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Everything posted by ZenSwift

  1. Been listening to Leo's music playlist for Years now. When I first listened to it, it was a breath of fresh air to have a playlist where EVERY SINGLE SONG is a hit! All these songs now have serious sentimental value to me. I have done lots of tips to them, I've driven in beautiful places with them, lived life alongside them! https://www.actualized.org/insights/leos-music-playlist https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFfM65xLnO-GI1fYqup85SgJcC_d9vq3_ What's your favorite song from the playlist? For me it's Oneiric by Lazerhawk. I used to make music playlists myself, sorting through thousands of songs, and it made the most rewarding playlists. But I haven't done that in several years. I definetly want to reconnect with that! I highly recommend anyone reading to try this hobby of playlist building out! You won't regret it! I'm totally interested now in seeing any additional music playlists that Leo has put together. And for that matter, to those reading, perhaps use this thread to share your own contemplation/tripping playlists? Anyways, thanks for sharing @Leo Gura!
  2. @Samsonov thanks! I'm still confused about what the hell to actually do! 😂 Other than just walking around the cities!
  3. So I am traveling to India and then I also plan to travel to Thailand and possibly other surrounding countries after that. The whole thing will be 3 to 4 months. I come here today to ask for tips and advice on how I can use these experiences to grow the most as an individual to really take advantage of the opportunity that I have here. Literally my goal is just to grow as much as I can. How does one grow the most while doing solo travel? What are Traps to avoid that will stunt my growth while traveling? Thank you guys. I've always deeply appreciated your insight and support over the years. Much love to you all.
  4. Beat me to it! @mmKay Since Leo's postings about theft, and combined with my travels in India and learning about the scams that are everywhere, I have become extremely interested in the whole topic of scams and Theft. It is SO fascinating! Makes me excited to hear what Leo has gathered.
  5. @Porphyry Fedotov I plan to visit all over. Rishikesh, Delhi, Jaipur, Varanasi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Etc.
  6. https://www.actualized.org/insights/automatic-love Dude, this post inspires me so much to get MY ASS INTO GEAR with contemplation. I feel like I'm either 1) Too busy with survival, 2) Too Distracted and scattered with other things, 3) Too Lazy, 4) Too unable to focus on important things when I DO have time for myself. One Day I will figure out how to focus this mind of mine! I want to Collapse every duality in Leo's "Understanding Duality" videos through contemplation. One Two Three I want to exhaust all the points of pre-modern, modern and post modern ideas Leo has listed. I want to contemplate deeply all these deep Questions of life to fruition: How the fuck is anything possible? What the fuck is anything? Where the fuck did I come from What the fuck is consciousness? How do I live the best life? I want to awaken to Every facet listed here and then some. I want to Do 300 Trips on 5MeO. I want to Gain Mastery in Motivational Public Speaking. Not to mention integrating deep insights from videos on topics like Happiness. And I want to Decimate Leo's Book list. Along with Decimating my own book list. So much things I want to do, so little ability to focus. I swear at this point it is my life mission to change that. Anyways I felt passionate writing this all out.
  7. @Majed definetly for sure gotta do pickup there!
  8. I pretty much use this forum to read what Leo says, read trip reports, read articles that catch my eye, perhaps read some other really conscious people, and post my trip reports and post on specific things to seek guidance on.
  9. I look forward to meeting Jesters
  10. @Cocolove So I've concluded that the supposedly safest way to go about heavy metal detox and to do the challenge rounds is to see how I do with a low dose round of chelation, and work myself up to a good dose or chelation rounds, and when I can manage that, that is when I go for a challenge test.
  11. I've been studying Heavy Metal Detox deeply and I have been running up against this unresolved issue. First Question: @Leo Gura, when you did your first provoked urine test, was that the first time you had the chelator DMSA enter your body? Or did you first test to see just how your body would react on a smaller dose? For me, taking 2100mg of DMSA right out the gate seems outlandish if I don't even know how my body will react to even one pill. Wouldn't it make sense to try doing a chelating round and see how my body handles it? And perhaps if it's going smoothly in day one, I could do a provoked urine test on day 2? Second, less important question is: When you test yourself, lets say after 20 rounds of chelation, do you do a Provoked Urine Test or just a Normal Urine Test?
  12. I basically did 4 months of detox by working a job where it was so many hours, so busy and it was so remote where I actively chose to use it as an opportunity to detox completely. Here's my suggestion for you. Definetly do the detox. But if you plan to reintegrate after, may I suggest a much more intelligent reintegration process. Because much to my surprize, the addictive behaviours went back to usual as nothing happened. But I will say I have definetly noticed a huge positive rewiring away from the instant dopamine hits. Definetly felt the positive of rewiring my brain from taking that much time off of the dopamine hits. But don't assume you're then immune to an addiction. Similar to an addiction to alcohol, once an alcoholic, always an as alcoholic. Always got to watch yourswlf like a hawk and have systems put in place and much more abundant things in life to pursue to replace the shallow dopamine hits. Book to consider: Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Where he discusses a 1 month process of detox and then an intellegent reintegration with technology with developing a personal philosophy with why you're using any of these potentially distracting devices/apps.
  13. "Would you like butter with that popcorn?" At the movie theater. "Sure". The butter is $7. Proceed to watch a shitty movie. Serves me right for trying to have a popcorn and a soda, felt like crap after from the food and the movie! So glad I got a lovely reminder as to why I don't buy popcorn or drinks at a movie theater anymore. And why I check the ratings first.
  14. Currently I've dropped my place to live at home because I had a job working away the whole summer. I am lucky with logistics.
  15. Obviously there's no guarantees with anything in reality but I'm curious to see what you guys on the Forum have to say about India. I would like to travel to India for a yoga practitioner retreat that will last for 2 months in Rishikesh, and then I would like to travel to southern India, exploring around, backpacking, along with possibly even visiting Thailand as well. I'm looking at a three to four month trip of solo travel. (I also have never traveled solo before like this. I've flown to a few places in the USA alone but that's about it.) - A colleague of mine mentioned that she reads the news and is worried about me going to India for fear of me being caught in the middle of World War 3 or some similar dangerous conflict. So that is why I come here to get your thoughts. Let me know about your thoughts on: What's going on in and around India today? What are the chances of it being safe versus unsafe in the upcoming months? And Furthermore: What are some great resources to help keep yourself safe when traveling solo in a new country? How to avoid getting conned, scammed, taken advantage of, etc. (I will study Leo's video on the topic as well.) Please share with me all the resources and insights you got.
  16. Bumping for interest.
  17. I find myself reading your blog often. Really good mind expanding stuff, I appreciate that. If I didn't already saturate myself with other learning stuff I'd sit down and go down the full rabbit hole of each of your posts. I loved the CIA podcast, and has piqued my curiosity/awareness to all CIA psychology related things. I recently bought this book called The Ellipsis Manual. Added to the shelf beside the other 70 books I gotta read Been reading a lot more now. I like to average a minimum of 1h a day. But 1.5 to 2 hours is a sweet spot I want to establish. I am intrigued by the deep technical books on fundamentalism you posted about Funny moment: When I had a moment of huge resolve to get a water filter in, you just made a post sharing your water setup. A perfect synchronicity.
  18. This Thread title has me smiling so hard lmao. Too funny
  19. For me, I did SEVERAL trips just asking the question: What is Actuality? From there you'll begin to scratch the surface of realizing that reality LITERALLY is just ISing in front of you, appearances happening to nobody. Appearances grounded in itself, grounded in Nothingness, being itself as an infinite shapshifting fractal. Figments of consciousness literally just existing as they are on their own with nothing behind it., No "How" is needed. It is just A=A. I personally just scratched the surface of this myself, accessing stats of consciousness that the whole show of reality is just happening within the bubble of consciousness that I am accessing and forgetting how I'm generating right now. Accessing states realizing that all stories of why things exist are just stories and contexts projected onto reality to fool myself that spontaneous existence isn't just happening right here.
  20. Books: Indistractable Digital Minimalism >> great one on the matter Hyper Focus 4000 Hours
  21. @mmKay goated reply
  22. Jay Alto's thumbnail course will get you up to speed with thumbnails and titles. Then do "the yoink and twist" with outlier thumbnails and titles from website 1of10.com.
  23. Another thing I'd like to add is that when my trips have gone real sour, it will still end on a positive note. At least with mushrooms that has generally been the case. And I think too, when you're doing any high dose of psychedelic, a rough trip is completely unavoidable. Just be sure you ramp up your doses slowly. I remember listening to a portion of the book "LSD and the mind of the universe" . And the author talks about not only is a challenging trip unavoidable when you're doing like 600mcg of LSD, but also what intrigued me the most is how he described how a scenario that was particularly challenging needed to "exhaust itself" in order to allow your consciousness to reach new levels or domains. How that suffering was very much a purification process.
  24. In my experience, going for an ego death CAN help significantly. That is, if you can remember to. Contemplate: What is death? What is ego? What is self? To get an ego death. Trying to focus your love on the trip is good too. Other than that, surrendering to it is all you can do.