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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. There are tons of people who have grown up surrounded by narcissists and psychopaths. It is not easy, the reality is that the human interactions we have experienced in life condition us. When you see that your human scheme is so deficient, the only way out is the transcendent way, the opening to the energy that flows from reality, from yourself. The problem is that if you have lacked human love, you cannot avoid looking for human love, but it is never enough. Most humans, to a greater or lesser extent, are there and deceive themselves by telling themselves that they are satisfied. We are all addicted to love, which often translates into being addicted to drugs, work or whatever. It is the engine that drives us. The true mystic is not driven, he is still, but who gets there? It is difficult. But punctual openings can make life much more satisfactory. Even if you feel the sting of lack, you know that it is a filtered, deceptive interpretation, a mirage that moves humanity forward through suffering. The more openness you achieve, the better. You don't have to be a Buddha and live in paradise, sometimes seeing it is enough, then you return to the battlefield, like everyone else.
  2. Spiritual liberation is not permanent, it is something that happens for a while and then you are completely implanted in the Matrix again. For a while you see that you are the being, what is, it is absolutely obvious, and your life, the human, is absolutely irrelevant, it is simply the temporary form that you have. It does not matter if you are a drug addicted beggar or a successful person in all aspects of life. All that is empty, irrelevant. Stages that the form takes because that is how reality flows. The only thing that is relevant is the infinite being, it is completely real, you are what is, there is nothing else, your serenity and your perfection are absolute, your expansion is total. Nothing matters, your plenitude is complete. After a moment you are again in the Matrix and you want to protect this body at all costs and develop your human potential at all costs. You have needs, you must meet them. You must evolve, move, breathe, create, go deeper. It is absolutely important.
  3. The reason for the struggle and suffering is evolution, it is the way that this dimension of existence that we call life has found to increase its complexity and depth. There could be other infinite dimensions of existence where there is no suffering or war, and there are forms of life where the suffering is very low. In humans it is exceptionally high and complex because our evolutionary speed is extreme. In lizards the suffering is very low and simple because they evolve very slowly. There could be beings from higher dimensions, or simply different ones that find a way to increase their complexity other than through war. The possibilities are endless.
  4. The impression he gives is of a very neurotic addict who functions from the lack. All he does is fill his emptiness, he needs tons of things to feed himself, and power is a very tasty food. I would say that deep down he is completely dishonest, but the fact of being dishonest seems wrong to him, so he pretends to be honest and act for the good of humanity even to himself, when his only motivation is to suck egoic energy. We have to admit that the guy is efficient and gets what he wants. I would say that in his mind the ideal would be to go down in history as someone who has made a difference, a main character, a genius. This has the advantage that he will try with all his energy to bring about a positive change in the world, but his vision of "positive" can be quite strange.
  5. The US does not hide its intention to weaken Russia as one of the key points in foreign policy. Also China. Is there any country that has in its program to weaken the United States and try to plunge it into a crisis, with the final intention of disintegrating its national integrity? But the US does not do it only with its "enemies", it also wants to weaken its ally/slave Germany. Of course, for the good of humanity, democracy and goodness in general. They can also destroy countries like Libya and plunge them into medieval chaos, just for economic interests and whoever does it gets the Nobel Peace Prize. It's wonderful to be an American, because you're on the side of good and everyone else is on the side of evil, so you can do whatever you want to them and still get the Nobel Peace Prize.
  6. If Ukraine wants to be so liberal and democratic, let them hold elections. Now it is a dictatorship where people are forced to go to war. Let the people decide if they want this or not. Or maybe we know that they don't want to, but for their own good and that of their country we have to force them? Russia hold elections and the war was supported, and those who go are volunteers
  7. I think that they want that, but this is a process, and I don't think that Putin is against this, perhaps after Putin, Russia is ready for a real democracy. Putin has united Russia and restored its sense of nationhood. Russia was on the brink of collapse and balkanization, and that moment has passed. It could not be handled with a soft hand, nor could opportunists be allowed to access to the power. A solid political system had to be established, and then democracy could come. Anyway, I have not so deep knowledge, maybe I'm wrong, but what is sure is that the thing in Ukraine is a shit provoked to put pressure on russia. think what a son of a bitch you have to be to try to create conflict and instability in a huge country that is fighting for its permanence as a nation and is on the verge of disintegration. that is being a mortal enemy. why? Anyway, thanks for the conversation, sleeping time
  8. It seems very possible that this was the work of those who wanted that yanukovich fell. It's a typical CIA plan. Why would Yanukovich kill 100 people, to be condemned by the whole world? That coup d'Γ©tat happened with American support. The future that they have now. They have been cheated by US like puppets
  9. In Russia? Tell that to the Chechens. It's like trying to impose democracy in Arab countries. Things need an evolutionary process, not bombings to help. Russia is trying to maintain itself as a nation and find its way. Russia is not just any piece of shit, it is a country with history, and a history of great hardship and suffering, which has produced some geniuses. I think that Russia should be respected more. Maybe I'm wrong but seems that Russia since Gorbachev has had a more or less humble and conciliatory attitude towards the West and the response has been hostility.
  10. I know all that, So the solution is hatred for past affronts. Russia also thinks that Ukraine helped Hitler in the cruelest and bloodiest invasion in history. So then? Well, war. And the American vultures flying around to get their part.
  11. Putin's system is corrupt, but what is the alternative? Russia is extremely complicated and can collapse. We have a country that is so complicated and instead of helping it, we judge it as corrupt and worse than us and we corner it and try to weaken it. It's a son of a bitch's attitude, don't you think? What would happen if Russia collapses? Russia has very poor areas, it would be chaos. War, hunger, misery . Should it have another system that is less corrupt? It's easy to say. Putin wanted to join NATO, he wanted to be a partner, and he is treated as an enemy, he is judged and harassed. Why? For one reason only, because of greed for power. Never sharing power, always nullifying others. How should Russia be? A democracy like Switzerland? It would be ideal, but for now if you take Putin away, there is a mafia and chaos. That's Russia. Should it not exist? Or should it be balkanized? Russia is older than the US, a little respect. At the end Russia has had to earn that respect by force
  12. Ukraine just had to show respect for Russia. Not to insist on Crimea. Not to ban Russian language. If there is separatism, negotiate, not to bomb. Don't join NATO. Don't be a puppet but neither an enemy. Don't follow the game of the US.
  13. Do you think that the US got involved in Ukraine to help them or to put pressure on Russia? The result is not very good for Ukraine, now Ukraine is hell. Before it was a puppet state? That seems to be the case. Then there was a coup, but the people who came to power were totally anti-Russian. Do you think they had reasons to be? Maybe they did, but if you feed that hostility and make it grow, Russia can do two things: let itself be humiliated by its little brother, and thus admit that it is powerless, or impose its power. The problem with admitting powerlessness is that first Ukraine spits in your face and then everyone else does, and in the end what the US wants happens: a Balkanized Russia, plundered resources. The attitude of Russia is desire of survival, not expansionism
  14. Why the Americans have the need to influence Ukraine so aggressively? Because they love Ukrainians for some reason? The result is this shit. Leave the Russians their zone of influence, stop screwing around and monopolizing power, have respect for other powers. But no, the Americans are the only ones who have the power. Well, it seems not. This is all a power game, don't you see? Nobody cares about the Ukrainians, it's a duel of strength that the US has started to nullify Russia. The US needs to nullify everyone, only they have power, nobody else.
  15. Yes, I know that Victoria Nuland said that US build them near the military bases but with the idea of helping the Ukrainians to fight against the epidemics. Sounds a joke
  16. Maybe, but it's just a regional conflict, not a megalomaniac dictator who wants to conquer the world and must be stopped at any cost, including the destruction of the world. It's just the Dombass, and the responsibility of the conflict is not clear at all. Imagine that china get hysterical by the bombing in Gaza because they can't stand such evilness and they start pushing there with all their power. Maybe It wouldn't be just because the horrible evilness against the Palestinian?
  17. Because krushev wanted to join the destiny of Russia and Ukraine. Seems that he achieved it. Do you think it is necessary to put 5 virus research laboratories near the Russian border and to give weapons to a government that is openly hostile to Russia, that wants to ban the Russian language and the Orthodox religion, and then to have them join NATO and thus give them the possibility of housing atomic weapons?
  18. There was a government, then a coup d’état happened. before the coup there were protests, the euro maidan, in which the USA was heavily involved. about 100 people were killed by sniper fire, it was very strange. it seems that afterwards the ukrainian police chief in charge of the demonstration found a job in a large american company. after the coup d’état the new ruler elevated stephan bandera, who was in charge of the jewish holocaust in ukraine, to the status of national hero, and after that the donbass war began. They had been bombed during 8 years by the Azov battalion, 15 thousand deaths in both sides. This is the Azov
  19. I told you that the population in Crimea, 70% Russian, etc etc And you hadn't time to listen now πŸ˜… I put the video because id like that people listen and comment, because it's from someone who knows deeply
  20. Hitler wants to create a thousand-year Reich in which the Aryan race will reign over the other subhuman races. Russia is involved in a regional conflict over Crimea and the Dombass, which are populated by Russians, who are being harassed by the Ukrainians, and NATO, which by contract was not going to move an inch from defined lines, for some reason feels the need to corner them. These are different cases. Crimea has 70% of Russian population, you could check it, same than the dombass. They wanted to join Russia, same than the dombass, that's why the war started, because the Ukrainians don't want that they join Russia. In Crimea was a referendum, and the Russian option won, it's normal since 70% of them are Russians Listen this please , don't be lazy, Leo give a chance
  21. Listen this guy , you all, don't be lazy, it's extremely interesting, the most interesting ever. Do you want direct knowledge? Here it is. More direct impossible.
  22. @puporing listen to him, he knows more than us about what's happening in the world. Give a chance.
  23. So, since you don't agree with the invasion of the Dombass, which is a very complicated matter full of nuances that has occurred after 8 years of war that it's not clear who started, we have to give Ukraine long-range missiles and lower the age of recruitment to 18, then to 14? What is the idea? That there are no Ukrainians left? I find your vision very surprising. Don't you see that this matter has many more nuances than a bad dictator attacking a good democrat? It's impossible that you dont see it.
  24. @puporing we are sharing here different opinions and approaches to the situation, there is no point in behaving fanatically, it is better to be open to different views and to the possibility of being wrong. Otherwise it is impossible to see things objectively And what we say here is not going to affect to the world at all , we are not so important
  25. True, I recognize my misinformation ,But if he had been alive, he would have been there like a vulture on her shoulderπŸ˜…. Anyway, I am referring to the spirit of war escalation that the Biden administration had and that Kamala was going to continue. Blinken's move was to give Ukraine long-range missiles. What would have been achieved by that? A lot of destruction, especially in Ukraine, the total destruction of Ukraine. Btw, Did you listened Jeffrey sachs? Seems someone who knows what he's talking about