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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Has anyone tried neuromodulation?
  2. Sure, you are a part of infinite, and in infinity a part is the whole. Any particle contains the totality, then the totality is always a part, and a part is always total.
  3. Logic is the understanding of the structure of reality, which is synchronous. Being synchronous, it must follow some rules, since any deviation would cause asynchrony and therefore non-existence. Einstein said that the strangest thing about reality is that it is understandable, but it is not strange, it is logical, since reality must be perfectly synchronized with itself to be able to manifest, otherwise it would not manifest. There is no need for a creator for gravity to be exactly what it is, since if it were even the slightest bit different, the synchrony would be broken and the entire reality would collapse and disappear, or rather, it would never have appeared. If it appears it is because it is absolutely synchronic, not because someone decides that it should be that way, but because this possibility is possible.
  4. Very possible, he's not weak at all
  5. When you realize the transcendence and that life is a path, you use everything to get deeper, then beauty could be found even in misery, sickness and pain. Probably even in torture.
  6. The absence of distinctions is the absence of movement, and the absence of movement is the absence or time that is the cessation of experience, nothingness. The nothingness contains the totality of reality, and is equivalent to something, only in a latent state. from nothing always appears something, which means that there is always something since nothing is never, out of the time
  7. @Misato Katsuragi floating in infinity is scary, nothing has any meaning, anything is the same than anything else, then everything is empty, just images, nothing, you are alone in the eternal void without any meaning. This feeling is worse than death, the absolute nihilism. You have to go through absolute nihilism to see yourself. You are absolute full, anything is the same than anything else because all of them are divine, full of the divine light. They haven't meaning because all of them have the same meaning, the absolute glory. That's enlightenment, very difficult to maintain because life is challenging, scary, difficult, very often
  8. Some of them are difficult to see and appreciate, others not so.
  9. I don't agree, after some point of psychogical development you start to see the beauty and the power in other people. When you see that they are stupid or weak it's because you are blind. They are complex, strong just because they are, positive push, alive. They are in the edge of death, same than you, they are dancing in the infinity.
  10. Exactly. Imagine see the beauty when you are sick, or when there is war around you. Seems difficult, but it's possible, beauty is always, in the core of the reality
  11. You can't think in the infinity, but you can know that reality is infinite, because can't be finite, just by the fact that you are
  12. Sure, that thing of not conciousness happened yesterday, but now it's conciousness, then maybe another time not conciousness, then conciousness, etc, until infinity. Seems that conciousness wins
  13. Im just saying that I am. If I am, I'm infinite, how could be different? If I'm infinite, the dimensions of being are infinite, not other possibility. Then there is only one path, to inside, to realize yourself, because you have to be in this dance for ever, then why to be in evasion, if at the end you are?
  14. Maybe there is not yours, but mine is 😅
  15. You could have conciousness and can't suffer, because suffering is just a vibration in this dimension, the dimension of life that evolves using the gene. Do you think that this is the only possible dimension of being in infinity? Obviously not, there are infinite others dimensions, and all are connected. Reality manifested is infinite, can't be finite, the possibilities go beyond the imagination. Infinitely beyond.
  16. The world is working in a incredible positive way and level. The human history it has gone from permanent war, slavery and brutality to the age of information, technology, the idea of a just world, where violence is minimal, and is perceived as something negative. Until very recently, humans perceived violence as something positive. Killing someone in a fight was a source of pride. have slaves and force them to work with whips too.
  17. Sure, but maybe they are right, I mean, why would you talk about this topic with anyone who's really interested in it? You don't tell to everyone everything that you do right? Just to people who you think that maybe will understand you and share your perspective , then saying that you meditate, search the transcendence, sounds that you want to be more interesting than him
  18. Truth is out of the mind.
  19. True, maybe would be nice a world where what was serious was dedication, honor and service, truth and courage, and not that human leaders are strange psychopaths but that is not the case, the fact is that this is how it is and this seems the most effective way to evolve. In fact, human evolution is absolutely brutal, a supernova that explodes, and in 100,000 years, a cosmic sigh, has gone from the animal to the technological self conscious living being and its evolution increases in thrust without knowing what the limit is, if this limit exists.
  20. Enlightenment is just being open to the substance of reality and with knowing nothing, knowing everything, because any knowing is being, and being is the divine. The divine is the only thing that you could know, the absolute truth, and that truth is in your heart and is manifested in the empty mind. Your logical mind is inside of the truth, is an arising, means absolutely nothing. The only meaning is existence, and existence is divine, is the pure light, and you as a human can be open to it. that's why they say enlightenment
  21. Or better yet, imagine that you are on stage: the doctor has told me that I have brain cancer and now years of decline, loss of faculties and death await me. That's a worse scenario than Trump
  22. Imagine if instead of the Trump stage you were in the Ukraine stage, killing people and thinking that a bomb was going to drop on you right now. that's crazier
  23. Yes but then you were liying because you don't do meditation for that reason, you do because you want to open your being to the absolute, break your human limitation and open yourself as much as possible to the unlimited. If you explain it to them they will think you are retarded or crazy. A lot of people is very closed minded and that's normal. But what's not so normal and is very positive is that nowadays are a lot of people that if you say that they would understand more or less what you are talking about, and they will think, yes I understand, it's not my moment, I'm very focused in my things, but would be great do it.
  24. Probably not, but I'm sure that she didn't do mashamadi. Maybe she committed suicide and sadhguru thought that it would be a big stain and he said that was mashamadi. He burned the body before the autopsy. In addition the people who do mashamadi in India are not burned are buried.
  25. Well, not everyone. You could focus in the constructive and with sense and forget the nonsense