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Everything posted by Loveeee

  1. Don't overthink this Your current experience is all there is, everything else is by definition concept and belief
  2. Yeah just like Santa exists, as a concept But I'm talking about actuality not concepts and beliefs
  3. And yet you do believe there is or at least might be stuff outside your experience, don't you
  4. What room is there for anything else then ? None So there you have it, solipsism, omniscience, or whatever you want to call it There can't be multiple bubbles of consciousness, because they would limit each other
  5. I do not remember Leo explaining what I did in the way that I did in my original post
  6. Solipsism points to the infinity of This/Here/Now By infinity I mean non-finity, I mean undivided/unlimited If you let go of all belief, you stop believing in God and even the possibility of it, you're not agnostic Does that mean you believe it's impossible ? No, you simply don't believe anything But like I said in practice that won't happen until you prove it to yourself, so what do you think of the proof in my original post ? If you don't like it simply realize this dream is immaterial, no-thing, non-finite, infinite. There can't be two of these, right ?
  7. He did explain how there can't be two infinities but maybe not so much how to realize said infinity sober
  8. As I did in my original post If you stop believing in the existence of "other" and even the possibility of it, you're a solipsist In practice you won't stop believing without proof Simply like in a dream
  9. That's my point about experience being experience Isn't it true that your experience is undivided and unlimited ? I mean check for yourself If that's true of your experience, then .. it's true of your experience, and you are your experience You see what I mean ? I'm curious to know if you do @Leo Gura
  10. Not only that, but you're God so you can dream whoever whenever, funeral means nothing And not only that, but being God you're in the presence of God, you're God and one with God, to be Alone is the precise opposite of loneliness
  11. How about that People born blind see what you see through your elbow, not even darkness, since they never experienced the opposite. Similarly, as humans we're in the dark but some of us know it, because we have experienced the light In other words, while this feels like the maximum level of consciousness/clarity, it is not, but you won't know until you know ( looking at you meditators )
  12. Well that's obviously not what we mean, just like by God we don't mean a bearded man in the sky I too was confused at first, it's part and parcel of this esoteric journey
  13. Awakening is about truth, and truth is non-dual I explained how in my original post, but there are many ways to see it
  14. What the hell does that even mean ? How could the small be the all
  15. We're telling you This/Here/Now is all that ever was/is/will be
  16. As I edited : It's just that most philosophical circles have a false notion of self, but we know better don't we, of course we're not talking about the materialistic version No, the proof is in my original post but it's also kinda obvious, this is immaterial, no-thing, non-finite, infinite, there can't be two of these By you I mean this, what else
  17. 1 : There's only this 2 : You are this 1+2 = There's only you = Solipsism It's just that most philosophical circles have a false notion of self, but we know better don't we, of course we're not talking about the materialistic version
  18. This = Reality = You That's what I mean by You Ontologically, it's called solispsim Epistemologically, it's called omniscience Etc.