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Everything posted by SriSriJustinBieber

  1. Consider that you are most likely not experiencing a psychic attack, for if you were experiencing one, by simply noticing it, it would likely stop. However, if you are positive that it is what you are experiencing here are 3 simple ways : - In a ritualistic sort of way, declare that you do not desire such interactions, that if this is to continue it would be a direct infringement upon your free will and that you bid them well in their journey. This works particularly well with advanced negative entities, but less with the stupid ones in my experience. - Accept the psychic attack as something that is teaching you where you are not in balance emotionally, physically, mentally, etc and work on that, for negatively polarized entities can't actually "attack" you but rather only exploit already present imbalances in you. Generally this means meditate your way out of it. - Sincerely love the entity or entities, see them as none other than yourself, feel deep gratitude for them and emphasize only the positive aspects of the situation (this would complete the previous suggestion). Sincerity is key. I would advise against anything along the lines of trying to beat them at their own game or trying to control them or destroy them, etc. What I said may read like I'm bullshitting you with love & light but still give it a try and see. Edit: Palo Santo and those songs in youtube channels such as Meditative Mind may be helpful too
  2. Sincerely happy for you, now what would the next level be ?
  3. Assuming you speak of enlightenment meaning buddhahood, tathagatahood etc, well you generally can't tell if someone is enlightened in such a way at all because their mode of being will appear very ordinary, they have gone beyond personhood a long long time ago and are not even interested in using spirituality to gain or avoid something. They will just behave like humans. If they are not teaching spirituality in some form, you will totally overlook them. If you speak of lower levels of spiritual advancement, you can tell to an extent. For example, it is easy to tell if someone has realized what people like to describe as "nothingness" (it would be more accurate to call it the causal body but let's just roll with nothingness as it's a popular word haha). You can see it in their eyes, or perceive it in the way they say certain things, because you've been there and you know someone will not be making a certain point, in a nuanced way, unless one has realized this or that. And therefore who is a good teacher? A teacher is someone who appears to have valuable stuff to teach, regardless of their own journey.
  4. Spiritual practices are great but maybe in this case doing some physical activity that will positively make you feel tired afterwards would give quicker results
  5. Buddhism is nice, especially dzogchen But if you've been dwelling for a long time in buddhism, I'd suggest switching to advaita vedanta (and vice versa ofc)
  6. Consider that these people may, against all odds, actually be right, what would this teach you about consciousness ?
  7. You say : "how do I deal with xSTJs, or sensors in general ?" Your question is less than optimal. Would the question not be : "how do I deal with my frustration when I am interacting with sensors ?" ? And therefore, the question resolves itself because basically what you say is : "Sensors are teaching me to deal with my lower Fi, but I want to remain as I am. I don't want to become more and more and more flexible for the sake of dealing with stupid people. I don't want to grow." Be mindful. Find out what they are teaching you. Ask yourself the question "what are they teaching me to be" like a mantra each time you interact with them, and especially when it is frustrating. Laozi says : "Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it. The soft overcomes the hard; the gentle overcomes the rigid. Everyone knows this is true, but few can put it into practice." I hope this helps (:
  8. There is confusion. To phrase it with the words you used in the 1st post, see that this confusion is a contraction of the universe inside of the contraction that the body/mind is. See that this contraction has a location, see that apart from this location, there is only clarity. You have therefore total clarity over the object that confusion is. You are clarity perceiving confusion. Seeing this, remaining this way, confusion either disappears instantly or brings joy/peace for some time before disappearing. This may appear as playing with words, but a way to intuit what I mean is to understand that if you yourself were actually in confusion, you would be stuck. It would be just normal for you to be confused, the same way that it is normal for a tree to not be able to move, the tree does not perceive a lack of movement (as far as we can tell). This is only one way to work out confusion
  9. I would suggest that if the cosmos was not simple, it would have collapsed a long timelessness ago
  10. Stay open to all possibilities. Notice the tendency to want to reach a certain conclusion, this is the root of confusion. Stay with the confusion, then see that you are clear that you are confused. Where has the confusion gone ? Then perhaps laugh.
  11. It all boils down to this question: to what end ? "Not wasting time" cannot be the goal itself. Discipline is the nature result of knowing where true value is found. So, what is your true heart's desire?
  12. I don't know but this seems to show that they are taking things from an intellectual standpoint instead of seeing the actual value of the tool, regardless of who contributed what. I ask you to disavow any connection with them
  13. I agree with the first post of this topic I suggest reading Ashtavakra Gita (:
  14. If we are to be skeptic to the bone, before speaking of siddhis, and before studying the laws of physics etc, let's first prove there is a world apart from consciousness.
  15. I fail to see how this is bad news if they get uninterested. It simply means they don't perceive benefit in the configuration you are offering. Going into the specifics seems irrelevant and, if you insist to know, is to be asked case by case, not by generalizing/extrapolating from the answers on a forum in which most people are not even women (and will mostly project their own biases & make you feel bad). Just keep in mind that this is not rejection but redirection. Life is inviting you to up your dating game in terms of skillfulness and in terms of meeting many many women, among which I assume only a minority will be interested. This is a great opportunity for growth and personal development.
  16. I guess the most common mistake (misnomer) people make is to take the self for something that exists in a particular location in the physical body or behind/around the physical body (the latter is also a sign of progress if you don't identify). Another one is thinking that the self is just some neutral feeling. Another one would be giving in to fear. Another one, particularly popular among people coming from mindfulness type practices, is giving too much importance to discipline and concentration Another one is having some mystical experience and starting to ascribe meanings to it, trying to reproduce it etc and therefore straying away from the self (so to speak).
  17. Great teacher. 100% recommend to dig in the teachings instead of judging by the cigar or by how the media portray him. Ask yourself the question: "what's in this for me?" otherwise you will make projections as most people do with Bentinho, Osho, UG and other teachers who are not afraid of appearing provocative or scandalous.
  18. Beautiful challenge. I would say that the ability to concentrate, and to a greater extent, the ability to be disciplined is not different from knowing where true value is. In other words, you must determine either rationally what your priority (or priorities) is and then feel very good, blissful, loving about this new priority. Or you could start by determining your priority emotionally and then find rational reasons that justify this, which is the route I would prefer but it's up to you. Then when you have found this new excitement, this new vision, don't try to be disciplined about it in a conventional way. Rather, concentrate your efforts on being constantly inspired by it, constantly reminded by how amazing this vision is, etc. Naturally, your actions will align. Naturally things that are not in the best interests of this vision will start to appear as a waste of time and energy. So to sum it up: see where true value lies and concentrate on the vision, spontaneously actions will align, energy and time will be found.
  19. This is opinion only and is far from exhaustive Contemporary: Bentinho Massaro Adyashanti Daniel Ingram Shinzen Young Rupert Spira Francis Lucille Recent past: Osho Nisargadatta Ramana Maharshi Siddharameshwar J. Krishnamurti U.G. Krishnamurti Ra (Law of One) George Gurdjieff Older: Padmasambhava Adi Shankaracharya Dattatreya Ashtavakra Krishna Buddha Shakyamuni (Lankavatara Sutra especially) Nagarjuna Vasishta Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)
  20. Non-doership is a realization, not a an action. People apply this concept as an action; the act of not-doing, which is still a doing. And it can create a vicious mental loop-trap that has a debilitating or pacifying effect on one’s ability to awaken to the true realization of Reality, in which non-doership is but one of many facets of the diamond that is realized. Therefore, avoid the trap of false non-doership and apply yourself to self-effort in the direction of the desired realization. The mental act of non-doing is like a man staring at a lifeless picture of the Grand Canyon from his living room, believing he is in the actual Grand Canyon. Thus he will lose all desire and energy to take the effort required to travel to the actual Grand Canyon.
  21. You are learning about the MBTI from a questionable source imo, that's why you are confused. Intuition is an abstract way of collecting (Ne) and organizing (Ni) data. Judging (J) & Perceiving (P) refer to what the first function of the individual is. If I am an introverted perceiver (Ni or Si as the 1st or 2nd function), I will have J in the end of my MBTI acronym and will be labeled a Judger. Ni-dom: INFJ, INTJ // Ni-auxiliary: ENFJ, ENTJ. Si-dom: ISTJ, ISFJ // Si-auxiliary: ESTJ, ESFJ. If I am an introverted judger (Ne or Se as 1st or 2nd function), I will have P in the end of my MBTI acronym and will be labeled a Perceiver. Ne-dom: (ENFP, ENTP) // Ne-auxiliary: INFP, INTP Se-dom: (ESTP, ESFP) // Se-auxiliary: ISTP, ISFP But wtf is a judger or a perceiver in the first place ???? A judger (J in the end), is someone who defines the outer world first, leaves oneself undefined, then develops strategies to fit in, react, answer (etc), to the world. This is why they are "judgers" by mbti terminology : for them, the world is "that way" people are like "this" etc. A perceiver (P in the end), is someone who defines oneself, and leaves the world undefined. That's why perceivers will be described as more spontaneous and all the BS you can find all over the MBTI websites. Use this as the entry point and things will become clearer. There are a few distinctions between P & J that are not covered by the definition I gave you (like the way they perceive time & space) but you'll learn this on the go.
  22. Could you describe how you usually meditate when this happens ?
  23. Enough to what end ?