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Everything posted by Loveeee

  1. How long did it last ? Was it formless or more simulation-like ? By what means did you have this experience ?
  2. The way it happens is that you imagine it right now
  3. So you do plan to get old You don't have an exit plan
  4. Do you plan to get old and die like everyone else ? You don't seem to consider the possibility of manipulating the dream I'm not talking small manipulations like healing, more like shifting
  5. What's your method ? Ever tried while tripping ?
  6. Mine is basically sensory deprivation, I lie still in silent darkness meditating Leads to dissociation, no body, no mind, empty canvas from which creation is possible Basis of WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming), OBEs, ESP, astral projection, shifting, etc Different interpretations of the same phenomenon John C. Lilly inventor of float tanks used them with ketamine
  7. @Leo Gura But then no wonder you never experience no human left ? Sensory deprivation is used in WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming), OBEs, astral projection , shifting, etc., in other words : creation It's that empty canvas
  8. Interesting ! Have you tried a sensory deprivation type of setting ? Even just lying still in silent darkness (That's how I trip now, I definitely feel the omnipotence kick in with only 2 tabs, I plan to test 3, 4 should make me God) Also when you think of it, don't we die every night ? It's not that radical
  9. But when there's no human left, as I'm sure you've experienced, what then ?
  10. I'm not sure he did, language is so tricky Everything is potentially here but what is actually here is what is visible, there's nothing behind the scenes, so everything is actually here, potential = actual In that sense yes Creation is absolute, again language is tricky
  11. What about physical death ? You get shot, what happens ? Unlike ego death you won't come back the same I don't even understand why you still do
  12. @Leo Gura Can you tell us about your latest awakenings, what you're up to