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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Hey stop insulting if you don't mind. Do you think that I'm talking because the "teachings" of Leo? I'm serious not like you. all of your publications could be translated like this: hey hey! Heyyyy! Look at me ! Look at me!!! I'm enlightened! I'm in the highest level! I'm sooooooooooooo soooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!! Hey hey! Look! I'm so advanced!!! Pa Te Thic Sorry for my sincerity, but I can't avoid it
  2. Krishnamurti was fake, same than nisgardatta. Krishnamurti over all was a very smart scam
  3. You are avoiding real enlightenment by the need of being already enlightened. It's very obvious that you are limited, real enlightenment is not recognizing that you don't exist, there is not I, or there is not anything, is fully opening to what is. There are many levels, the total level maybe it's impossible for a human. The source of reality is the source of the galaxies, the black holes, the infinite multiverses, is the inexhaustible source that flows. Any simple mind could say now : you are imagining the galaxies 😅. Guys, please, no one of you have arrived, be humble. Most have not even started. Yes yes of course, there is no place to arrive, I'm imagining that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Patient is needed
  4. The AI is not self-aware because it is a finite system. only the infinite is conscious. AI is infinite in terms of the energy and matter that composes it, each atom is infinite and in some way aware of itself, but AI's intelligence does not come from its openness to infinity, but from limited programming. very broad, potentially enormously broad, but limited. It does not draw his consciousness from the foundation of existence, but from limited data. The intelligence of a rat is infinitely deeper, also that of a bacteria, although less broad in apparent extent, is infinitely deep. that of AI is not
  5. I don't see that there is a cosmic joke, What I see is that given the absence of limits, reality cannot stop flowing on itself, the fact of infinity is endless instability in form and absolute stability in essence, so what I would say is happening is that you as a form you end, and as an essence you remain eternally. After this life, does the same pattern restart with characteristics inherited from the current one? It is possible that there is an evolution in this sense and that the same individual has a beginning and an end in each cycle and as a set of cycles until dissolving again into the absolute, but really if you identify with the absolute there is no cycle "yours." ,you are all of them. although I suppose that is precisely dissolving into the absolute and disappearing as an individual. I don't know, many mystics remember past lifes, I guess that could be true, and probably human life is not the "top" of the pyramid, they think that because it's in this planet, but that doesn't mean nothing Yes realizing the absolute has the only purpose of aligning the relative with it, , the important thing is the relative, at least for me. The absolute is the absolute, it's always absolute, but the relative is in movement and this movement could have a direction or another . Saying that it doesn't exist...what is the point of that?
  6. Things are happening in the eternity, but the eternity isn't happening. Perception means happening, happening means time. From an absolute perspective there is no time, no movement, just isness. But we are in the relative perspective, then time is happening. Both perspectives are real, movement is not false, is relative, it's different. Existence is absolute, but that's doesn't mean that it's more real than the movement, means that the movement is happening in existence, and is relative to itself.
  7. Eternity couldn't end because it's not happening, is just now, always. What's happening is the appearance of movement inside the eternity, and this could finish, but if it starts again, it's like it didn't finish , so seems that if appearance of time is happening now, it will happen always
  8. Some mystics say that enlightenment is the end of the wheel of reincarnation, that any being that exists is a process from the most basic to enlightenment and fusion with the whole, for example David Hawking says this. According to him, total enlightenment means complete opening to the absolute and from there there is no other way, but at the same time he says that Buddha or Jesus Christ were at level 1000 and the archangels at level 7000. I don't know, it's all speculation, I doubt that any human fully understands what the cosmos is and what the next evolutionary step is. The possible dimensions are literally unimaginable, the possibilities of existence are infinite. Not all forms necessarily have to entail suffering and ignorance. What I do intuitively believe is evident is that the more you go deeper and open up in this life, the better.
  9. Some older ladies broke their hips there, and a couple of guys were left in wheelchairs
  10. As I see it the interval 0,1 is limited by the 0 and the 1, then it doesn't contain all the numbers, so its not really infinite, its just an idea, as any maths. As an idea you could divide that interval infinitely, but if it were really infinite if would contain the entire cosmos, nothing would be outside, and the 2 is outside But it's interesting contemplating it there are different sizes of infinity
  11. A lot of things, right not waiting 8h in an airport . You can write here from the subway, walking in the street, even in a dinner with friends when the conversation is bored. The magic of the phones, do you know? Not so extreme, suffering exist, if we want to put ourselves mentally in the case of real suffering, it's better imagine that you are waiting for a professional torturer in the middle age than you have lost your wallet.
  12. Our mind develops according to genetic patterns. At a certain age there is an impulse to play to lay the foundations of socialization and develop skills. Later, in the frontal lobe, the self, the self-concept, the need for acceptance, are formed, all that makes the individual a cog in the matrix. human, etc. In short, if your family rejects you, or you are locked in a cage alone for years, or you are subjected to constant rape, you will suffer. It's in the genes.
  13. Yeah pure existence , total potential alive, the absolute unlimited
  14. Totally explainable, remove all the attributes and pure being remains. Why being exist? Because has not opposite, is the reality, not being is nothing, then being is, and it's push is total. Then, everything exist, it's positive push without hindrance, absolute will of existing, because will of not existing doesn't exist. It's just inevitable
  15. Ok, then you admit that it's "something", because if it were "nothing" it couldn't be. Right? Nothing is nothing, not no thing, nothing, not existing. I just want to point the meaning of the word nothing. If you explain to people that the reality is "nothing", nobody is going to understand you.
  16. Then the reality doesn't is?
  17. All religions are in some way true and mainly , or for the mass, absolutely false, since their objective is not the opening of the individual to the absolute, but rather his adaptation to the social machinery. They all basically function around a punishment/reward axis, and their objective is the castration of individuals to make social commitment viable. Buddhism also works like this through the idea of reincarnation. But at the bottom of all religions there is a kernel of truth: dilute your ego and you will find the absolute. Well, not all, the Nordic or Greek mythologies do not seem very useful in this aspect, but surely there would also be mystics then. In Romans Jupiter could be understood as the absolute for example. Manitou the same, and I guess that in all of them there is a core of truth
  18. The ego is basically internalizing the reflection we have in others. It is the need for acceptance. It is something genetic ,innate and inevitable, no one likes that in primary school no one talks to them and their parents completely ignore them, this creates a trauma comparable to being in the trenches of the First World War watching people's heads be torn off and your friends scream with the guts out. Acceptance=survival. Then, what is building a strong ego? Being a narcissist? Or being someone who's independent of the others? The second is a small ego, even and inexistent ego. If you have not ego, the others are irrelevant in the sense that you don't need them. That's the goal in spirituality if you want to be totally open to yourself. The others closes, the need of acceptance closes. There are many strategies to pretend that you are independent of the others being it a lie, because we really depends of the others, our food is made by others, etc. Then it's easy to fall in fake despite to others, superiority and narcissism. The only real independence of the others is, paradoxically, love the others unconditionally. That's the only victory towards the ego, and as we know, it's very difficult, because the others are a son of many bitches 😅🤣
  19. His infinity cats is finite, his understanding of infinity is wrong, there is not a singularity that "contains" infinite cats, because Infinity can't be contained, if it were contained would be finite. Infinity has not limits, then the cats inside difumine themselves until there are no cats, there is nothing defined in infinity, no real movement, because the point A is the same than the point B from the infinite perspective. There are no points. Infinity is not "big", neither "small", it has not dimension. Any dimension is an appearance in infinity, then it is relative to another dimension. From infinite perspective all of them dissapear . Imagine yourself looking a cat, then you change to infinite perspective, then there is not more cat, the cat has been divided by infinity, then it's zero. The infinity is zero, and zero is the total potential. It's the same than it's infinite cats or infinity anything, if there are not Limits, infinity cats is the total of existing, and encompasses infinity dogs. That's why Leo is wrong in his spirituality, because he can't understand infinity and makes it finite.
  20. Lol? So you are laughing? Peace? Then you are showing me friendship.? Or.....let's see 🤔🤔🤔 call me crazy, maybe I am, but could be....that you are a bit...passive aggressive? Everytime that you said "peace", and you say it a lot, sounds very passive aggressive. Supposedly we are here to understand enlightenment, not to make a competition. Let's see if we could be sincere
  21. Being is something, in fact it's everything. Then why to say that it's nothing? You could say that it's nothing conceptual, but it is, then it's "something" since "is" implies "something". Not a "thing" like a stone or anything definitely, just existence, but the word "nothing" is negative, suggest not being. The being is not empty because it's full of being. Being is not something concrete but it's total potential, it's what anything that exist is, then what to call it nothing? Nothing is what not exist
  22. No, for me when the mind is closed you are not enlightened anymore. Enlightenment is real thing now, not memory. You can't remember the openess to the absolute , even if it happened 100 times
  23. There are a lot of questions from the ego: why existence exist? Why I am? What am I? Why there is karma? Why there is struggle? Why limitations appear? All of them could be understood. From an absolute perspective the answers appears, and the ego, the logical mind, can understand. Another thing is wanting to appear mysterious and cool, like mostly of gurus do, the scammers. Ah, saying that of: the ego doesn't exist, you don't exist and I'm not writing in a phone, etc.... everytime I read those things I start to cry loud and people have to come worried to see what happens 😅🤣🤣
  24. Enlightenment is realizing that you are, and what you are: you are what is, and it has no opposite. What is is absolute, it is everything, and its potential is total, it has no limits. Enlightenment is opening yourself completely, removing any energetic barriers that close you. In this way the obvious remains: the absolute total that is without bottom
  25. The more openness there is in my mind, the more discipline settles in my life. It is a natural process, not intentional. I don't know if in your case this will be useful or not, for me the more connected I am with myself, the more intolerable are stupid, addictive, meaningless behaviors, and the tendency is towards efficiency, order, self-control, cleanliness in behavior, and this brings balance