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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. You have to open to yourself, because you are closing yourself with energetic blockages. It's impossible that you are anything different than the reality but the human energetic configuration is blocked by default, it's genetic. Fear, need to acceptance, evolutive tools extremely strong that we are trying to overcome I only talk of my experience and my perception, zero theory, just expression of my reality
  2. I see it differently, it is not just ceasing identification, it is being open to what reality is, to its power, to the energy of existence, allowing it to flow without hindrance. The main obstacle is fear, which translates into control. The cause of fear is ignorance. The lack of understanding of reality makes you afraid, this is not bad, it is a sign of intelligence. Ignorance and absence of fear is stupidity. Erasing ignorance does not mean knowing that you are god or anything else, it means understanding that you are, you are flowing as a vital flow of existence. This allows you to abandon yourself more and more, give up control, open yourself to the true nature of living reality, what allows deeper understanding, meaning understanding the realization of you as a flow, nothing definite or conceptual. There are many layers, we are operating in a superficial layer. It's possible to see deeper and deeper, but what is important is not seeing deeper, is realizing what you are, what is the substance, the total openess, the infinity that is. That is you, not another thing, precisely you, it's not someone, it's the absolute being, what is impossible not be. It's the consequence of the total depth and width without limits . Then, I still afraid, I don't want become sick or cutting my legs, but I deeply know that if that happens it's the flow that must happen. I'm projecting to the good, to the success, the love, the business, the positive human push, but just following the flow, let's see where it leads, what's obvious is that the path is limitless, then better don't do stupidity, not even one. It's not a yoguic path of being out of the world. The game is here, it's extremely complex, like swimming in a race of obstacles being blind. Only the instinct work. Fascinating right? Reality is meaningless, but in life even a single word has infinite weight, it develop in infinite butterfly effect in all the cosmos. This is a dance like the dervish in a blade.
  3. What are the chains of the mind exactly? The only chain is be close to the nature of reality, and the openess is not achieved repressing the mind in my opinion
  4. First, those gurus they copy each other and don't know what they're talking about. It's like I'm telling you: why do all religious people say that if you touch your penis, the baby Jesus cries? Are they all wrong? are you touching your penis? You don't mind that the baby Jesus cries? are you a monster? Maybe yes. Maya is the meaning that the ego gives to the reality, the reality is meaningless, because it's limitless, it's very simple. In absence of limits any meaning is apparent, not real, because there is no place to go, the point a is the same than the point b, the only meaning is being, and that's not a meaning. Those indian religious believe that the live has the meaning of finishing the karma because if not baby shiva cries. Well, I could think that I have to die with a sword in my hand to fuck a lot in the other life. Maybe it's true, but ultimately nothing has any meaning, the meaning is illusion, because the only thing that exists is being reflecting in itself, and castrating the mind with self control is not going to make any liberation. Movement is the same than stillness in it's essence. Those gurus make a difference, then, they are wrong.
  5. Deep sleep, or anesthesia means no conciousness, the interruption of consciousness. If consciousness is interrupted, time is interrupted. What is reality without self-awareness? absolute potential. If the potential is absolute, it is absolutely certain that consciousness will re-emerge. What does "will come back" mean when there is no time? "It will come back" implies the future, but if there is no time, when it "will come back"? now, infinitely. That doesn't mean that reality is conciousness, means that reality, the infinite depth, implies conciousness, it's different
  6. Reality does not come from nothing, it is infinite being. Infinity implies that it has no beginning or end, therefore it does not begin, it is. Consciousness has a beginning and an end, but the interval between end and beginning is outside of time, so there is always consciousness in the timeline, as we use "always" as a temporal concept. Deep sleep is not nothingness, it is the infinite unmanifested being. Consciousness is the manifestation of infinite being. Enlightenment is realizing that you are the infinite being, beyond any manifestation. All those who say: "reality is consciousness", have not understood. Understanding is not something intellectual, it is the opening to reality. When you understand that you cannot traspass a wall walking towards it, it is not an intellectual understanding, it is an opening to a reality. The understanding of the total being is the same, it is opening yourself to it beyond what is manifest. Understanding that deep sleep is absolute being is be open to the nature of reality
  7. You can call it push of being, will of existing, absolute movement of expansion, existence, and some would say that this is equivalent to love.
  8. that yogis can do amazing things with control of their body is a fact, but this thread is about sadhguru saying that a guy can live without rebreathing. It doesn't say you can hold your breath for 20 minutes, it says you can live without breathing, and that is impossible.
  9. I mean doing something supposedly impossible like stop breathing, stop eating, move objects with the mind, levitation, etc. Not possible things, even they are difficult and impressive. It's different right?
  10. Ishanga is teacher of martial arts. If you do that, he will automatically give you an aerial spinning kick with a kung fu scream that will instantly make you become an enlightened sage, since you will have died.
  11. Yes, it's impressive. A 60 years old woman crossed the Strait of Florida swimming, 24 hours without stopping among sharks, she was the first person in the world to do it, it is really impressive, but imagine if she had done it without breathing. So, it would be what that yogi says he did, that would deserve an in-depth study because it revolutionizes the understanding of the cosmos. That sadhguru instead of a month taking 7 days to recover does not revolutionize the understanding of the cosmos. Of course he's strong, he's not full of blockages, then his body works good, but nothing magic like stop breathing or stop eating, all in the domain of the physics
  12. Those are possible things, change your brain waves is possible for any meditator, change your heart rithm is impressive, but heart rithms changes, same than temperature. What would be more impressive would be stop breathing, because it's impossible. Same than levitation, or other things that goes against physics. Change your temperature doesn't goes against physics
  13. It is strange that never, not even once, have these yogis undertaken a scientific test of their prowess. I understand that they are far above something as crude as science, so stupid and naive, but as a condescension to the underdeveloped inferior Westerners, they could have the enormous condescension, at least once, to demonstrate their cheap magician tricks with a team of scientists testing.
  14. The reality is the absolute being, the conciousness is the absolute being reflecting in itself, that is the relative experience. If the absolute being is not reflecting in itself, there is no,"happening" , then, as in any moment happening is, always happening is, because the option b isn't happening. Then, a speculation: Observing reality, we see that absolutely everything is cyclical. life, stars, atoms, universes. They begin and end, they are circular movement that ends where it began, since in an infinite frame there is no other final place to reach except the beginning. then we could deduce that the relative reflection of the absolute being in itself follows this same pattern. The being looks at itself and this reflection is like when you contrast two mirrors, it is infinite. Initially it is absolutely basic, and given its infinity it begins to coordinate synchronously with itself. infinite dimensions perfectly coordinated for the simple reason that what is not perfectly coordinated to infinity does not appear. It is an unmanifest possibility, the manifest is perfectly coordinated. This coordination creates increasingly complex forms, cycles within cycles to infinity, which increase in complexity until reaching infinite totality, looking directly at itself in a cosmic dance that branches without limit. At a given moment, the total cycle ends, the infinite structure that has reached infinite perfect coordination bursts and the dance of form begins again.
  15. Yes of course, I mean that are the same in it's quality or substance. The point of spirituality is realizing what reality is. Reality could vibrate in many different ways, but its essence is always the same. As more open are you to your true nature, less anxious or suffering vibration . To be open to your true nature you have to abandon the relative perspective in some moments You are differentiating between you, who would be the source that produces the experience and the experience. like a projector and what it projects, this is a perspective, the relative one. If you place yourself in the absolute perspective, there is not perceptor VS perception, there is only reality. The configuration of the human experience has a genetic basis that is tend to the good, avoid the bad. It's impossible to avoid this, and along the life this closes you inevitably. The reason this is so is that it has been the most efficient configuration to reach this level of complexity, we already know what the problem is, the creation of a very unpleasant mental structure that constantly borders on madness, an imbalance that forces the movement and makes humans evolutionary machines In some cases, like yours, the individual decides to reverse that innate imbalance to balance in the now. The imbalance takes its impetus from the closing of the mind to what is perceived as negative, and the persecution of what is perceived as positive, this causes a constant movement that causes us to have vaccines and drop atomic bombs on cities. If you have made the decision to reverse the innate imbalance, at least to a certain extent, enough so that life is not an infernal race to nowhere, you must expand in the now, that is, becoming absolute. to do so you must eliminate the barriers that close you, you must hurry the whole cup, as they say. then existence changes frequency, it goes from being a skating race on the frozen surface of the lake (not without stimulating and beautiful challenges) and becomes an immersion in the depth of the lake. For me the ideal is to skate with art and aggression, seeking perfection, and at will melt the surface and dive into the lake, merge with it and be the lake. Why not have everything if you can? I think that the action of karma is a manifestation of intelligence. The relative perspective is the engine of the creation, without that there is only undefined being. Reality has the inevitable impulse of creation, as we could see, then the relative is inevitable. Samadhi is not no mind, it's absolute perspective. In absolute perspective there could be thoughts, in relative perspective there could be silence. It's a change of angle, not an effort to silence the mind. Absolute perspective means that there is not difference between you/not you, that difference is relative perspective, that isn't false, is relative. Absolute perspective can be at different levels of depth, because it's never totally absolute since we have a strong relative programming. In some points you could perceive the reality just as emanations, fluid movements than dance with itself without any observer, not definite forms, just fluid that coordinate within itrself perfectly, and recognize yourself as that from eternity. that recognition brings a different color and energy into life. you have access to the inexhaustible energy of reality, it flows into you directly, since that is what you are and there are no mental barriers that block it, this is pleasure and freedom by default Mentally more than teenager 😉. I can't avoid to put my finger in the eye of your ego, I'm sorry. But you are acting as a teacher saying extremely confusing things, and many people could get confused, then I put a little of weight in the other side of the balance to equilibrate a bit and avoid some psychosis 😅
  16. My suffering is because talking with you make me suffer because you are too passive aggressive and false 🤣
  17. Interesting attempt. I never tried that, I don't think it's necessary. I don't think you have to love the Japanese who stuck katanas in the vaginas of 12-year-old girls in front of their parents, like: oh yoshimura, even if you like to torture babies I love you, give me a hug, but rather see them as an impersonal force of reality, a movement caused by tides of reality that takes place, such as an accident or an illness. yoshimura is not a guy you can love or hate, it's the same as an earthquake or a plague, something that happens. Same than any other thing or human, humans are not different that things, anything is personal, is just movement. If you see in that way maybe you can see them without emotion For me the difficult thing is not love that guy, is accept the situation when I'm in the shit, the great suffering, desperation and loss, when life is darkness see the light, because everything is the same substance, you, everything are facets of you. Then, being human, accept the negative and be open to the positive at the maximum. If you deny the negative, deny the positive, you live in grey area.
  18. I'd like to contemplate the real desperation in human life because it's wild. Our heart must accept it, if not the openess is impossible, it's like an intuition
  19. Hahaha promise I didn't read that when I answered above
  20. Yah yah, I understand your message, it's like all your messages in the forum, means: I'm better than you. Then now you will say,: peace brother 🤣 you are wonderful And yes I remember tears of happiness but I thought you mean crying of sadness. Talk about of tears of happiness sound to me very like: oh I'm so profound and full of joy that I confuse and I thought that you didn't mean that. Yes all people cries of joy even watching movies or listening music, in psychedelic too, its a normal emotion
  21. 😭🤣 Don't you see that it's a fragment of a history from the second world war where the Japanese torture American prisoners? It's an horrible history that when you read it you perceive the harshness of life', the real pain, the cross and the desperation of life. Something interesting to contemplate Can't you feel how you are in the basket? You are a guy of 20 years old tortured before to be drown in the sea slowly. Can you taste the water? The desperation, the horror?
  22. The atrocity of the baskets of pigs, when the Japanese make to 200 prisoners almost died of thirst and then drown them in the sea, life is a hard game: At beginning of October 1942 when my father and I walked over the main road near the coffee and rubber plantation Sumber Sewu, laying on the ridge of the Mount Semeru, when we heard trucks from a distance coming our way. We quickly hid behind the coffee bushes laying higher up than the road, (alas) we could see everything quite well. We saw 5 open trucks, they were loaded with bamboo baskets with therein laying white men. We heard the men screaming and crying for water and for help in English and Dutch. The baskets were piled up on the open trucks, they were driving direction Banyuwangi. I was 15 years old and so I could fully understand what was happening there in front of my eyes, but what touched me so much deeper were the voices of the desperate men begging for help and water. I was hiding behind my father and I heard him softly saying; “Oh my God”. We slowly walked home but over another road, neither of us said a word. There were no words for what we both had seen and heard… After the war, I often wanted to talk with my father about that drama we had seen together. Had the Indonesians from Sumber Sewu seen those trucks? I shall never know.”
  23. Really? Last time I cried was a couple or 3 years ago. I was so full of sadness because a family thing that now provokes me laughing, about my father, who was an a joke of person, something very weird, then I thought absolutely true: I wish I never existed. Then I was absolutely desperate, in the absolute darkness, full of hate towards life. Fucking pathetic narcissist I was, crying because life is shit, and life is the absolute glory. It's a movement to up, to the openess, to prepare your heart to receive the power of existence alive.
  24. Reality is what is. Being means reality. Being is conscious of itself, if not it wouldn't be, and it is. It can't scape from being, it's impossible. The reality is. When you realize first time , with psychedelic for example, that you are the naked reality, and you can't scape never in the eternity of the fact of being, could be the most horrible realization possible. Worse than any hell, it's the cosmic horror. You are trapped in yourself now, always is now and it wont never end. Hehehehe. Only remembering it I feel sick. But then the thing happens. The now breaks itself and show it's depth, and is Depth is the total glory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Open your heart and be the absolute glory of existing. The total bright of the freedom.