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Everything posted by Loveeee

  1. Once you reach infinity (total understanding), in a way it's game over, but also game on, you're finally playing instead of surviving. So what's your next move ? I've died multiple times and could have created myself back however I wanted to, but always came back to my old self, ultimately to learn to die naturally via yoga nidra (you still your body and mind, until all distinctions are gone, basically falling asleep consciously). This way I can master death, and life That's my next move, which I feel to be the best move So I'm quite curious about that alien consciousness Leo talks about and the fact that it seems to be his next move, I may be one death away from another plot twist
  2. Since Leo's post I introspected a lot upon whether or not I was actually AWAKE and what that even means, and the answer is no The best indicator of that is the level of fear I still hold, and I've been basically scared to trip for over a year now I must have a dozen trips under my belt, each one have been literally life shattering and integrated basically all day everyday, such that I reached infinity, total understanding, except it's not TOTAL because I have breadth but lack depth, to reach INFINITY I need to die. Again and again and again Starting Saturday
  3. @Leo Gura Isn't that a belief ? God told you ? How many times have you experienced alien awakening and is there a trajectory to it ?
  4. As if I actually die of heart attack in another timeline but survive in this one Reminds me of quantum immortality Of course as the absolute I am immortal
  5. It's more like I'm allowing rather than doing it
  6. Is it though ? Not an offshoot ? Would you say you're God imagining to be an alien imagining to be a human ?
  7. Just kidding Life has been such a mind fuck I am now open minded on principle Alien consciousness .. trick or clue ? In any case : amazing
  8. You once said the end all be all is love What about alien love ?
  9. I guess it depends on the ability and mastery Weak ESP is becoming mainstream Strong telekinesis would get me captured and/or killed
  10. Again, what makes you think that ? Something I posted ? Because I'm telling you, I listen to every single one of your videos from the past 4/5 years over and over, I know you, I know you're awake, because I am too Most people don't understand infinity but I do. Infinity doesn't mean everything that can happen will. Everything you will, will As I posted in the past : Consciousness is absolute, it has no opposite or alternative, couldn't not be Ok can't have zero but why infinity ? Seems counter-intuitive. Why not something in between, darkness ? Firstly, that is infinite imagination/creation/creativity/divinity, it is infinity which is another facet of the absolute. Secondly, why would it "limit" itself to that ? Would you ? That would be counter-intuitive No limit, nothing to explain, zero, ontologically but also epistemologically. In this way infinity and zero are the same. Unbiased, symmetrical, total, whole . This is zero So reality, this uncreated creation, this inevitable miracle, actually does make perfect intuitive sense Still mysterious because intuition is a higher, implicit form of understanding, beyond not below
  11. To be awake is to be omniscient, not only in the solipsistic sense but in the sense that there no questions left about the nature of reality and it all makes perfect intuitive sense
  12. Leo said in the last video about happiness that he's an INTP Which makes me wonder how this model could relate to other models he talked about or spirituality in general
  13. I am not the body, I am God You're God, the more you know it the more you are it. Self-actualization, that's one way to achieve paranormal feats But it's all about depth, how deep you know
  14. What people call astral projection You can actually enter God-mode that way (but most won't, just like with psychedelics) The technique : fall asleep consciously Simple, not easy, but you can practice and you will progress
  15. In a way that's yet another contribution to the illusion of material reality