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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. it is true that I have a certain ... tendency to use 5 meo. my mind is not clean, thoughts arise, this is impossible to avoid. imo is pure need for control. This control is fantasy, the thoughts do not get any control but "I" cannot do without the illusion of control. Every thought that arises is like the cigarette of the smoker who wants to quit. he knows it is harmful, useless, but he cannot stop. control is separation, separation is anxiety. I want to tune in, to flow at the same frequency of reality, without thought. I am the reality, I cannot be separated from myself. but I am. so i use 5 meo. break the illusion of separation for a moment, and in the days that follow I can flow closer to the present. closer and closer. But sometimes this ... scare happens. the perception that I am not. black
  2. @WelcometoReality i know. I also had the realization after an ego dissolution that I'm all that exist, pure joy etc. But seems that this is more deep, or maybe 2 faces of the same. For now I can't u understand.
  3. @WelcometoReality non sense, i know, but it's, Impossible more absolutely clear. I'd like to know about that kind of experience, but I never found information
  4. What is behind of the non existence? I think I need a macro dose for that. Non existence is the last frontier.
  5. microdosing right now to remember: im the only being that exist. all the universe is a fantasy. behind there is nothing, the void. and behind the void, there is non-existence.
  6. True, it is not possible not to be, if it were it would not be possible to remember it. Probably you are right and it's the ego Something similar has happened to me sometimes in the middle of the night. dissolution, there is no center, I do not exist and have never existed, a certainty impossible to bear. I imagine that it will be how you say the step to the realization of the self, but if nobody told me my direct experience would be: reality is illusion, behind is the truth, and the truth is not being
  7. the desire to preserve the body is the strongest attachment of the ego. it is innate and maintains the illusion of separation like no other. it is necessary for survival but it keeps beings apart. That is why the mystical traditions of all cultures have had as one of their main premises the renunciation of the body. fasting, celibacy, extreme discomfort, etc., as a means of transcending the ego.
  8. Of course! My intuition has told me that beautiful girls are better, that people in high positions are superior, that those who have outperformed me in athletic competitions are inherently superior ... because I am a screaming chimpanzee in the zoo cage.
  9. great report, thanks for sharing!. interesting to see the long-term effects of that breakthrough.
  10. yes but what disappears? let's think about what there is. your body, very dear and useful, we know that it will disappear. Your memories. a good blow to the head and goodbye. your identity, ego. We are trying 7x24 to transcend it, forget it. what's left the pure being, without identity. what you see when you look into the eyes of a bird, a baby. the existence. that is common to everything, it is in the sky, in everything you see. that seems to be permanent, eternal, outside of time . you are just one more manifestation among many, infinite? of that being. Whether you are, or not, is irrelevant. We're nothing! we must completely detach ourselves from ourselves. just thinking: what will happen to me after death, is attachment. nothing is going to happen to you because you are nothing. you are the bird, the baby, the sky, and that's like being nothing. or everything, it doesn't matter to us. we must give our existence and non-existence generously. nothing could be keep. I'm realizing that this is the freedom.
  11. It is true that coincidences occur, events that go beyond what is explainable, and that is why I am not completely skeptical about the siddhis, but if there are those who have dominion over them, why not show it? Well, really i don't care about siddhis, but it's surprising that many people consider them real without have seen any example
  12. @Moksha i have tried to see more but they seem terrible. Maybe it doesn't resonate with me, but it seems like pure business, empty nonsense, a lot of choreography and costumes, pauses at the right time with giggles when appropriate, and always speaking to the interviewer as if he were moronic, great condescension. I go to great lengths to watch at least half of his 10 minute videos, it makes me sick. aside, before I thought about what you said about siddhis a few posts above. do you really think they're real? in what you base? I'm not saying they don't exist, but why have they never been tested?
  13. well ... I just saw an 8 minute video of shadguru. I really couldn't get past minute 6. It says that there is an energy called Akashic, from the emptiness of the universe. There are those who are blessed by that energy and everything turns out well, and others who do not, and things turn out badly. (incel, poor people, people from Africa, people who have it small, etc, I guess) but! All is not lost, thank God! If in the morning, when the sun is exactly 30 degrees above the horizon, you bend over ... the energy will help you! yesssss oh yes shadguru. the guru for everyone
  14. @Moksha since you are moderator you speak in koans ??
  15. He is the pope of non-duality, spreading the dogma of truth throughout the world. He who raises the dead and restores sight to the blind. bow down incredulous !!
  16. But I think you've seen this more times than I have. you're only in a moment of rebound
  17. I think that when you die you will not go anywhere, neither existence nor non-existence, because you are me, and everything that exists, you are existence and non-existence and you are living an illusion, when that illusion ends you will continue living others, mine (if I live more than you), or anyone, that of the stones, because you are existence itself, in the eternal present, right now infinite. The point of this is that you, like Adam, are a fantasy, a house of cards built on ... nothing.
  18. What's the point of affirming that kind of thing, apart from glorifying himself? I don't get it. they are unprovable claims, intended for a sleeping audience that accepts what they are told as dogma.
  19. Great plan. Climbing is beautiful but be could became a very egotic activity
  20. when you die your i will disappear as if it never existed ... because it never existed. it is completely irrelevant, only consciousness is and is not "someone". dying is liberation and I hope to face it as something wonderful
  21. I think that osho means that it is in the nature of God to be as he is and that it cannot be otherwise. I think he's right but who knows. I have never seen a talk by osho, wonderful, inspiring. thanks for sharing
  22. Leo's flaw that you point out is his virtue: his rationality, his incomplete enlightenment. He has reached out to people who otherwise would not have known what he was talking about. He pushes the base, and when it rises, perhaps it is the turn of others
  23. Yes, but when you return you also have direct experience of you like individual. Some nights ago i had like an experience and i wrote this after: . I woke up at 3 o'clock in the night with discomfort and could not sleep, I began to notice a sensation like expansion, dissolution. Suddenly I was not there, I had never been. the certainty that everything is the same, heaven, envy or a pen, reality becomes homogeneous, an equal soup, and in its homogeneity it reveals itself as absolutely nothing. I do not exist, I have never existed ... how is it possible? there is a vision, a kind of green fractal ,it's everything... something in me wants to get out of that, I sit up, but every time I relax again, the dissolution returns. there is nothing, there never was. everything is a fantasy. I can't keep this up, it's too disturbing. I took the phone, check WhatsApp. Suddenly normality returns, but today I walk down the street and there is no center, there is the certainty that everything is an illusion. transparent Is this direct experience? Or the coffee that I'm drinking right now in a coffee shop? I read some of your posts explaining this nothing in similar terms
  24. I think that the interior monologue creates separation barriers, but I think that there can be barriers without interior monologue. merging and ceasing to be an individual probably has to be a voluntary act
  25. in a system it's not enough to know the parts, you also have to understand the relationship between them