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Everything posted by Death_

  1. @Breakingthewall Okay. I might take psychedelics when I am around 21 years old. As Leo said "Psychedelics require great maturity to use properly."
  2. @RedLine If you jump into the cold water by forcing yourself then your body will try to resist the cold forcefully. I suggest everyone if anyone wants to jump into the cold water try with no force. Sorry for grammatical errors.
  3. @NahmYou are always online. You can use some rest.
  4. @Nate0068 Use Salvia divinorum. It is said that it isn't like other psychedelics, so use it with caution.
  5. @Aaron p Okay.
  6. I am just 15. When is the best age to use psychedelics?
  7. @Cepzeu When is the next update coming out? That saved my eyes and ears. Thank you !!!
  8. @Arcanus I got nothing to say because at the end the things you did was you after all. Look yourself properly if you are the same past self or something else. Sometimes bad things gives great lessons.
  9. @Mohammad I guess I can't buy the drug because my parents wouldn't let me to but I will sure go to that website. Thank you for guiding me.
  10. @EternalForest @Unseeking Seeker Thank you !!!
  11. @Dodo Thank you for your suggestion. BTW who's youtube channel was that?
  12. @fridjonk Thank you for suggesting those authors and their books.