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Everything posted by Loveeee

  1. Where ? When ? How ? Here, now, just like that Deeply satisfying to the soul, deeply unsatisfying to the mind ..
  2. Right ? Don't get me wrong, I experience myself as God, just like I experience space and time, but I know it's an illusion
  3. Nothing mysterious about it, you just are .. Except that IS mysterious, crazy mysterious, "I'm going out of my mind" mysterious
  4. @Inliytened1 There is no time for everything you talk about to happen. Imagining, forgetting .. all concepts ! I want the absolute truth, which is here and now
  5. The feeling of being God's creation/incarnation is lovely, so lovely it can get brutal, I yearn so much to penetrate this being that my only solace lies in the realization that I am already in it, I am it
  6. Keep going meta and you'll see the subtitles
  7. @The0Self That's yet another map which is not the territory. Let's be radical : if there is no space and time, what can be truthfully said ? Nothing, or that Being is Might not seem very sexy, but the absolute truth is the truth of existence itself. I am. Nothing more, not even God. I am that I am
  8. @The0Self Appearing is the key word here Edit : And this appearance only adds to the mystery of Being, which once again, just is
  9. @Zeroguy If you say no I say yes If you say yes I say no
  10. @m0hsen Infinity means no boundary, which means no space, no time, no other. Infinity doesn't include every possibility, it excludes them This possibility right here right now is the only one, which makes it a necessity. And you're it