No I really get it now
Few months ago in a lucid dream I got some nasty stuff on my hand but wasn't disgusted because it was all myself, on the contrary I embraced it, along with everything else, and felt home
That's what was meant here :
@Loveeee When you appreciate a thing you are in a sense connecting with it. And connection of any two parts of reality into one is metaphysically what Love is. Love is the condition of unity. This unity is not physical, it is happening within Consciousness. Consciousness is recognizing its own nature as Unity.
God is Infinite Unity.
If your consciousness united with all parts of itself you would become Infinite Love and that would be the answer to all your stupid questions.
What humans feel as love stems from a connection or union of identity with a finite thing, and the appreciation of its existence and inherent beauty.
Contemplate what human love actually means. What is happening when you love any aspect of reality? Really examine it!
What you will eventually realize is that when your appreciation of any aspect of reality reaches a certain height, you will say you love it.
But all of that is limited biased selfish human shit.
Real Love is to realize that absolutely every aspect of reality is infinitely beautiful and wonderful. And to recognize all of it as your own Mind. When Mind fully recognizes itself, it identifies with everything and falls in Love with itself. This is Love at a metaphysical level. Everything is seen as Love, you are One with everything, everything is your children, everything is infinitely appreciated.
The feeling of love that a mother has for her child is simply extended infinitely to all of existence. That's LOVE. The mother's love is just a tiny biased fragment of God's LOVE.
When you love a taco dinner, what's really happening is that you are tapping into 0.0000000000000000000001% of God's Love. But you are too unconscious to understand that, so you only see it as some shallow, fleeting human emotion.
If you realize that the difference between all the things you love and all the things you hate or feel indifferent to is purely imaginary human bias, you will enter a state of Infinite Love. Because there is no metaphysical difference between a taco dinner, your children, or Hitler. All of them are metaphysically identical. To realize this is one of highest attainments in this work, and it is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is horseshit next to this.
Most enlightend people do not understand what I said above.