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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. For you, the existence, that is trapped under many layers of identification and apparent movement. Your absolute nature is immutable, diaphanous and perfect. It is simply being, but this includes everything, it is the total potential. It is not that difficult to open your karmic structure and be your total nature for a while, just erase everything.
  2. Why the hummingbird is special? The DNA of any cell is a miracle, or the structure of an atom. Everything is absolute intelligence. And the structure of a human society the same.
  3. It's a comedy of clowns who in 10.000 years go from living in caves to sending ships to Mars and unraveling the secrets of the cosmos 😉
  4. According to them there is memory of past lifes and you can remember them right? But who knows of that's a tale
  5. @Javfly33 if the reincarnation finish and the reality is no form, there is no time, then if in any moment the form starts again, it's immediately after than the last incarnation, because between both there is not time. Then, right now it's the no time, and inside is the appearance of an experience that happens in time, always, because there are not Limits to prevent it
  6. Forever without experience is an instant out of the time. It's impossible to imagine, because it's enlightenment. But in this instant out of the time infinite experiences appears, apparently. Then , what is reincarnation? Really I don't understand it, but all the mystics talk about it.
  7. Then the reality will stop creating forms for ever? How? If there are now they will be always, they have to be infinite. But the thing that I don't understand about reincarnation is not that, is how you, the you that appear due the experience, is going to reincarnate. This you will dissapear when the experience finish. The reality is "behind" all the experiences, that's what you are, the experience is circumstance, then how this experience is going to reincarnate in another experience?
  8. I think that simply your experience stops and that's it. The reality is not your experience, your experience is a relative appearance, then when it stops there is nothing to reincarnate, because all the others infinite experiences are that reincarnation.
  9. Yes, the you is relative, without relative experience there is not you. Then, who reincarnates when the relative experience dissapear?
  10. I don't mean the concept of human, I mean this experience that we call human. If this experience dissapear, you dissapear, you are this experience, a relative creation
  11. It's not that you incarnate as a human, it's that you are a human. If you were a dog, then you are a dog. Both are the reality, but not you taking a form, because the reality is not you, you are the human or the dog, then when the human dissapear, you don't remains without body and incarnates again, the reality remains, and you dissapear
  12. This is amazing
  13. I think that's a kind of mistake, what I am, or the reality, is total potential, and perception happens in that potential. It's a subtle difference. Experience is not absolute, happens in the absolute. It's very difficult to think in it because without conciousness of the now there is not now, apparently. For conciousness exist, an object to be conscious of needs to be, a reflection of the absolute in itself, but ultimately what reality is is beyond conciousness.
  14. It's very difficult to think in it that. What is conciousness? Like the level of depth of the experience, the purity, transparency of perception. But the experience happens equally if you have deep perception of swallow. Then what is exactly perception?
  15. It's very difficult to think in it that. What is conciousness? Like the level of depth of the experience, the purity, transparency of perception. But the experience happens equally if you have deep perception of swallow. Then what is exactly perception?
  16. when you become infinite, you are not there, only existence is, and it's everything. "Only you are" is a limit. "Only" is like constriction, absence of constriction is breadth, and it's not "only" or "alone", it's another frequency , it's open.
  17. After death its only one thing that could be: existence existing. How? I think that it's impossible to know, there is not a god who knows is, existence just open new paths, it's impossible even imagining how could they be, but it's absolutely sure to know what they are, are you.
  18. Yes, she has great technic but that technic is at service of the expression. she's not slave of the technic, she's using it for the openess I see martial arts like rigid, more martial than art, but maybe I didn't watch enough
  19. Beings and death are nothing, existence is everything. Suffering seems bad when you are in it, but it's just a subjective feeling, nothing. It's not that life is treating you bad making you suffer, is that you are the life, and this is your way to move.
  20. I saw this, really good, she transmit a lot, power and purity
  21. Seems that a big bang is an arising of existence. The only lógical conclusion is that there were infinite big bang, and all of them are an arising of the being, that has inevitable push to expansion because there are not barriers. Another logical conclusion is that all of them are interconnected. You are an arising, like a big bang, you have a lot of predefined structures and with them you create a new dimension. We talk about genetic like it's a material, natural thing, but it's same sobrenatural that anything else, it's the reality. Maybe a big bang comes from another model, with a previous structure and from it it's creating new paths. Not god is needed, the only god is you, to the infinite power. This now is the creation and the intelligence of the reality, multiplied for infinite. Nothing outside you and infinite outside you, without a director,.just infinite expansion
  22. Thinking about that, reality the objective of meditation is put yourself totally in the now, open yourself to this moment, because this moment is the existence. It's not solipsism that is: only this moment is. Remove only, it's enough this moment is. This "is" is the point, not the "only". The "only" point to god, the "is" point to you, and you are the reality, not god. God is an idea, you a reality. this moment, is closed by your mental activity, the projection, that invents an imaginary reality that veils the real. The real is just the now. Anything else is projection. Usually we project and invent another world because we have the feeling that we should be someone, and we are creating that image of someone all time. Someone who goes to anywhere, to reincarnation, or enlightenment. If that someone dissapear, enlightenment remains. Nothing more is needed, because you are
  23. Seems that this is the best way to create. The life has only one creator, life itself, not anyone external who decides how to do the things, then the life is itself creator impulse. The fight for survival seems a good way to create. Who cares about the suffering? It's just a tool to create, it's nothing important, only creating is important. If you totally remove the treats for a living beings, they would return to the bacteria. The creation is maintained by the fight. Probably in the case of the humans, a kind of singularity is going to arrive to move to other dimension. What dimension? That's the interesting point: one that still doesn't exist, and never has existed, because life is actual, now, creating, opening path in the infinite potential
  24. For me the thing of the void at first was very horrible. I'm 100% sure without a doubt that without 5meo for me would be impossible. 5meo put me there with violence, and my feeling of horror was horrible. There was a door that without dynamite, in this life I never would have break it, my mind was full of shit. But 5meo showed me the path to go, the emptiness and the openess. At first the feeling was like death as you say, frozen, horrible, like having in front an abyss of death. I knew that the path was through that and I did a lot of times until I got used to it. Just meditating, not even close to intuit the void, impossible, my mind was full of karma. Later I got the void with bit of weed sometimes, and the openess, and sometimes sober. Not always, just sometimes, but if you do, even 3 seconds , you do, it is the openess. Then you get closer to it little by little, all in your life tends to that adjustment, to remove that is a hindrance.
  25. Probably you are close, try to go to the emptiness, to the absence of meaning. Nothing about god, infinity, creation, karma. Just emptiness, purification of everything, mind clean of meaning. Meaning is mud, prevents you to see the vastness as you said. The vastness is the openess. Without meaning the mind opens and the reality is perceived