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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Why? Because the conciousness is bored maybe?
  2. You're right, I wasnt really ready ,I realized just after smoke. I'm going to wait some days. Would be better try again 15 mg but relaxed (now I know it don't going to kill me) , or go for 18? About give up...I don't think so, I haven't panic or bad experience for now
  3. Fear fear fear. Let's see. I did too many questions, to many doubts for anyone who wants to surrender. For you who already did sure it's a foolish! For me looks like the most transcendental and important moment in my life. Incredible, a simple chemical....
  4. I read a book titled wild mistic , of Michael hulin, where he explains many experiences of many people really similar . After that, to try to achieve it, had you been meditating? Psichodelics?
  5. @justfortoday did you do any spiritual exercises focused to achieve that conciousness, or it simply came to you when you was driving in a Normal day?
  6. @Demeter @Slifon would you say that 1p lsd and lsd 25 are different?
  7. Anyone knows if it's a bad idea try again tomorrow? It's better to wait a while? It's better 20 mg and forget about little by little? In the first time was a moment when I was breathing deeply that I felt like I breath the world. Maybe I was close of the dissolution. After I had a really good feeling and relaxing. The second time, with more mgs, was nothing, nausea and frustration. Could be because I tried 2 times in the same day? There is a real danger with the breathing? I read that could be but in overdose, with 18 mg could be? It's my main fear, not the ego disolution
  8. well .... Second fail. share that I did not surrender this time neitherr. What mental mechanisms ... I returned home, weight this time 15, and while I was weighing it it seemed that I was weighing plutonium. that is not much surrender. later, feeling like a brave man who ventures into the unknown, instead of putting it in a pipe, I put it in two ... so I surrender in stages. then walk an hour to the perfect place, and meditate bla bla bla. I smoke a pipe and immediately I see that there is no surrender. I smoke the second one, and ufff I don't remember well but no. I don't remember fear or anything because I had the situation more controlled even than the previous time. Nothing, this is not about pretty places, or about meditating or increasing perception. is yes or no, that's it. there is no middle ground. for next time I hope I am not a crying kitty and take 18mg in one shot. I'm especially afraid of breathing, which is very strange, looks like I have to control the breathing and if I forget, I ll stop breathing. maybe with a friend looking couldn't be a bad idea neither. I think that with this you surrender for the molecule, not for the environment. now I pay the penalty for my cowardice. walking an hour with nausea and a cloud of flies around me, knowing that I did not. okay I will
  9. I am in the country, a lonely and beautiful place, the breeze is perfect, after a while of meditation i felt very good, and I decided to smoke 5 meo. Now I realize that I did not want to surrender. you know, here alone, breathing seems not to work, it would be better with someone watching ... ok ok but that's not surrender. I have smoked12 mg aprox, the sensation has been beautiful, but I had not surrender. but I think I'll wait a few hours and I'll do it today. well, I'm not sure. how difficult it is to surrender to me ? I never did but I must to!!!