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Everything posted by Death_

  1. @mw711 Yeah I may be misunderstanding this:-
  2. @mw711 If you don't care about Mahasamadhi, then why do you want to know it?
  3. @Someone here No, you cannot. It is stupid if you are trying to stop your mind from thinking.
  4. It was pretty stupid and will be waste of your time if you keep digging in this Mahasamadhi stuff. Cut the noise out, don't get trapped in the noise. I got trapped for a while and it was a damn waste of time for me.
  5. I thought that the video was about the dangers of misapplying spiritual teaching, which it is as I am currently listening to it. The introduction part was kind of scary, after hearing someone in the forum committed suicide.
  6. @Striving for more Okay, So what are you currently doing to achieve what you want to achieve?
  7. @Zeroguy Are you the girls and cars journal guy? I think previewed your journal.
  8. @Proserpina It is because his wife left consciously, so it is called mahasamadhi and suicide is done out of sorrow, basically a person being tired of life. Mahasamadhi will have less suffering than suicide as the person who is trying to do mahashamadhi has already prepared himself or herself mentally and the person will detach from the body. In case of suicide, the person acts out of grief or depression and kill himself/herself by hanging or cutting or something like that but the process will be painful and the person will suffer more. Sorry for my poor language but I think this topic is not that necessary to cover. As at the end the person who did suicide and the person who did mahasamadhi will be at the same side of the island.
  9. @Striving for more The thing is that there is no shortcuts and there is no best way to get to that "permanent carefree state". I recommend to be more patient.
  10. @Leo Gura He knows you I asked him.
  11. @rnd Obsidian is now still in beta stage and when it reaches to v.1 sky is the limit. I thought that the topic that I published will never get any attention but it turns out to be the opposite.
  12. @Thought Art I also have tinnitus. Does everyone have tinnitus?
  13. @Black Monolith Are you in project management? If not than linking the notes will be a great method for you.
  14. @Ivan Dimi Like Leo said in one of his duality videos, war vs peace. There is only Peace with a capital P.
  15. @Thought Art I also thought the same question then I found out that they are taking various donations and also made a feature called Obsidian Publish premium which helps to share your notes in the web by uploading it. This is how they are making money out of it.
  16. @romansoloviov I was going to try roam research but it has a price to it and I and on a tight budget. Does it store files locally?
  17. @AlphaAbundance The reason why I am not using newer version of onenote is because of the cloud storage. All my notes and my files must me stored on the cloud in order for me to access it which makes me kind of insecure. I also recommend you to try Onenote 2010 instead of the newer versions, new versions of onenote is a trap.
  18. @Hans Plain text format which means markdown format. It can embed images, videos and also can record audios but there is no scribbles.
  19. I have been trying to lucid dream for a while. I learned some methods watching some videos on YouTube but I couldn't do any of it. Can anyone give me some tips?
  20. Let me first clarify that I am 15 years old and financially dependent. Can anyone evaluate my three biggest goals in life. My goals are as follows:- 1) Becoming financially independent. 2) Mastering both the ego and non-ego self. (I have no idea how to do this) 3) Reprogramming my subconscious mind. (I guess I heard Leo would make a course about this)
  21. When is your book coming out? Will it be within 5 years? Keep up the good work.