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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. @Javfly33 yeah, next day the world looks "clean", but maybe it's time to change the roa. Smoke is too shocking, too fast and difficult to remember
  2. They always say that it's a light, wonderful feeling etc, so it isn't the void
  3. @Frenk must be neutral because is void, nothingness, but I experienced with 5 meo and I remember that at the end, I had a strong bad feeling, like, only me exist and the nothingness, and there is no time, no movement, I'm stuck here alone in the eternity of the no time. But maybe it was the ego facing the void. Or maybe god realising that is the only being...anyway, was really bad feeling , but despite that, is a real thing experienced the void and the eternity. I did 5 meo again and I remember that just after I thought. Yes, true, I'm the only being in the eternity, but I'm love I love my self and it's no loneliness. But I'm not sure because after I sleep and next day I had zero remember of that, I only remember that I thought that after. Probably was part real part suggestion. My conclusion is that realized the void first time is traumatic , maybe more than the void, the eternal no time, but you could accept it after, meditating, integration, etc, and maybe is a step necessary before other realizations
  4. How was? Do you still remember? I had another 3 days ago and totally forgot next day. I remember what I thought after the experience, but neex day, 0 remembers of the experience
  5. good production, that guy is very smart. He has realized that enlightenment is trend. leo has many followers! it is already a serious volume. Well now I say that I am more enlightened than him, that the 5 meo is nothing compared to my realization. I have also tried it! And I also do CrossFit, which is also a trend. two united trends! And I'm cultivate and play violin! Give me $$$$$$$!!!. maybe he has had a glimpse caused by 5 meo and that's it. money maker , only an opinion but look a fake super egoic
  6. Who did the first design? It's a wonderful thing.
  7. Absolutely, you are right. Also is divine to say that you have a super high state of conciousness to be an influencer and earn money. All is god. And maybe to be an smart guy and see where the business is , it's a kind of enlightenment
  8. typical prejudice I guess, but I can hardly believe that a guy who spends 4 hours a day in the gym to increase his beauty and take 1000 photos to show the world how sexy he is, is enlightened ... but it is possible
  9. In the past the people who felt the calling and wanted to know the truth have to do enormous sacrifices, renunciation to the society, years of meditation, be really smart to differentiate the delusions of the truth, and maybe they never had a real awakening. Now you could buy 5 meo, sit in you room, do it and you will go to the same place than that people, maybe deeper. so if you don't do it's because you aren't really wanting the truth
  10. 1 why you say that you aren't the body? You could be. An universe materialistic, millions of years of evolución, and voila, a body with a brain that think and talk, an algorithm, but you perceive that it isn't like that, itsnt it? 2 if you do psichodelics, especially 5 meo , you perceive the eternity and the conciousness, and Is more or less the same for everyone, and almost the same than the description of the mistics
  11. Because the mind is limited. But it's very easy to forget that again and again
  12. I think in a level human are puppets, of animals, who act by instinct but in another level you can attract some circumstances with your deepest willing, or thoughts, like a kind of power, so you are the puppet and same time who make the puppet dance
  13. In my experience, me , so god, realized that I was alone in the no time. So god realized of that in everyone ? God makes himself blind in every life, and awake in every life, but same time is only one. Definitely I wouldn't explain to my mom neither in a business lunch
  14. Yeah! .Really good perception. It is. You are alone, but same time all is real. Love , miracle
  15. I just did 5 meo again a wile ago, not big dose. I did 2 times separate. I was getting crazy feeling the eternity, and I did. Second time I realized of that. It's not like, in a way I'm a conciousness, no no. I'm one, I'm god, I'm eternal. Now I'm the guy again, nice to be! Really nice in fact. But what the fuck...I am eternal . Ha! How its possible??? Now I'm doubting, but in that moment was absolutely clear. Men, no solipsism , no alone, no problem. You are god my friend, and you love yourself, you are not sad of scared, you are like happy. Not happy, you love, nice , good. It's not a bad thing, really
  16. Not exactly for the ego in my experience. Was like: I'm one. I'm alone. It's eternal. Wasn't the ego who realized. Was the one that I am. I'm the one, eternal, alone. It's a not small realization. I'm god. Ha! Not so bad at least. But I'm alone. Only me exist. But brothers, it's real. You are one, alone, eternal. How is possible this craziness?????
  17. I did 5 meo and I experienced exactly that. I was one, alone in the no time for the eternity. Was absolutely traumatic
  18. @Inliytened1 it means that the self want to Scape of himself, that's why exist the illusion
  19. I perceived Exactly that tripping but I'm almost sure that itsnt a real perception. It's a merge of the eternity and the ego. The ego desperate in the no time. The self is infinite. Can't be alone, or stuck. Is complete. O it's that I want to believe. I didn't realize god conciousness, so I cannot say. I want to believe that because no one of the enlightened people said that the self is desperate in the jail of the eternity, but it's that I perceived, and very clearly
  20. Ha! For me is the same. Ok there is a self, there is no time, there is no thing, reality is an illusion and time too...I do psicodélics and I intuite , even I see, but my mind ask: why? Why??? A infinite self alone in the eternity of the no time? Why????? There are other "self's" in other dimensions? What the hell is that? I think the only way is surrender, but for the ego is difficult. The ego needs to know, develop, go, do
  21. Good advice. Think that even the people and the reality that us perceived is an illusion, is existing as illusion , so the other people exist. Illusion or real are only concepts. The point is go beyond the concept, forget the need of understanding , the mind can't understand
  22. Sometimes I have the perception that I'm not me, I'm who perceive and that "me" is like a puppet , and there is not "when I die", because the time doesn't exist, there is no movement, so when you die you are not going to merge with the nothing because you are already merged right now. The question for me is: why all of this illusion? Must be for something. All is too perfect.
  23. Time is infinite because there's no time. It's not like a flow of time that never ends, is a no-time, all in the same moment without movement. So that "all" deeply can't be something. There's no time and no thing. How to understand that and the world that we perceive? I don't know