the problems with this kind of thinking. You're suffering from the common Green problem of being way too credulous and "in search of a group" for your own good. I guess it's pointless explaining, these things can't be taught. Also, couldn't help but notice..
  2. Hmm, that's a very Turquoise thing of you to say. What else is there for you to understand?
  3. ▸ People who want to be physicists are generally overly logical and out of balance. "If it can't be empirically verified, it's not worth investigating." ▸ The education system forces this kind of approach on all students, to be academically successful in STEM, you must never mention anything subjective. ▸ Most people are at stage blue. Of course most people are gonna be following the standards. ▸ Physicists want to keep their jobs. The world being blue, you must follow the social hierarchy, if you say suggest a model that conflicts with your peers'/boss', you risk making them look bad. Things like that are still considered taboo in 2020. If your peers support your views, then that's risking the reputation of the entire company/institute. ▸ Physicists often respect other physicists. They don't want to disrespect their respected peers/teachers or famous physicists in history. Though mostly it's just fear of ridicule and losing their career. ▸ For reasons above, any evidence of a non-deterministic, non-material, non-probabilistic reality get buried, ignored, and ridiculed. ▸ Any scientist who gets too curious and investigates phenomenon that contradicts the current paradigm either: ▹ Already had the outcome decided before starting the experiment ▹ Declares it a "hard problem" or "spooky action at a distance" and leaves it at that. Or says something like "oh, maybe the detector interfered with the result" ▹ Realizes he can nolonger go back to his job, just doesn't identify with the mindset of the field anymore. ▹ Comes back and gets fired or is forced to leave, getting ridiculed and labelled "new-ager" or something to that effect.
  4. Ah yes, the subject = object insight. Awfully abstract for your first. Hmm. I get this feeling whenever I think about the fact that I'm nothing. Though before I could vanish I get massive euphoria in my head.. (Just remembered I used to get that vanishing feeling as a kid in dreams..)
  5. Where did you learn this.. concept of "death"? It's a mental construct of the mind that only has bearing on the mind. Take away the mind, take away the problem. "What happens after death?" is a question of the mind. That question shouldn't exist in the first place. Rephrase the question, and you'll have your answer. Person 1: "How many Leos does it take to actualize one Leo?" Person 1: "Well?.." Person 2: "Damn. What a hard question.. " Does that look like a hard question? No, that's not a "hard" question. It's a retarded question. A question first has to be good.
  6. What is this "me"? How long have you had it for? No.
  7. It's whatever's left after you determine what it can't be. As others here have already pointed out: Nothing. You ask why, but it's the only thing that doesn't need any deeper explanation. Nothing has to be the default assumption. You'd have to have good reason to think that something is a better default assumption. You'd have to explain that something. Nothing is the only thing that doesn't require explanation. Make sense now?
  8. Page 6? Damn, I'm late. I trust you've figured it out after this many pages? In case you haven't, worry not! For.. I, have come!!! (◠‿◠) Yeah, that voice is freaky AF.. But that's only because you're aware of it! Just be happy you're not aware of the half dozen or so other layers of yourself. Damn it, man! You're making me go insane now that I'm thinking about it. Ok, so the thinking layer is no different to being given a character in a video game and being forced to listen to his monologue. It's not real, nothing you experience is. It's a virtual set of logic through which you're able to see possibility. That talking guy in your head, he's virtual, not real, what you think you are isn't real. Never has been. The shock should come NOT from the realization that you're not real, but that you've managed to delude yourself for this long. That's a more forward thinking and healthy attitude to hold. Clinging to your delusions about existing will get you nowhere. *sigh* kids these days thinking they exist.. Here's Ken: And... BAM! You're enlightened.
  9. Sounds like you haven't got a solid identity and the energy of others overpowers your own, if that's the case you may want to consider integrating stage red. Also possible you've got emotional trauma and have gotten used to "acting", in which case you should work on integrating stage green, and working with the heart chakra. Meditation and focusing on the present will too seriously help with this. It's also possible trauma caused you to split into multiple parts, in which case I recommend looking up "Ken Wilber Shadows". But, ultimately, if your problems bother you, know it's entirely self created by your ego. Everyone has problems, but whether they bother you is entirely up to you.
  10. Yeah, though if you HAVE some weed, and it's already in the vaporizer, and you can just use a microdose.. it's no different to a cup of coffee. Also, smoking weed every day can turn life into a dream, in a good way. Just so mellow. During the periods I vaped all day every day, taking a day off just felt like another high. Common sense never works for me. I mean, I'm writing this at 5 am.. Hmm, if you smoked like a gram maybe, or combined with acid/shrooms (but that's mandatory anyway). But this kind of ego death is purely temporary, just shows you the bigger picture is all. It kind of "hides" the ego, without actually incorporating it into your being. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that by integrating the ego, your awareness expands by the amount of space that the ego was taking up. The ego becomes pure awareness, and at that point it's no longer ego. But should you ever stop this habit? If so, why? I've done so much acid, I don't know if it's beneficial at this point. I think it's great maybe once a year for most people, it destroys the normalization that builds up over time. But there's a saying "Once you get the message, hang up the phone." which makes sense, but then I wonder, how many messages are there? lol. What message do I need for TotalTurquoise™? For some reason weed seems like it should be unnecessary at this level.
  11. Preface: First of all, I'm more than aware of the benefits of psychedelics (having used acid maybe ~40 times; DMT a bunch of times (no breakthrough as throat can't handle it); and vaped weed on and off for a few years) Whenever I run out, I procrastinate resupplying for a few months, and wonder if I should bother as it's such a pain using DNMs & BTC. (=____=) I'm now approaching the end of one of such periods of procrastination. There are such good arguments for both sides in my internal debate.. Some years back, weed was probably a catalyst for my ascension into Yellow. I don't know how it affects others, but, if I use it now, it REALLY puts my "Turquoise side" of abstract "impressions", "thoughts", "feelings", etc. into overdrive. It's so damn fun, it's like it gives me the energy & desire to "go there", to go really deep and receive crazy ideas that would be hard to put into words. It's somewhere inbetween soberness and an acid trip. But it's not that simple, and almost anyone with a strong opinion is biased.. and orange, lol. That's why I almost never ask other people questions. Side-note: lol, I find this idea so funny: We should have a forum section—or even a discord—for each of the stages so people can compare personality differences in posts in different sections. A way of identifying differences, naturally. Like learning a language through immersion, a kind of a "2.0" of a the example-mega-thread project. The social dynamics and ego interactions would be really fascinating to see, and I suspect it would still be a net benefit. People have already demonstrated a need for something like this, and there are times when you only want responses of a certain level. Thread markings of "Green & above only" or "No orange allowed" would also work. Man that would be funny. The Comparison: Pro-Weed: Temporary elevation of consciousness is unlikely to be completely temporary. Any time spent way up high should at least translate to some small amount of permanent progress. A temporary experience of deep love isn't without value, is it? Same logic should apply. "Gray-matter density increases in the amygdala and nucleus accumbens of young adult recreational users" "Hippocampal enlargement in cannabis using adolescents." Consistent beyond-normal-human-level insights. FUN! Heightened peak experience. Potentially increased fat metabolization. (m-maybe offset by munchies) Additional dopamine during activity may result in a stronger brain adaptation response. (More dopamine = brain goes "woaaaah looks important, better learn this!") (May.. be offset by worsened working memory. The science doesn't exist!!! wtf man?!?! *sigh*) Piano (GOD is this fun, no even joking, beats every other human experience out there, subjectively. Watching myself play something like Vogel Im Kafig is the best thing in existence. But the downside is once tolerance rises, you just get tired easily. Hand-eye-coordination might also suffer with heavier use) Mostly positive effect on Autistic and ADHD people. Everyone is on both spectrums = everyone should smoke weed : ) Helps Orange and Green progress by providing a safe medium to rebellion through.. I guess?.. Cause, fuck it. You're gonna die in a few decades anyway. Neutral-Weed: Education (Unknown) Personal development (Unknown) Long term effects of any kind (Unknown) Motivation (Unknown; too individual) Success (Unknown; too individual) Happiness (Everywhere on the spectrum; too individual) Anti-Weed: TOLERANCE ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Can't tell it's gonna be potent of not. Not ideal for lungs, though vaping does not yet show any evidence of harm. Negative impact on working memory at massive doses. Unknown impact with low–med usage. Long term memory Distance between you and other people who aren't high. (You're on a different "wavelength" to everyone else) Possible negative impact on hand-eye co-ordination. Unknown impact with low–med usage. Harder to fall asleep for ~4 days after ceasing use. Dependence/expectation of needing it to a have a peak experience. Reduced REM which, for most people, lowers the overall quality of sleep. Possible paranoia/anxiety Money / DNM & BTC Ok, can't be bothered making a comprehensive list, whatever.. Far too often I stay up till ~6am writing shit noone will read lol.. If you can list something I haven't, I'll be very pleasantly surprised, you will have my eternal gratitude for 1 whole day. The Dilemma: Considering that but ONE answer is objectively subjectively correct.. j-just what is the right thing to do?!?!? (lol that sounds so blue.) Your opinions, please!
  12. Hard to find info on, but: here Basically, Ken = noticing the visual quality of something. eg: You're cleaning a table; examining the detail in a painting; expecting to see movement; looking in the mirror; looking for something Kan = looking at something, but the visual information is only secondary. eg: Ever played a game or watched a video that you once watched as a child, and only now noticed how awful the graphics/resolution are? Well, kids don't really pay attention to Ken, everything looked perfect, you were only noticing the contents of what you were watching as a kid. Once you started noticing that different resolutions exist, once you became capable of making distinctions between ken, that's when you started living with ken. You may have also started relying it more once you started reading as a kid. When your eyes need to focus, that's when Ken is triggered. How often do you need to focus your eyes? How often are you looking at a screen or text? lol, yeah. This is also why many people often see themselves as ugly in the mirror. The more you want to see, the more you use Ken. If you're invested in your appearance, you're gonna be using Ken. Of course, when looking at other people you normally use Kan—unless you're actually looking for flaws or something—and other people see you through Kan too, lucky you!!! Since this is such a rare and subtle concept, it is a highly/completely automated process for 99.999999999% of people. You'll never find anyone aware of it. Once you can control it, you can see the beauty and the ugliness in everything. Being an analytical person, I've gone through periods of seeing everyone as ugly, and still do if I'm not careful. Someone appearing beautiful is just your mind's warped interpretation. With Kan, it's easier to see beauty as visual information often carries little meaning and by focusing on random details you're missing the bigger picture. If you want the perfect example of how you've been unconsciously using Kan when looking at people, look up "tom cruise teeth" on google images. (Warning: you won't be able to unsee it.) The thing is, you see them "as the idea of the person".
  13. Mmm, yes. As has been my experience. One of the things it does that I've never heard anyone mention is the change of vision from Ken to Kan, which is a whole topic of its own. That's what reveals the deeper meaning behind objects. The first time I smoked weed, the Kan vision was so strong that life was identical to a lucid dream. Once you know the feeling, you can activate it while sober with a bit of effort. But the big question is: Once you've done it a thousand times, are you still benefiting from it. If I had to guess, I would think once every couple of weeks would be ideal on average, but who has the willpower or desire for that? If weed literally just makes everything better, there's little reason not to do it apart from tolerance, and that day WILL come! The day when we can reverse tolerance. Maybe 50 years away though. I really wonder how someone at 110% Turquoise, without ego would react to drugs. Dopamine is so closely linked with the ego.
  14. Even if you could buy happiness. So what? It's still gonna be nothing in comparison to enlightenment, and money can sure distract you from that. Also, if you get some IT job because it pays well, you're gonna be stuck doing that for a long time. Money should only ever be viewed as a bonus. In any case, who enjoys money? The ego. Do you want to live as the ego? Money, besides taking care of the essentials, just makes it more tempting to delay enlightenment. The general rule is: Go towards the pain. If it bothers you, good! Learn to enjoy it. If you want money, that means you're not ready for it. It will fulfil your desire temporarily, without giving you the chance to learn to fulfil those desires yourself.
  15. ⮞ That you can't, no matter what, fully grasp the importance of enlightenment until you've become enlightened. I guess I, like everyone else, assumed "if it's SO great, why am I not hearing about it more?" Leo's pushiness was very welcome. As a kid watching content like this, the only content creators were either Orange or TotalTurquoise. Either smart successful people who motivate personal achievement or people so enlightened they don't even see the point in helping, they just say "let it go" or "step 1: get to point consciousness, become just your IUoC".. I had a pretty good foundation at a very young age, but Turquoise teachers are often too laid back, instead of giving everything, they'll give the bare minimum, and since they're not so intellectual they won't bother learning about perspectives from others. When I discovered Leo's Yellow INTP videos, being a Yellow INTP myself back then, it was very refreshing. I loved, and still do, the intellectual approach, models, and practical ways of ascending. I'd say my perspectives have now for a while been more T than Y, but T is kind of past YouTube. T doesn't really have content in the same way as Y does, and Y really doesn't have content in the way O does. Whenever I find something that's NEW and Turquoise, that's really something. ⮞ That there is no distance, I always knew it's just data, but had never thought about the fact that something in the distance is at the same distance as anything else, eyes needing to adjust just threw me off that idea as a kid. ⮞ That nothing = everything. Nothing has to be the most fundamental thing and the only thing that's real. Prior, I used to think one level inside that, that life is just the process of lowering entropy through interaction with consequences. That the most fundamental level would be some kind of virtual computer, where the software contained survives by taking random data and turning it into information as a means of generating meaning and existence. Now I see it a bit different, more abstract, more complete, still a bunch of gaps though.
  16. I've looked. Everything out there is complete BS, usually made by someone at orange or yellow. Only look for CoralContent™ if you want to listen to orange egos. It's always some seriously weird s*** like "loving yourself is all that matters, the primitive Turquoise is still stuck at caring for others like some cuck. Coral is about POWER and getting what you want in life." (paraphrasing) It's just mind-blowing. After TotalTurquoise™ the model kinda breaks. It's like the goal of humanity has been reached. If you want to go further, you'd have to go past human limits which you can't do here. You can only expand your awareness so much with a human brain. Either way, you'd probably just want to help, development of the self should end after Turquoise.
  17. DEEPER. Use the mouth, the back, shoulders, neck, chin tuck, massive smile, the spine should be moving a lot. You were doing wim hof breath holds right? You want to increase increase both O2 and CO2 levels, deep breathing alone will not do that. If I want to, I can almost pass out with 20 seconds of breathing. There are also techniques which are don't even require heavy breathing, just adjust the tongue the right way, or pull on the sides of the nose, and within seconds of shallow breathing half of my body goes numb and tingling, to a scary extent.
  18. While true, if progress can be optimized it should be. And we have to talk about something, it's either anime or ╔═════════ ೋღ :Consciousness: ღೋ ═════════╗ ꧁༺??? ?????, ??? ????????? ?? ℭ????????????༻꧂ ╚═════════ ೋღ :Consciousness: ღೋ ═════════╝
  19. Well, as Leo might say, you must first start an AC manufacturing company to fully integrate the stage and meet your unmet needs. Once your AC needs are met, then, and only then, may you proceed to thinking about recycling.
  20. Notice a pattern? If so, read back your original post if you want a bit of a shock. But more importantly, take this as an opportunity to distance yourself from your self. IF you're actually serious about progress, you must actively seek out every single thing that causes an emotional reaction, and work on it, the more painful the better. "Awareness alone is curative". The first step is to recognize fear as fear (not as anything else), second is a strong relentless will to overcome it. Even the good reactions should receive the same treatment, as they're often an indication you've just put a bandaid on a fear, and are feeling "relief", which can only ever be short term. Through fear, and the self-deception caused by it, it seems you've not been able to gain enough awareness to see beyond yourself. You seem to still see yourself as just a person, as that which you've attributed to being you from your experience as a human. It's basically the same as playing a video game, and fully believing you're the character you're playing as. You could call it childish, but those who play as humans mostly are. You will eventually need to "grow up" and stop seeing things from your perspective or how the world relates to you, as I've pointed out in the quotes above. Have you seen every single spiral dynamics video from Leo? If not that should be step 1. Your use of "in a sense" is also a bit worrying, and tells me this is all still intellectual for you. It's like knowing that, in theory, murder is bad, but not actually knowing deep down why it's bad, you just know it intellectually because it makes logical sense or you've heard it a bunch of times. You intellectually believe (correctly) that you're the one causing your own issues, but it's still an abstract concept that you haven't yet integrated due to lack of awareness. Once you start to face your fears, start seeking out the truth without bias, expand your awareness in the process, and realize that you're the cause of all your problems, that's when the shame will automatically disappear. You could say, the root cause of your problems is your belief that you are the person you're living as, this makes you take everything personally and attaches you to the random events the self experiences, this attachment causes you to defend this self, and when you can't adequately defend it, you feel fear. E.g. you think your actions as selfish → you believe you are your actions → you believe you are selfish → generate additional fear from that belief as you don't want to be something you consider bad → since you believe you're a bad person, you subconsciously make yourself feel bad as a means of getting yourself to change or convince yourself it's not a problem → failure to change or make yourself believe in a lie/alternate-facts leads to where you are now. "I believe my self to be inadequate, so I am inadequate, so I must change, but I don't know how, but I must! Otherwise my identity will adapt to this new reality, and I will officially be a.. bad! (in some way) Person!" There's a few places where you can cut off the downward spiral, you could just make yourself "better" (whatever that means to you), maybe hit the gym 8 hours every day, and that will have the same effect if it addresses the fear. But that's limited, and another fear could come up and you'll then want to start a business or something. Really, the only way to permanently take care of suffering is to, rather than complying with the ego's infinite list of demands (which it generates from fear), to just have the attitude that you won't let yourself be controlled by fear, and you'll, in fact, actively seek it out, and show yourself that you don't care. Ego (definition 2) is awareness in the service of fear. No fear = no problems can be generated. One way or another, everyone must, and will, feel connected to "rock bottom". e.g. if you're rich, you will be unable to appreciate the wealth if you cannot remember being poor. Now that much is obvious, intellectually, but if you were rich, you wouldn't be aware of this issue. In fact, even if you were, you'd be unwilling to experience poverty for any length of time. The best thing that could possibly happen to you may be losing all your money, temporarily, or not. If this rich person was enlightened, though, that's where things get different. See, before enlightened, feeling "tainted and beyond repair" may be absolutely necessary, as without feeling this way, you may never recognize being free of that state, always wanting more purely out of lack of awareness of what you already have. If you ever forget the unpleasant feeling, you may, subconsciously, as your higher self of which you're not yet aware, bring about whatever you need to to keep on progressing. For progress, the most important thing is reducing how much you cling to your human needs, and how expanded your awareness is as a result. It is often beneficial to lose the capacity for human happiness, as it means you may realize how limiting it is, and how you don't actually need anything, ever. In fact, the more you engage in life and the happiness it offers, the less you're able to notice the happiness that's always there from existence alone. Most people die without ever experiencing anything like this due to being so immersed in life, so this isn't the same as just being peaceful and relaxed (unless your definition of peaceful and relaxed is an acid trip.. ★~(◠﹏◕✿) ◉﹏◉) and is definitely worth pursuing. I can't tell how far I went on a tangent, maybe some of this will make sense.. Basically/TL;DR, it's just fear, don't worry about specific issues, find the root cause. Thinking; meditating; identifying issues; learning about enlightenment; and being aware of yourself experiencing things is the best you can do. Even if you don't do anything, the stress will build up and you'll end up losing fear anyway, but it's a slower and more painful path.
  21. Because he's been watching Leo's videos. Anyone who's been watching them has a bit of Leo inside them. ; ) It's natural to prefer a response from someone you know, even if they don't know you back.. This I find very unclear about SD. Most sources, including Leo, say that you must go through all the stages first. Noone can ever skip stages, contrary to what you seem to suggest. If you meant they'd just go through the stages that fast because of education, that also seems likely wrong. Leo also seems to believe that education will bring about faster progress. ime, education is definitely a big factor, and can speed up progress as long as the student is receptive to the ideas, but even if you have the absolute worst education, that's in no way worse for you in terms of spiritual progress than an education from the best teachers. Challenges can, and do, often act as catalysts for progress. The perfect education may involve getting violently beaten up and raped on a daily basis, lol. May. Overcoming such a challenge, for someone capable, may be perfect. Also, you may not realize, but external motivation kills internal motivation. Being told go the "right" path may cause them to do the opposite, as that immediately takes away any desire they may have generated within themselves. Also, a couple hundred years? That's a bit pessimistic. What happens when the first general AI is made, and is capable of doing in a second what would take 1000 years for 100 of the best scientists working 24/7 to do? With neuralink, which doesn't even need GAI, education won't even be needed in any form resembling today's, for obvious reasons. How far away are we from neuralink-type tech achieving superiority? About ~5 years iirc accord to Elon. Exponentially increasing in progress rate from there. In 200, the world should look more like what people imagine it will look like in 1000 or 2000. People are extremely bad at visualizing exponential growth, like how everyone was surprised at the growth of Corona even though they knew it's exponential. is... this the reason noone takes SD seriously?
  22. That's because most people don't have much yellow in them, :' ( as sad as that is.. (´;︵;`) Though I can think of some ways to increase the chances of them being interested in learning. It all depends on what kind of person they are....... and how much SD content there is on YouTube.. good content. ⮞ Are they the kind that's interested in e.g.: astrology, chakras, magick, art, feelings, reincarnation, intuition etc.? Wait for an opportunity, and say something like: "..speaking of reincarnation, I recently found this model called SD, it's unlike anything else. Rather than being something faith based, or requiring study of stars or whatever, once you hear it explained, it just makes sense, and you immediately start noticing how people fall into a category. Not only that, but you also get a good idea of what they were like in the past; what they'll be like in the future, and why! And it doesn't even only apply to people, but whole countries and regions too!" ⮞ Are they blue, a child, or just a bit mentally behind? "Have you ever noticed how, the further back in history you go, the more violence, injustice, stupidity, selfishness, etc. there is? I mean, women have been allowed to vote in even the most advanced countries for only about 100 years, what were people's attitudes like 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 100 000 years ago? Do you think there's any kind of trend? One besides what you'd expect from technological evolution alone? Why would that be? When people die, they're gone, right? It's not like anything gets passed-on/re-cycled, or that there's some point in life with progress being made each generation, right? Well, someone's figured it out, it's a pretty simple model called SD. It's unlike anything you've ever heard of, and requires no belief in anything, you decide if it makes sense." ⮞ Are they an intellectual person? Perhaps, even a.. Yellow™? Ask if they're familiar with Myerr Briggs's Personality Types (or however you spell it.. not intuitive = deserving to be misspelled). If they are: Then express how you feel it's a much more useful model, "MBTI just looks like a disjointed, over-complicated mess by comparison, with no overarching ideas or deeper meaning.. If you study it, you may be able to figure out if someone is more sensing or intuitive, then work out the other letters, and then see which personality that results in, but even then, it leaves out a lot of information.. SD covers things you never even realized were missing from MBTI. I think you'll definitely like it." If they're not familiar with MBTI: Ask if they're interested in psychology, if they are, talk about models in general, before getting to SD. If they're intellectual, but not interested in psychology/understanding-systems, they're probably orange, so you'd have to tell them you've found a way to manipulate people with a psychological trick or something, lol. (When I discovered I'm an INTP, it seemed pretty accurate at describing the way my mind works, but SD supersedes it for the most part now. Though SD isn't perfect. If noone else does, I might come up with another model within the next 20 years.) That said, my sister did a psychology degree and is into MBTI, yet I still haven't even mentioned SD to her.. I feel like it would be egoistic, as it puts you both in a hierarchy.