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Everything posted by Loveeee

  1. Just open your mind to the possibility that psychedelics can raise your consciousness to degrees you can't Here at 9:00
  2. State = experience From Latin status ‘manner of standing, condition’ Being angry and being worried are different states at a similar degree
  3. @Inliytened1 I forgot to mention, apart from alien consciousness I also don't understand Leo's claim that he's the wokest being on the planet
  4. Different states can be of the same degree that's why I specified I see ! Well I look forward to your trip report
  5. Not only states but degrees of consciousness, of sobriety as Leo put it, lucidity Just to be clear, have you ever taken psychedelics ?
  6. He's a genius, but I guess it takes one to know one ! Everything I say comes from my own experience and understanding, I validated everything he talks about, except alien consciousness I guess I've only had a dozen trips, not hundreds, and not even 5meo only acid The thing is, I've got breadth but lack depth, yes there are degrees of consciousness, but you won't know that until you try it out for yourself
  7. Alien consciousness is a delusion ? At worst it's a distraction but shouldn't we give Leo more credit than that and leave our mind open to it ? And how can we even judge it when we know so little of it ? Also, just like there is infinite intelligence in a fork, there is also infinite love. Drop some acid and cry in front of a fork. This applies to everything and anything, even "bad" stuff is actually good Not to mention experiences of communion The whole structure of God is equivalent to love Anyway yes love is a facet of the absolute, the facet of all facets
  8. You trippin There's a downward direction to awakening which brings your mind to zero, zen style, it's valid but there's also the upward, not "just mind" but infinite mind Leo explains it here at the very beginning
  9. I'm baffled that mods on this forum can have so little understanding of Leo's work
  10. No-mind = infinite-mind Zen devils are stuck in between
  11. There's only The Absolute (God), of which we can distinguish facets, like consciousness and love But of course facets are ultimately the same thing, only approached from a different angle
  12. He basically said that while you are the one, relatively speaking there are infinitely many "ones" and you can connect I've had such lovely experiences Of course in the end it just is all love, this whole shebang is just play and display of love
  13. Name one delusion of his ? Genuine question I don't understand what you guys are disagreeing about For example you seem to refute intelligence but don't you see you need a lot of it to understand and play with God's mind ?
  14. Is alien consciousness about new facets or deepening the ones already teached ? Both ? Neither ? The alien mouse experience simply sounds like God-mode
  15. Love is like Intelligence, it's independent of your state, it's just there, it's absolute You can replace Love with Good, but it doesn't have to feel good
  16. Love isn't a feeling it's the metaphysical fact that God by being itself is in total embrace of itself Also God is good and the highest good is love so God is Love
  17. They go together What is love but embrace, what is embrace but understanding, "stand in the midst of" from under + standan "to stand"
  18. What makes you say that ? What do you realize that he doesn't ?
  19. Yeah absolute means "without an opposite", that which couldn't not be For example intelligence, consciousness, love are absolutes (or facets of the absolute) For so long I thought I knew but I only got it like a year ago, only then did I understand infinity and the "origin" of it all