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Everything posted by machinegun

  1. I need human relationships to be happy, and I have otherwise been unsuccessful at building friendships in college. For the past couple of years, I have felt like I have no hope for making new friends because I wouldn't even know where to look. I know there are things like social clubs for adults, but it feels very forced. Where can I go or what can I do to make friends?
  2. @Sugarcoat I think what is difficult is that the kids I go to college with do not share any of the same interests as me (like travel, or going out which is surprising for college age kids) nor do they have any sort of drive in their lives which makes me not able to respect them. Of course I would befriend someone if we had interests in common, but the problem is they are simply not motivated to get out of the house and do shit. I can't say I know much about Sweden, but if you're anything like me the goal wasn't to be a social guy in college- the goal was to find a group of lifelong friends.
  3. @Sugarcoat my school is known to be socially dead. My attempts to socialize with my classmates didn't go very far. In all my socializing I wasn't able to find my people, and I wasn't able to connect with anyone. I don't think I understood them, and I don't think anyone understood me either. It was a very bizzare experience. When I studied abroad I found people I connected with, and so I made friends, but they are there and I am here.
  4. Wow. Thank you for the detailed resources
  5. I can't stop thinking about how I'll have no friends after I graduate from college. Where do you find a community of like-minded people? Isn't college the best community-building place on the planet?
  6. @Creatorbeing I don't understand everything you said. But, I gather that you advise me to find people based on my ego level. To answer your questions I'm looking for equals I'm looking for a friend group comprised of men and women- but, purely for friendship purposes ( I don't know if that would be possible from your point of view) My interests revolve around living a good life, which for myself requires having a community- motivated, ambitious, smart people: stage orange/green- leaning more toward green Is your hailmary solution that I become rich first? Thanks for responding
  7. He hasn't posted in a while, did I miss something?
  8. To be honest, I'm not very into the spirituality side of, yet. So, I would like a book reccomendation- preferably a book on the book list that could heal me. But general advice is welcome as well. Here are some things I do not express my authentic self because I want others to perceive me in a certain way look down on people who I think are less than me (social status, smarts, looks) constantly worry about how other people view me a strict refusal to not engage with people who I think are less than me a strict refusal to do/try anything that is looked down upon (ex. anime) I didn't major in business in university because people on the internet would make memes about how the major is cringe As a result, I'm a half-way "actor" everyday and miss out on lots of great people and experiences. Internally, it makes me feel bad about myself to categorize other people as "losers" or "beneath me". Thanks guys.
  9. Is it me or is the LPC complete ass. It's unnecessarily long as fuck, and most of the videos are expendable. I came to learn one thing: my life purpose. It's probably important to know my values, fears, and whatever. But, even those areas are murky for me at best if you are to follow directions and contemplate values, fears, etc. for the recommended time. Most of the exercises don't tell you anything about yourself at all and are a complete waste of time. I feel like I would have been better off if I just thought about my life purpose for 3 hours instead of watching years of all these boring-ass videos.
  10. I want to use Spiral Dynamics as a way to back up my research paper. Do I just label people however they want?
  11. I want to explain to refute the myth that Greg Heffley in Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a sociopath, and instead explain that he is just stage orange.
  12. I'm technically an adult now and I feel as though it would suit me to have an adult body as well. What is the best way of going about this?
  13. @Yarco male pectoral muscles
  14. Is anybody else having this problem? Like what the fuck this is the meat of the whole course and the reason I paid. When you click on the link you get a box that saids "Sorry this video does not exist"
  15. I'm pretty sure this area of myself is in stage red and I want to ask how to get myself out of this rut. Basically, the problem is whenever I'm insulted or disrespected I feel the need for revenge always. I don't need to kill them, but at least equivalent or more. The stress that is caused by these grudges is unbearable, I carry around lots of anger inside of me. I also place heavy emphasis on loyalty (also stage red), which is seldomly reciprocated because I grew up in a green city and now am at an orange college. I'm sick of feeling this way and don't know how to rid myself of these feelings.
  16. @Thought Art @Carl-Richard Funny thing is usually I don't say anything.
  17. For the LPC, most of my values are negatively motivated, but the way I see it, it's necessary because I need the values to live the good life (things like courage or vigor). Technically, you are supposed to include things that would make you happy/fulfilled. Do I change it?
  18. @Bob Seeker So should I keep the values list as is because it is authentic to me, and trust that it will develop over time?
  19. In a recent thread he claimed that Trump's tax policies actually helped his earnings and that he is "rich". Isn't this anti-spiritual and hypocritical to his teachings? Also, where is the money going? To savings? tf?? Another thing I always found fishy was how he lives in Las Vegas. The city was started by the mafia and his home to the most gaudy flashiest stores, restaurants, and strip clubs, but has close to nothing else to offer. He claims a big reason he lives there is because of taxes. Like jeezus, money is a LOT more important to this guy than I thought.
  20. @Leo Gura What does being uncorrupted by corporate forces mean? Also does the money just sit in a bank account?
  21. @undeather So... he rakes in money just because he can? The last three lines would apply to a lot of people, but unfortunately not to me in this case.
  22. @Godhead You're making a straw man of what I typed out. Of course you don't need to be poor to be spiritual. I'm asking why he needs the money. I wonder what he uses it for. @Yarco Nobody's mad except you lmao. You don't need an income of over 400k to meditate everyday. And, if you were actually spiritually developed you would understand that being impoverished isn't the worst thing in the world. Leo biggest contribution to the world is his YouTube channel which doesn't require a fortune to run. But if he's making lifestyle choices specifically revolving around money, then clearly it's important to him. And, it's definitely not so he can buy nice things. It could be because he wants to be able to afford certain things, but not for the purpose of luxury.
  23. This post comes with a bit of sad news because my friend told me that my other friends didn't want too hangout with me anymore because I was being douchey. I don't want to make this post about me so I'll just say that I'm really sad and confused. Are there any high quality books, seminars etc. that can help me understand friendship and how to have the deep understanding with others I crave. I feel like it's secondary nature for others and for me it's so difficult. It's harder than getting laid. Especially books on male social circles would be really appreciated.