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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Human was born and died in communion with nature, the divine was always present in him and his life was governed by the will of life. But in him there was a seed that screamed, rebelled. When his children died from lack of food, or his body decayed, something in him cried out: why? I don't want!!. That something impelled him to try to submit the life. He possessed other beings, other men and the earth. He raped the earth to force her to act according to his will. That something created myths and legends because It needed not only to violate life but to understand it. That something, later on, went beyond myth and was able to dissect God, classify him, manipulate him. To submit it. Science gave him enough power to try his ultimate need: challenge God. That something thought: I submit? I am the dominator, I will understand the ultimate structure of reality and manipulate it as I please, because I am strength, ambition and rage, I do not submit to anyone, on the contrary, who meets me is devastated and subdued by the hurricane of my strength. I am the ego, and I will be immortal. Because i am god
  2. possibly when you die, or when the veil is lifted, or when you enlighten yourself, you will see that human suffering is nothing, that your agony was less than a cold
  3. seeing the magnitude of human suffering, for me the only answer is surrender. trying to understand motivations on our chimpanzee scale makes no sense
  4. @allislove but I think you was right, the business of leave the ego away isn't only about the mind, you should get a complete detachment ...that's why it's so difficult
  5. True, so if I want to leave the ego away, I should give the same importance to what happens with my body, or the tree in the corner. Don't seems easy
  6. by elimination it should, since it is the absence of ego, which is the source of unhappiness
  7. For me to meditate is to stop and observe yourself, to be completely centered in the present moment. I suppose there will be different interpretations. how to do it? if it can be in contact with nature, the better. sitting in an upright posture, not lying down or reclining. I don't know why but this matters, it makes it different. initially it is usually uncomfortable, every 2 minutes something tells you. that's it, look at the phone, get up. you have to force yourself to continue, even if it seems like it's useless and the only thing you're doing is torturing yourself. I would put on 10 minute sets, and it still seemed like hell to me. Once you're at it, watch what happens in you, in your mind. focusing on breathing is always recommended and is a good way to start. the idea is not to try to block out thoughts, that is almost impossible. is to observe them, like a naturalist observing a herd of elephants for example. a thought arises of: get up! accompanied by its corresponding andiety. watch it, how long does it last? is it really so unbearable? then another appears, and another ... you will see that many have in common an underlying exaltation of your person. How strange, like movie courtiers flattering the king or something. he continues to observe them like someone playing a game of chess with a very clever computer. What pattern do you have? are repeated? If you do it long enough, you will suddenly realize that you are more detached from them, they affect you less. after more time you start to feel very good, and later you start to perceive things, to deepen. At the beginning it is very difficult and the normal thing is not to have the necessary discipline to do it every day because it is frustrating and not very pleasant, but the normal thing is that over time it becomes more relaxed, and with more time, the most rewarding activity of your life. It's when you are really you, you start to identify with who is observing, no with the observed , and who is observing is infinite
  8. I was meditating when suddenly I realized an apparently obvious fact: I create thoughts. there is nothing, and in that nothing I mold a thought. has form. there is nothing and suddenly that nothing has a form. What is it? a wave? why i do it? Is it the ego that does it, or is the ego the thought? what is the ego?
  9. Believe? Who believes or not is the ego. The being doesn't believe, it's more like a mechanical process. You create like a shape, a wave, a thing, that can glues to you, merge. You can see it and when you see, it can't merge. About non duality...I don't doubt that in deeper levels sure you get it, but I see duality. Being and thought. I know all of this looks like mental masturbation, but I think it's useful to educate your mind to get opening
  10. ego does not exist? from the point of view that only consciousness exists and the rest is illusion, true, it does not exist, nor does the wasp exist, but it stings you. the point is that at this level thoughts do exist, real as the wasp. they are "something", not "nothing". I understand non-duality at the theoretical level, but I have not experienced it, therefore for me it is nothing. For me the reality is that thoughts are something, and that something can, in some way that I don't understand, stick to you, merge with your being. I have also seen that you can separate them from your being, and that bad or good thoughts are the same
  11. Idk... how? I had I glimpse, maybe I should have 1000 more before to start to understand, but looked so real. In fact the most shocking of the glimpse was seeing that creation, like a radio creating a wave. Maybe all was an illusion, of course. Now I'm thinking like always, compulsive,but that image remains
  12. all of us are intelligent enough. This is not an exercise in intelligence but in seeing
  13. Thanks! I realize that at that moment, perhaps for the first time in my life, there was almost no ego. That's why it seems so real .I was there, and I created the thoughts. there was a space between each of them, and somehow I could "see" them as "objects", they had no influence, one had the same influence as the next, almost zero, they were basically the same. they were just shapes. It was strange to see that they kept showing up. as i read, you can stop this. would be wonderful
  14. I saw that I'm separate of the thought. I create it, like an esculpture. There was nothing and after, it was, created of the nothing. Created for me. The nothing took a shape, so became in something. One time. And another. And another....
  15. Exactly, like a wawe. Is not like: it is nothing, only let it pass. Since you create it, it exist. About equal to zero...I don't know. I can't see it now but I saw and I want to see it again. Meditation is the most wonderful activity. I'm starting to get it
  16. We are trying to break the mind to can breathe, maybe it's not hate, is claustrophobia. The mind is a wall that separates us from the reality. Let's see how is the reality, I had only glimpses. One thing is sure, the words, the mind, have not worth at all. Is grey and dead
  17. Many of us, or at least me, are not seeking, I am trying to escape. To escape of the jail of the mind. I hate it and I want to break it.
  18. I was meditating and an image of my father came ... my father ... my father was not real, he was a shadow, I saw it, clear ... and suddenly I felt like an enormous energy pressing my chest, and my arms, but it didn't come out. I thought it was going to come out, but after 4 or 5 seconds it started to decrease and disappeared. it seemed very strange to me. I'd like that energy goes out but was blocked
  19. I can't help but think that an ancient samurai, when he planted his flag in front of a bridge as a challenge to anyone who passed through it and wanted to try their luck with the sword, for the simple fact of doing so, leaving his destiny in the hands of the gods, indifferent to suffer terrible wounds, or a Canadian native, walking happily to the post of torture, happy to be able to show the great spirit his detachment and his courage, they were enlightened, in many ways. their customs were cruel in many respects, but isn't nature cruel too?
  20. The eye could see itself in a mirror. Maybe us, the humans, are the mirror
  21. I heard many times that it's really dangerous, the only psichodelic to avoid, impossible to dossage. I know two guys who tried, and they told me about very long effect, but nothing positive or useful
  22. maybe joy before the supreme surrender. good question for those who claim to be enlightened to ask themselves
  23. then according to nisgardatta consciousness cannot perceive itself. Then, how he knows he is the conciousness?
  24. @meow_meow great. I read many times. Try to say goodbye to that bored "I"