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Everything posted by nitramadas

  1. I didn't wanna be blunt, but yeah.. Only back when I was Green would I have shared the sentiment.
  2. Isn't that great, though? Now egos can't stay hidden, they're exposed and vulnerable. If you can't see it, you can't fight it. We're simply seeing the acceleration of what was always inevitable.
  3. I guess what you're thinking of is: Time That's all really death can be. The end of an experience. Or awareness of its length of time. You might have to gain a more intimate understanding of time by meditating on it.
  4. Pros/Cons.. The reaction to how bad X could be is typically worse than X itself. Though I'd be surprised if Greens share this view.
  5. hah, It's taken me to hell before, but I've done it enough times where I mostly just remember the good times. Hell is always educational though, so it's all good.
  6. wth, it's so obvious you're Green (though I guess I am pretty accurate at this). It's weird how you debate with me, but have no intellectual inclinations. Just the Moksha guy before you. Seemed like you saw an opportunity to add fuel to the fire (which I've started to expect from this forum). Some of the people on here just can't accept the fact that higher stages exist, and see any mention of this as a personal attack. The fact I can't speak openly without being judged every time is a result of the prevalence of Tier 1 on this forum. I have absolutely nothing against Tier 1, almost everyone I know is Tier 1, and as Tier 2, my capacity to love Tier 1 is even greater than Green's. But I don't come here to engage in Orange/Green discussions. This is the one place where there's the possibility for Tier 2 conversation, so some of the Tier 1s trying to occupy it & acting aggressively when you complain is.. disappointing. Usually Yellow as debating engages the intellect. Sometimes Turquoise if I don't have anything overly intellectual to think about. Some of the more specific roles I take on here include: The teacher; the expert; the designer; the non-conformist; the futurist; the innovator; the challenger; the artist; the extravert; the consultant; the outsider; the insider; the devil's advocate; the computer guy; the Inquisitor; the Tier 2 representative.. If you know a bunch of psychological models, then my About Me would tell you a lot.
  7. Ok, I guess it's the same as insisting a Mac ISN'T a Personal Computer. I guess people like that do exist.. Yet still, it's not good to be spreading misinformation. "from the perspective of being a person, LD is like going within and astral projection is like going without, wheras the body and 'this reality' is the anchor in between" This is no different to the "astral cord" belief. There IS no such distinction you're imagining. It's just that you manifest your beliefs in the NP.
  8. Nice, joining in the mob mentality having admitted defeat in the other thread.. That's very mature of you, guess your being Green really DOESN'T have any bearing on your personality. Guess I was wrong all along, Green or Yellow, it's all the same! You're TOTALLY not proving my point.. I feel SO BAD for suggesting Yellow might be nicer to interact with than Orange and Green. I now see that Green certainly is NOT much more likely to engage in mob mentality behavior! Wow! I am blown away! Maybe I am like an Orange or something! You guys are CLEARLY more mature and evolved than me! I guess I REAALLLY overestimated myself! hahahaha. Well done. Thank you for OPENING my eyes! I am now on my way to becoming a superior Green! WOOOO!!!!!!
  9. I can tell you're a very nice person, a VERY fucking nice person indeed! (✿◠‿◠) ime, whenever someone insists on creating a duality unnecessarily, it's because they don't see the non-duality. What kind of people struggle with non-duality again? I keep forgetting, I think it's some kind of stage or Tier.. for some reason my awareness is avoiding that memory.. YES! It's all the same, ask Leo if I'm not good enough for you! Pretty sure he's even covered how everything is nothing more than once! It's all the same thing! Consciously leaving this reality = entering the non physical in relation to a human perspective. Still with me so far?! Good. EVERYTHING that's non physical = non physical. Make sense? The following are all the same: The Astral / DaFooortheDimenshun / Dimension 23458957384 / the non-physical / dreams / lucid dreams / VERY lucid dreams / SUPER lucid dreams. But there IS an exception.........: "HYPER lucid dre—" NO! *slaps the nearest seeking_brilliance in sight* Pleading: "Do you not see how dumb that is?!?!?!"
  10. I'd say that falls into the category of affirmation. Unless you're using it as a meditation, in which case yes.
  11. Well, that's just proving my point. Yeah, the worst thing that could happen would be pretty good. That's not really addressing my point though. Should the G7 not exist? Are you saying we should just have a G195? Would that be productive? Would you prefer it if noone pointed out the problems? Someone has to take on that role.. What did you mean by this? Climbing up the ladder too fast? Failing to climb up it? Climbing it incorrectly? Being eager to climb it? I actually think being motivated to be the best you you can be is a positive thing. Oranges shouldn't be embarrassed, they should be motivated. I feel like I'm having to repeat myself here. THIS is PRECISELY why I said what I said. I HAVE to be SO careful about what I say or you people turn hostile on me. ** THIS ** *** THIS RIGHT HERE *** THIS Is why I express my desire for a Tier 2 section. So I don't have to put up with this BS drama. You create it, then act all surprised and offended when someone points it out.
  12. It's fine that you disagree. But being passive aggressive doesn't help.
  13. I anticipated this response. A WILD is just a direct projection technique. It is a misunderstanding to categorise it as anything other than a projection technique. It is literally just the mental rundown projection technique. Calling it a separate LD technique just causes confusion. An actual direct LD technique would be something like the WBTB or FILD.. What I meant was if you're doing WILD, then you shouldn't consider that a LD technique. No "direct" LD technique is worth doing, as projections can be accomplished with the exact same techniques. LDs are inferior versions of projections, you're basically just stuck within your local system in LDs. The only thing one should do specifically for LDs would be affirmations. If you're doing a direct technique, it would make no sense to aim for a LD. We can just refer to the Actualized's perspective here. You're never in your body in the first place. I'll just leave it at that.
  14. The only real technique for LDs you should be doing is affirmations. That will get you your LDs, but only while you're still excited. Then nothing, and you'll forget about it. All LD efforts should be supplementary. Sure. Here's the best technique you'll ever find: Part 1: Relaxation (Physical & Mental) → Concentrated State → Intellect Suppression → Muscle Energy Purge DEEP progressive relaxation. Starting with the head. The eyelids, jaw, back/front/sides of the head, absolutely everything. 1 minute concentration on deep inhales and exhales. Another couple minutes of the same, but feel yourself, your limbs getting heavier and more relaxed with each exhale. Feel the object you're sitting/lying on. Notice yourself sinking into it like dead weight. Each exhale pulls you down more and more. Relax your breathing. Feel yourself falling. Place your centre of attention below you. Allow your eyes to close. Part 2: Developing Light-Trance → RAM-Purge → Awareness-Displacement → Auto Heavy-Trance After a couple minutes of falling, point the eyes fully up, almost to the point of pain, then relax them a bit and up again. Try to find the sweet-spot where they can stay up. Focus on the mid-brow sensation that pointing eyes up creates. Become that brow sensation and feel a stable upward motion, forgetting to be aware of all else. After 30s, scan for any tension, esp. in legs/shoulders/neck/arms/abdomen. If you have ANY tension whatsoever, spend some more time relaxing and only progress once you can pass the 30s check after forgetting. (The closer you get, the more the body may want to tense. If not relaxed now, you'll fail.) If you have no tension after the check → make sure your entire being is centred on the brow; relax yourself into the stably, gently rising existence (you) at the brow. Since you passed the check, trust yourself and trust that you'll have no tension. You will not be checking again. Relax; know that you're allowing the body to enter sleep. You're not aware of where it is, or that it's yours. You just know that your subconscious mind has let go, not caring whether you're right of wrong. YOU'RE not letting go at this point, you're just relaxing on that specific upwards brow sensation. NOTHING else. (Doesn't matter if you've fucked up, you shouldn't know, as you shouldn't have check. If you do, just continue if you feel you're deep enough, if in doubt: Quit for now, or just go back a few steps.) (The eyes don't have to point up, but it does seem to help. Do it at least initially, then forget about them, but maintain the feeling). Part 3: Emergence It's ok if you fall asleep or wake up confused. Just continue. (Affirmations help with this). After 10–40 minutes of just going up without interruption. If you manage to get to the theta state; stay mostly steady in concentration; and are relaxed enough. You should be out. Basically: Relax, Look up, go up, wait. That's it. Success is mostly dependent on your physiology. There are a LOT of potential issues that may prevent you from relaxing enough. Having studied this stuff for close to a decade, I know basically every single technique there is. It's not really a technique you need, but an understanding of the mechanisms involved. This much should be enough detail for now. lol, I see mainstream knowledge hasn't evolved much / at all. The most accurate answer would be far too abstract to explain. Just know: "No, that's complete BS. Almost as stupid as the astral cord idea. This isn't even just some 'newbie superstition' crap, it's on the same level as the 'flat-earth theory' ". But I won't bother debating that, I'm many years past such childish debates.
  15. THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! THIS! I'm always like "Is this an old video or something?.. Hmm, it's not, I guess he just hasn't gotten around to it yet.." I'm sure there'd even be plenty of volunteers who'd do it for free for every video if he can't be bothered. All Leo would need to do is copy and paste it into the description.
  16. They're the same thing. Both are just "a non-physical reality", only difference is the awareness level connotations. While LDs are technically the easiest approach, I wouldn't recommend investing in a "luck" based technique.
  17. Seeing or feeling? Seeing = "you saw your hand floating" feeling = something slightly more exciting.
  18. Really just needs to show the name, a unique visual identifier, maybe what they value, their personality, posting tendencies, and their DM preferences. Stage would be included in "personality". All of that would, of course, have to be well thought out so as to not create clutter. Such information would be pretty useful. E.g. Want to see how many Yellow/Turquoise INTPs are on the site? Want to see if they have anything in common? Want to message them but would first like to know if they like random people DMing them? Could be pretty educational.
  19. There's very few good resources on it. Here's a "hidden" Turquoise video by Leo (But you really need to watch all of them). This is pretty much the only good thing you may have missed, unless you want to read about Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. To study SD, you really just need to study every model you can find and constantly look for patterns between them. Then come up with theories, try to disprove them, then come up with more theories. If you can understand Socionics (complex) and MBTI (slightly less complex) well, that's gonna help a lot. We're the ones refining SD. There are so few people researching it that by simply putting 1000 direct/indirect hours in, you're technically a world-expert. The rest are mostly just references: Here's the best reference site: (Though I'm sure everyone already knows of it) Best chart v1 Best chart v2 Another detailed chart Another Those are pretty much the best SD specific resources. Most of it you have to work out on your own. Yeah, except we still use terms like "first world country", "third world country", "superpower", "G7", "G20", "far east", "the north", etc. You have to refer to them as something, and resorting to less accurate terminology in an attempt to "avoid hurting someone's ego" is a pretty questionable thing to do. If someone's Orange, they should acknowledge it and work on it. If it's embarrassing, good, maybe it'll motivate them to grow up. The worst thing that could happen is egos being exposed. Though, the lower stages tend to not even notice it's a hierarchy, so no problem at all. The only ones who could, in theory, egoistically benefit from this are Tier 2. Except, Tier 2 DNGAF. Tier 2 just wants to avoid getting dragged into Tier 1's arguments.
  20. .. I did. I don't think he likes me very much. (இ﹏இ) Though I do tend to be ambitious when it comes to design. I'd be called over-ambitious in design even if I worked for Apple.. so the people who actually have to do things would want to avoid me, I imagine. I would make a forum myself with an amazing, unprecedented, intuitively aesthetic design, but I just hate html, css, js, php, .net, flask, django, etc. I'm a designer, not an engineer.
  21. lol, yeah that was my first thought, but I don't think it's a big problem. Here's some options: ▸ Add a section in each 'Stage-Specific' / 'Tier-Specific' board for e.g. "Questions from Tier 1". When a Green has a question for Tier 2s, their question would show up with a green tint above all the T2 – T2 discussions. ▸ As people would, generally, want to be part of "their own collective", they wouldn't want to lie about their stage. ▸ There could be a restriction to changing your color to once every e.g. 3 months. ▸ There could be e.g. 3 shades of each color so that upper Green doesn't feel it has to pick between Yellow and Green (feeling either one would be disingenuous). ▸ The main thing is: Having a dedicated "Questions from Tier 1" section would strongly subconsciously discourage abuse. It's like: Have you ever considered using a public toilet for the opposite sex? Probably not, as you know that everyone else knows that you know that they know the system is well defined and unambiguous and you'd never get away with it. When the rules are really clear, and everything is 100% fair, people would feel too awkward to break them. ▸ Another approach would be to, rather than say they're exclusive to that specific stage, say e.g. "this is a board for Yellow level discussion". So technically anyone could post in it, but anyone below Yellow would just feel out of place, confused, and constantly misunderstand others. So if, for example, a Green goes on there and gets offended, they'd have noone to blame as all the Yellows on the board would see nothing wrong with the "offender". ▸ (Would have the side-effect of teaching Spiral-Wizardry to YoungYellows. As well as help everyone stay on topic, e.g. I struggle maintaining my Turquoise POV while writing (as discussing random things on the forum tends to engage the intellectual Yellow side). If the discussion was exclusively Turquoise, it would help identify the differences between stages and help with controlling them. Awareness is "curative", after all.)
  22. ..which is why I say we need threads to have stage markers (or have forum sections for stage-specific discussions). As Tier 2 is the minority on this forum, Tier 2 – Tier 2 conversations are pretty uncommon. The ones I've had have all been very short. I'm just happy to meet a high Green now.. As I approach Turquoise centre, I notice myself losing all interest in intellectual-debate / intellectual-education. When I engage my intellect though, I do spend a lot of time on here. But soon I'll be gone too. This is why Turquoise is so incredibly rare online. Anything but silence is egoistic, though I guess that might not make much sense to most. Silence is so fascinating.. everything else is so limited in comparison. I often don't bother with silence, but then I do ..and the euphoria!