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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. well, your problem will fix itself, the body ends. But since you are now in a body, why not take advantage of it and enjoy it to the fullest? for the non-body you have all eternity.
  2. I know...better to like it, but I know well Samsara and I like it a lot, and I don't know the unmoving eternal self, I almost don't perceive it, some glimpses of love, wonder...I only perceived that samsara is an illusion and there is no time , no movement. I hate the no-movement, I as an ego I guess. Today I perceived that so clearly , yesterday sleeping I had an ego I think that I have to accept the eternal self , like it or not , because is the reality. But what strange reality. Eternal . How its possible? Why exist? We are the only self? There are more dimensions and more selfs? What the hell is that?? I'm perceiving it more and more and it's a nonsense. The mind can't manage that.
  3. love. your body loves. When light reflects off your eyes and creates an image in your brain of the wonder of illusion, love. When you walk down the street with a flexible step, full control of your movement, that is beauty. when you feel the icy wind on your face, the raindrops that wet you, that's wonderful. When your body rests, perfect machine, it relaxes, it is love. When you are sick and fighting, it is beauty too. illusion is illusion, but wonderful illusion
  4. I realized that a couple of times and both times my felling was: i prefer the samsara, the movement, the time. I don't want to be the unmoving eternal self. I prefer the illusion. Sure I felt that because my realizations wasn't natural, was inducted by psichodelics. But that quote is real, all except the self is illusion. Well ....who knows if our understanding, or even the understanding of the self can understand all the reality
  5. Exactly, first, time is an illusion, all is simultaneously, no time. Second, there is only one being ( well I'm not sure of this but is something accepted), so who has past lifes?.and 3, there are 1 after 100 zeros of stars , maybe your past life, if this thing exist, was really far. I think that shadguru and this kind of people talk many bullshit, better dont trust anyone except yourself, and better neither yourself
  6. They love so much to talk of themselves and show how special they are, over all shadguru.
  7. I think it is correct, but the reality is that making a profound change in the base is extremely difficult, it requires maximum attention, will, intelligence and courage. That's why self-help books usually only serve as relief for as long as people read them, and they don't make any difference in the long run. Regarding saying that this is silly because there is no mind and there is no body ... well, this is fine for those who have reached the level of enlightenment where they can watch with indifference how worms eat their leprous legs, since they do not there are legs. for the rest it is nice to improve in life ... even if there is no life
  8. The mind get sick overthinking in that ideas. Got doesn't like the loneliness? But if is infinite, it can't be alone, is complete. What is god? It's the only? There are more dimensions with other "gods"? Why exist a being? ...
  9. So god needs to make itself feel not-alone? Why?
  10. How its possible? The void is nothingness, no love, no conciousness...if there is love or conciousness, it's not the void. I intuite that it's the truth in that words but I can't understand Absolutely True, I realized the void and I realized that the last last base of all that exist is the nothingness, and you and me are made of nothingness so we are nothingness. So where is the conciousness, the love and the eternal self? I think I perceiving more and more, as Leo said, I look around my room and I see the void and the eternal present. If I meditate 2 min i perceive the people and me like transparent, made of nothingness. But nothing more
  11. I had experiences with psilocibes but never a real ego death until the 5 meo, when I experienced the void. I think you if keep the ego and the ego is like the opposite to the void and the no time, that's why the desperation. Probably for me was the same more or less, but I don't remember any thoughts there, only nothingness and at the end desperation. Sure Leo is right, and also many other people say that the void and the nothingness is the conciousness. I'm afraid that we need some more visits to the void ....maybe you should try 5 meo for that
  12. @Demeter i know, was the same, devastating ,alone in the void. but the question is that when you experienced the void wasn't ego what was? Only your awareness? Maybe it was the only awareness that exist. The other possibility is that we keep some ego there and the ego facing the nothingness got desperate. I think there was no thought, but who knows...still scratching the surface
  13. My egoic mind is thinking: so now you are alone, so it's nothing more to achieve, so you are stuck being god for the eternity . But I guess it should be wonderful that realization , over all because I'm almost sure that it's the reality. I understand it's terrifing too
  14. I think that when there is a need for the mind to be in control all the time it is because there is an underlying insecurity. This happens to a greater or lesser extent to all of us. there is a feeling that you must be in control to be safe. This is an illusion because it is impossible to be in control. It could give you a heart attack in the next 15 seconds and die and there is no control that can prevent it, but the ego, seeing itself alone, produces enormous insecurity and needs that constant exhausting analysis. As you become aware that existence goes far beyond what the ego can encompass, that you are floating in existence and that your control is minimal, the compulsive thinking quickly relaxes. This understanding cannot be theoretical, it has to be direct, and for that, as far as I know, only meditation and psychhodelics work. it really works, and in a not too long period of time you can notice a very important change. I don't know if eliminating the ego talk completely will be possible, but that it becomes a background noise yes
  15. I meant with breakthrough a total ego death, but maybe the real meaning is another. Ego death where it's no mind at all, absolutely unconsciousness of your body including
  16. If it's a breakthrough there are no eyes to are not human anymore for a while
  17. I experienced I the same ,empty, dead, and was traumatic, specially the no-time, but days later I realized something. Was no concious being taking note? So how do you remember the void? Was a conciousness there.
  18. Me depending, I had a breakthrough and two days later I couldn't remember, but in a moment in the middle of the night I remembered it exactly. Another ,I wrote about it and next day I absolutely forgot, I remember only that I wrote, but the trip zero. I think it's because my mind isn't prepared yet for it, and maybe because the effect smoking are too short
  19. @Javfly33 yeah, next day the world looks "clean", but maybe it's time to change the roa. Smoke is too shocking, too fast and difficult to remember
  20. They always say that it's a light, wonderful feeling etc, so it isn't the void
  21. @Frenk must be neutral because is void, nothingness, but I experienced with 5 meo and I remember that at the end, I had a strong bad feeling, like, only me exist and the nothingness, and there is no time, no movement, I'm stuck here alone in the eternity of the no time. But maybe it was the ego facing the void. Or maybe god realising that is the only being...anyway, was really bad feeling , but despite that, is a real thing experienced the void and the eternity. I did 5 meo again and I remember that just after I thought. Yes, true, I'm the only being in the eternity, but I'm love I love my self and it's no loneliness. But I'm not sure because after I sleep and next day I had zero remember of that, I only remember that I thought that after. Probably was part real part suggestion. My conclusion is that realized the void first time is traumatic , maybe more than the void, the eternal no time, but you could accept it after, meditating, integration, etc, and maybe is a step necessary before other realizations
  22. How was? Do you still remember? I had another 3 days ago and totally forgot next day. I remember what I thought after the experience, but neex day, 0 remembers of the experience
  23. good production, that guy is very smart. He has realized that enlightenment is trend. leo has many followers! it is already a serious volume. Well now I say that I am more enlightened than him, that the 5 meo is nothing compared to my realization. I have also tried it! And I also do CrossFit, which is also a trend. two united trends! And I'm cultivate and play violin! Give me $$$$$$$!!!. maybe he has had a glimpse caused by 5 meo and that's it. money maker , only an opinion but look a fake super egoic
  24. Who did the first design? It's a wonderful thing.