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Everything posted by SriSriJustinBieber

  1. I don't have anything specific to share on this particular subject but I would like to say that perfection means that there is no lack, not that there is no growth. If there was no growth, life would be stuck in a form and there would therefore be a lack of freedom, which would make things less than perfect
  2. No continue to seek, in my opinion seeking is necessary. However, make that seeking one-pointed and unadressed, or adressed to the whole, or pointed inward. Don't seek in the world of concepts or in the experiences of the senses, or in the energies. That which you seek cannot be different than you ultimately, you see? Practicing some concentration exercise can be helpful to unify the seeking impulse
  3. Understanding has no end but it has a purpose that can be achieved. The purpose is faith. Faith is what makes you gather the will to be dissolved in the absolute and actually do it. In that sense, one may need many deep awakenings and someone else may need only a vague glimpse.
  4. Illusion is simply how reality appears within time and space, or through the senses, therefore one who desires to come to reality can investigate and detach from those. Self inquiry as popularized by ramana maharshi works too Ultimately there is no distinction but you must consider that there is one to come to a first vision of unity
  5. Leave these questions unanswered and contemplate the mystery Live the question, become the question, don't turn it into philosophy or religion At some point you will be living the answer too
  6. Develop gratitude and joy, then all the rest that has relevancy for you will spontaneously develop
  7. It is not easy to give an answer but here is my attempt : There is a thinker, it's god. You (and the rest of the universe) are a thought, not the thinker. You are also a thinker, for god thought you in its own image. If you zoom out far enough from the thought while relaxing into it, you are god. If you don't zoom out but still realize the creative power of thinking, you can think stuff into existence. God is that which can never exist and everything is just happening. Yet nothing has ever happened and there is only god.
  8. This is interesting, basically what you are saying is that by becoming more aware and more connected, we would need less and less definitions, codification and symbolization. This hints at telepathic levels of connectedness at a collective scale. Yes we can definitely cope with entities having highly selfish intents for they would probably be a minority, as awareness dissolves the belief in separation (and there is no survival games without such a belief).
  9. What would be in your view a more balanced way to economically define value?
  10. I think @Etherial Cat 's comment has been overlooked
  11. This is great. Probably the best advaita lineage. Another analogy for conviction is to look at how we are so convinced of gravity, we dwell in that belief yet we are not constantly obsessed with it, it is just a given.
  12. This seems to imply that God made an error by deciding how it would display itself as people, and now that you have realized that you are it, you will correct that stupid error God made so that people behave differently. This therefore indicates that you may have not had this realization. If you actually realize God, you will most probably realize that what God did was perfect and will not desire to change that. This is just an opinion as I cannot effectually assess if you had a realization or not.
  13. You are ready, just ignore the doubts and start. If there is something to be learned/unlearned, it will happen in the process of teaching. There will also most probably be withdrawal periods from teaching, when it happens the first time remember that it's just a phase. (By the way teaching doesn't need to take a particular form)
  14. Is there self-judgement involved?
  15. Yes that's true, another way of saying this is that the highest level is always now. Still you must get out of personhood to a great extent.
  16. Maybe forget about God and spirituality at this time. To further wake up is to learn what must be learned from the past relationship and to start seeing it in a positive light, otherwise it would have no meaning, would it?
  17. This is a satirical article, not a serious one
  19. I think there are too many possible definitions of ego (and god) for this quote to still hold the meaning the teacher wanted to convey outside of the context of the talk/writing
  20. Hahaha I remember repeating religiously to myself while thinking I was going to die in my bed : "Not self, not ending suffering, not permanent"
  21. Jail must be replaced by therapy and healing basically
  22. Any pure and clear enough teaching offered publicly to an audience that is confused about its path will be either distorted and/or its reputation will be tarnished. This follows the way of free will, that is: you can never infringe on the confusion of those who are enjoying/suffering confusion. You can only help those who wanna be helped. To the others, you may only offer more things to pick from, and for this, your offering must be "randomized" by the universe so to speak.
  23. It is best that you discover this yourself. What is emotion?
  24. All insights are basically false because they are arrived at through a point of view which is what you take to be you. This point of view may be more or less encompassing of the whole view (we could say this is the intention behind self-inquiry) but it is not the view itself, therefore truth is necessarily always only approximated (until you eject yourself out of all possible delusions). As you get deeper, more nuanced insights you see how 2 months ago you knew nothing, how you were but a toddler. Then 2 month later, you see that 4 months ago you actually were not even a toddler on the scale of consciousness, etc. What to say of 2 years? What will you discover in 30 years from now? The fact that something is not absolutely true does not mean that this thing is not relevant to you, quite the contrary. Until you transcend emotionality (which may happen in less than a week from now), the measure of the relevance of an insight is how you feel about the insight in a very binary way: either a positive or negative emotion. When it's positive, this is the way to go relatively speaking. When it's negative, inquire as to why it's negative. You will then discover beliefs you have and shed them, or you will discover the untruth of the insight. In this way, you will feel happier and happier while becoming clearer and clearer. Maybe this is unclear or seems superficial, but I suggest you try it and see.