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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. Yes but when I was the void I had like the sensation, or perception , that I want to escape of the void, but I can't because I'm the void for the eternity
  2. Anyone knows how to remove the quotes put there by mistake? James123, I think you are talking about the exactly thing that I'm talking. How to accept that void, that nothing? But that you said is a contradiction. You are only one and are alone, because you are nothing. I perceive that, but if I perceive, was someone there, not void. In the void was me, perceiving
  3. Exactly, that is. And when you realize that, and you became the nothing, the eternity, without god, without conciousness, nothing....isnt it horrible? Dead? Empty?
  4. 5 meo dmt free base, bougth online , i tried some times before, with interesting effect but never a breakthrough with total ego death. I read here in the 5 meo forum a guy who explained that he smoked first 5 mg, after 5 more, and after more. I did 1 of 7 mg, and after another small, and after maybe other 6 or 7...and the explosion happened, and I was in the void. I don't think the 5 meo was bad or anything, it was absolutely real experience. Infinity, void , nothing, eternity....but empty
  5. @James123 but the silence is ...dead Yes it helps...the void is only a stage, not the end. But wasn't only the silence, was something perceiving the silence, being the silence
  6. Welcome? Now I'm almost like that guy in matrix who regrets to choose the blue pill!...but I cant live without go deeper. Let's see how is the next visit to the void that I am. For now I feel I'm nothing, empty, an illusion, not I'm god pretending being me, only nothing, no god, no me, only illusion and void
  7. @Bulgarianspirit well, all the spiritual traditions say that that void is pure love, etc... let's believe that they are right and I'm wrong! For now I have to live with the image of a void that is only a void, no conciousness, no love , only nothing
  8. The breakthrough was easy and the dissolution was beautiful, good feeling....but after, the void was all except good. Integrate that I'm a void that don't want to be a void, and can't escape of be a void for the eternity? . Well, no choice. I'm thinking now that was the ego who felt horror of the void, but when I was, only was the void and the horror. Anyway,Thank you for read me and answer , at least it's that forum to explain myself to people who understands what I'm talking about. it's a huge help now.
  9. Yes, now I feel totally normal, I could do anything, good mood etc, but...I have a sensation: i saw the deep reality, and it wasn nice at all. The only way for me is go deeper...but not today
  10. True true, the judgement appears when the mind returns, but I remember that when I was the void, it was only nothing, death, empty, wasn't a place where I want to be. Really I don't remember now exactly. I know that I had a really strong negative feeling. I remember that wasn't anything , only a void, and I'm the void for the eternity...but maybe it wasn't an absolute dissolution, you are right. Who was feeling anguish in that void? Who didn't like the nothing? It's the point
  11. Because when I was there, I was dead, empty, nothing, and I remember like a horrible sensation of death
  12. Yes, I meditate every day, I did mushroom many times, salvia 2 times, but I never was so deep. it isn't any possible preparation for that. You totally dissolved, and no preparation could help, your mind is off Where is the void. Where the nothing is alone . Well, I have to see again the void that I am. It's impossible that its so bad. I feel good now...I don't know why
  13. But now I'm courious to see the horrible nothing again haha
  14. I hope I'm not getting affected in long term. I already forgot but I saw, and it's going to appear again. I hope Leo or the experience people here could help me. I'm not scared to do it again 1000 times because nothing could be worse, and maybe, next time I could see any life, anything in that horrible void. I'm criying because I can't escape. My mind is telling: don't worry, sure it's normal and if you go further you will see the bliss...but I saw the last last nothing, empty, and was dead, was ....only sad, no escape, can't explain
  15. Because is dead, impossible to explain. I was there and was the nothing and the nothing .... wasn't anything good , now my mind elaborate 1000 things, but when I was there... impossible to describe. Horrible?? Hehe
  16. Smoked like 14 , in 3 times. In a moment I was totally dissolved, I was the nothing, the empty, but that empty was dead, and there is not a escape. Well...I have to do again, because worse is impossible. I prefer any evil, any torture that that dead empty that I am, but if it is that I am...welcome the horrible, what to do?
  17. If you analyze physical reality with the rational mind, not perception or intuitive, the process of formation of different elements, such as carbon, in supernova explosions, the infinitesimal accuracy necessary for these processes, the appearance of life and its very long evolution from unicellular to more and more complex beings, Until reaching the human, the maladaptive and adaptable being, this seems the work of an engineer of enormous intelligence , but limited (he can't do that directly, needs a process, and multiples fails) who desperately needs to reach an end, and to reach this there is no time or suffering that will make him give up
  18. my rational mind can't help asking that question: what for? yes, all these trillions of planets and beings are just the imagination of god. but for what? everything seems to evolve to an end
  19. Send him info to read , like science articles about psylocibes and development, microdosing of lsd, etc, and maybe he starts to see the psichodelics in another angle. I did with my sister who was always scared about me, thinking that maybe I'm going to became esquizofrenic because the psichodelics, and now she is really interested
  20. That means that its like the infinity needs the human to realises itself?
  21. I feel a huge ego there my friend
  22. @dyslexicCnut your doubts and your analysis is also mine and I think it has been one of the main philosophical dilemmas of humanity. I suppose you already know the answer: good and bad, pleasant or unpleasant, are distinctions of the ego, necessary for the being that you are to survive. if you want the truth, you have to go beyond the ego and eliminate the judgments. nothing is better or worse, it just is. I know that it is much easier said than done. living it is reaching enlightenment ... not easy business
  23. Human was born and died in communion with nature, the divine was always present in him and his life was governed by the will of life. But in him there was a seed that screamed, rebelled. When his children died from lack of food, or his body decayed, something in him cried out: why? I don't want!!. That something impelled him to try to submit the life. He possessed other beings, other men and the earth. He raped the earth to force her to act according to his will. That something created myths and legends because It needed not only to violate life but to understand it. That something, later on, went beyond myth and was able to dissect God, classify him, manipulate him. To submit it. Science gave him enough power to try his ultimate need: challenge God. That something thought: I submit? I am the dominator, I will understand the ultimate structure of reality and manipulate it as I please, because I am strength, ambition and rage, I do not submit to anyone, on the contrary, who meets me is devastated and subdued by the hurricane of my strength. I am the ego, and I will be immortal. Because i am god